About Me

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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wet, wet, wet

Thought I should get a post in before the electricity goes out. I'm impressed that it's still on (and thanking God for small blessings, too).
Other than rain we're doing well. Think I caught the youngest boy's cold. Getting over the spider bite.
Another day closer to going to Louisiana to work on the retirement property.

Not much more to add to that.
Stay dry, all, if you're on the East Coast like Me!

Monday, September 27, 2010


So, we've had rain most of the day today. Yay! The temp has been cooler today because of it. Yay again. ;-)

The reason for the title of this post though is because when I took the trash out for pickup this morning, something bit me.

Sorry for the quality of the pictures. I'm  right handed and had to take the pics with my left hand. Used my phone.
Hubby looked at the arm when he got home and did the icky (yes, I'm a wimp) squeezing of the arm. He said whatever it was it looked like it bit me probably 3 times. I expect it was a spider of some sort. Son said he's seen them around the trash can. I keep a fly killer bar in the can, but I expect that doesn't stop spiders from hoping.
I had Benadryl on it earlier today, now I have Neosporin on it.

Hope you're all having a good Monday! :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Quite a surprise after the downpour we had a couple hours ago. Though maybe the rain was the surprise. It poured for about a half hour. We had thunder too, but now the sun is out like nothing happened.
We went fishing yesterday morning and today. No keepers. I still think the water is high, but it's not particularly high anywhere else we've fished, so hubby thinks it's just that the alligator tree that has moved. But I think the base has probably taken out a beaver dam upstream. They do that periodically. I don't use just the tree as an indicator.
Oh well.
We're getting anxious for our next trip to the property in Louisiana. Just a little over a month to go! :-)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Friday, everyone!

Hope you all have a great weekend. :-)
Nothing more to add. No need to tell you about laundry and ironing, haha.
Take care and have a safe one!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What a weekend!

Went to the Farmer's Market in Raleigh and got a few trees for the retirement property. Two Cape Fear pecans and an Asian pear of some sort. We're going to put the pecan trees out in the wooded pasture area to replace a couple trees. One was a pecan that weather got and the other is a pine tree. Don't need pine trees.
Anyway, I thought I'd share a picture of the property. It's from Google Earth, but is not a current photo. It does a great job of showing the new roof though, haha.

The outline is a rough property line. Along the road on one side, along two neighbors on the other three.

Hope you all have a great week!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday is for the corner Oak

These pictures are from several different trips, because I don't take as many pics of the corner oak as I do the gate oak. It's just a little bigger than the gate oak.

The memory card ran out last trip. After I changed it I realized that pictures taken later in the trip had earlier numbers on them, so of course, Windoze puts them first. All this technology just enjoys confusing me...

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :-)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday is Oak trees.

Depending on how blogger behaves, anyway. I thought I'd post some pictures. I'm going to divide them into two posts. One today and one... when I remember, haha.
I am pretty sure I've mentioned and possibly even showed you these trees before, but since I fail at memory, I'll show them again.
We estimate these trees at roughly 300 years old. I tried to get a circumference, but I didn't have the right tape measure and I wanted to avoid any possible poison ivy - though I think we finally have that under control around the trees, if not the fence or anywhere else yet.
The first tree is the one closest the gate, and if circumference is any judge, the younger of the two.

The next time I post, it'll be about the tree I call the corner tree. It's in back to the left of the gate tree. 

Blogger was being a brat, but I think the post will work. *hopes* I think you can click on the pics,  but I'm not sure. Oh well. Here goes. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

So I took the plunge

I am such a dork. Make it sound like something really big.
All I did was change my layout. I'm not completely happy, but this is the one I am most happy with. Found this program on the internet. Paint.net it's the name and the website both. Since blogger has such stingy limits for background photos, I've been trying to find something that can edit the photos I take. This one seems to work okay.

It enabled me to change my header photo, which is a branch of the oak tree in the yard at the farm; and to use my icon pic as my background image. Well, they're both the same photo, anyway. :)

Our cell phone subscription was due to run out the end of the month. This would not be a good thing as our phones provide our internet connection when we're at the farm (providing they can even get service while we're there, which sometimes they can't). So, since our old phones (Motorola Q9C) have been acting up, we decided it was time to replace them. We really liked the Q9C when we got them (He had black, I had green); but we've been having problems connecting them to the laptops, them rebooting or just shutting off when they felt like it, and hubby decided he didn't like the Windows operating system any more so three strikes and we did not get Q9Cs again. Well, there was also the little problem that Alltel doesn't exist any more. At least not here in NC. It was still running ads in Michigan when I went to visit my mum.

The point to all this is we decided on the Motorola Droid X. That's the phone that is proving to be smarter than me and a pain to boot. Oh well. Learning curves.

Hope you're all having a good Monday. :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Good weekend

No fish. The water is still too high. It's allowing brackish water to get in to where it's usually mostly fresh water. So no edible fish. Just little ones. No Wally this weekend, either. Probably plenty to find on the other side of our little stream.

We have 3 vehicles for 4 drivers. One was down for a week, but we got it fixed this weekend. There's been a bad electrical outlet in the youngest son's room. Got that fixed this weekend.
The youngest works part time at Sears. Tonight they had their Family and Friends night, so we went shopping for stuff for the farmhouse. Stuff we'll be using now and stuff for later. It was a 20% discount between the sales night and the son's employee discount.
Got hubby an early birthday present.

A 12 inch sliding compound miter saw and a stand to use it on. Not sure if this is the exact model, but it's close enough to show you what it looks like.

And, I got a late birthday, early Christmas present.

This will come in handy as I plan on doing a lot more baking in our nice big kitchen. :)

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 Budweiser Tribute

Actually brought tears to my eyes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I have no clue

but let's see what happens....

This is me trying to take a picture with my new phone. I hate when gadgets are smarter than I am...
Anyway, that was supposed to be a picture of our sunrise, and it ended up being a video. Because I am clueless, haha.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wow. Wednesday

Time is flying by.

Well, the weekend ended with no edible fish caught and no sign of Wally. As I think I mentioned earlier, the game warden said Wally is usually in the part of the stream that we can't get to. Plus, they are still in the process of clearing on the other side of the road and doing something, but I have no idea what.
All that is probably keeping Wally where he (or she) feels safer.

Won't be long and we'll be headed back to the farm for more mowing and painting and trash hauling. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Well, it has certainly been an interesting weekend so far.

Been having problems with my laptop keyboard. Then had router problems. Then had to rebuild the desktop on the laptop. Lost a few things, but nothing too important.
Had no internet time yesterday because of it all.
Now I'm playing catch-up again.

Was real nice this morning. 62 degrees. Went fishing. Only caught junk fish. Don't think we saw Wally. Base game warden said he usually hangs out in the other branch of our little stream - which I figured. We saw something, but it was too far away to be sure. It was moving too fast to be a turtle, so it was either Wally or a snake...

Now it's 96 in the shade and hubby is trying to help the youngest boy fix a power steering problem.

Hope you're all having a good weekend. :)

Friday, September 3, 2010


So, Earl was pretty much a bust 30 or so miles inland from the coast. We've had thunderstorms with more punch. ;)
Don't know what we'll be doing this holiday weekend. It was on us before I knew and I have no clue what we'll be doing, except maybe fishing.
Going to be sunny and hot. I'm ready for fall!

Have a blessed weekend, all. :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My view of Earl...

Not much of a storm. Just clouds. We're overdue for a hurricane, but I will count my blessings. :) Maybe some rain tonight. They're predicting sun and hot weather all holiday weekend. For us, anyway.
Hope you all have a safe, holiday weekend!