About Me

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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!

Monday, June 24, 2013

The reunion

went well.
Had about 50 people, not counting kids. Don't remember all the names, but everyone seemed to have a good time.
A few pictures.

The wading pool was a big hit.

The hay ride was a big hit, too.

Especially when they found a turtle in the pasture.

Some of them saw an alligator in the bayou across the street, too; but didn't get a picture of that.

We managed to have a crawfish boil. About 50 pounds over a couple of hours.

Watermelon is always a hit with kids.

No matter how it's eaten. :-)

One family member is an accomplished wood carver.

This isn't everyone, but this is as many as wanted their picture taken.

Seventeen days until my husband's surgery.
We have a couple of families of swallows nesting in our chimneys. We can hear them talking every now and then.

Have a wonderful week! ♥

Friday, June 7, 2013

A new intruder

to identify.

Hope you all have a wonderful, blessed, safe weekend. ♥

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


It's either a Sugar Baby, or a seedless. Won't know until it's ripe.
We've got about 5 watermelon plants out here. None of the others survived to transplant size.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bits and Pieces Sunday

Hot, hot, hot! Instead of trying to cook dinner this evening, we're going to see the new Star Trek Movie.

We have more Wisteria blooming. Small, but it smells just as pretty. :-)

The Cicada are hatching.

Sorry for the quality of the photo. Took the pictures with my phone and it just didn't want to focus on the shell for some reason.

Spread some grass seed and turned on the sprinklers. Then hubby came in and showed me a sort of blister on his arm. He said he thought it was an infection, so off to the VA Hospital we went. He's diabetic, so any sort of infection is particularly troublesome. Four hours, or maybe five or six hours later, we came back home. A staff infection. So he got shots for that, and the pain in his shoulder.

I went out and shut the sprinklers off. Hopefully all the grass seed didn't drown or wash away.

Anyway, I took some trash out to the burn pile. When I came back, I realized I had almost run over a snake. I turned around to see what it was. Obviously it did not like the mower I was riding. (Not mowing, just riding.) Anyway. I shut the mower off so I could take a picture or two.

At first hubby said it was a Copperhead. Joy! But after watching the video (which I am too illiterate to know how to post), he said it was a Cottonmouth. So much better! Not!

I asked him what a water snake was doing in our yard! I know we watered a bit, but not that much!

He said it was probably laying eggs. Like all the turtles that come over from the bayou. He said the baby snakes can't breathe water.
So, at some unknown point in the future, we could have poisonous baby snakes heading off to the bayou. Double joy. ;-)

Highlights of the day?
That Wisteria, and our first good regular tomato!

In hindsight I may have picked it a day or two early, but I couldn't tell that from where it was in the middle of the tomato plant.
And look! No blossom end rot!

And yes, that's my hand holding it. :-)

That's it from this little piece of heaven. Hope you are all having a wonderful, safe weekend! ♥