About Me

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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Praising God today

Several of my brothers laid my mom to rest today. Because of covidiocy, the tornado and then hubby's health problems I hadn't been able to travel to Michigan to see my Mom in over three years. This was a picture one of my brother's sent me.


This was taken in March. 

In an unrelated item, Tuesday I had thyroid surgery. Again. One of the parathyroid glands had to be removed. Unfortunately it was one behind my remaining thyroid, so they took that out, too. There was some problem with a nerve and scar tissue from the surgery two years ago right before covidiocy; but God was there and blessed the doctor and nurses who had care over me.

Strange thing with this surgery though. I can eat pretty much anything with no problem; but when I drink a liquid, I have a tendency to cough. Sometimes pretty hard. 

I've discovered that a little bit of pudding or something similar can help me take medicine when taking a drink might make me cough it back up.

You all be safe and God bless.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Friday evening brought rain to Louisiana also.

 and as my son put it -- "the heck? We never get hail". 

But we did. Not large or damaging, thank you, Lord. :)

Sorry for the quality. I did not step outside for the picture. 

You all be safe. God bless.

Friday, May 13, 2022

My Mom went to Heaven today.

 No more pain. Now she is with my Dad.

You all be safe and God bless.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Already May?

 Wow. Hard to believe.

Made some minor changes to the blog after reading another blogger's post to see if it helps with comment problems.

Of course I don't know that I'm having any and I don't know if it will help me when I am, haha. By the way, clicking on a link will open (or should open) a new window.

But Leigh, over at 5 Acres And a Dream, commented on seeing this problem before and the problem was created by imbedded comments. 

So no more comment threads to see if there is a problem that gets fixed. :)

Went to the flea market today. They were having a 50's theme. I can tell I'm getting older because it wasn't as fun as it should have been. Too many people and the "music", such as it was, was much too loud for my liking.

I even passed up having crawfish, because there was a place that was serving and selling; but the music that was already too loud was asked to be turned up louder by some of the diners. So I just made my way back to the truck. Hubby decided to call it early, too, and made it back to the truck right behind me. :)

Here is the only picture I took.

One of the covered eating areas at the Lafayette Jockey Lot Flea Market.

It was a nice day though, so there was that. :)

If I had any more to say, I have forgotten what it was so I will just say be safe and God bless you all.