I really was surprised when my son wrote on this wish list for his eleventh birthday: quilt from my mom! Isn't this cute? He got the stained quilt I made following Sarahs QAL feeling ages ago. He loves this quilt but it just to small.
So I sat down some days ago and started to draw a quilt for him. It is going to be very special but I will show you some pictures from work in progress. Today I made the first block. It is done and he loves it.
I hope to get the first row done tomorrow. The countdown started and there are not many more days. Fingers crossed I have a finished boy quilt in three weeks!
Showing posts with label QAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QAL. Show all posts
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Monday, 9 December 2013
It is Sew Mama Sew Give Away day ...
.. and I am not ready! How could this have happened? I could tell you now a lovely story about an amazing concert, a brilliant chess competition, lovely lights in the streets while doing some Christmas shopping, ... but I am sure you are just here because it is Sew Mama Sew day. So grab a cup of coffee, have a look around and after I tell you what I have prepared for you.
This is the second time I am taking part in the give away and even if I got a reminder some days ago I am not totally ready. No worries, this little give away will be finished before it goes on the way to a lucky winner. When I saw the QAL at Oh, Frannson I first wanted to make them for a friend but was not so sure about it (I might make an other one for you after Christmas?!?). So I made the first five cats and out came a little table runner for the SMS give away. As it is not totally finished now I only can show you a picture of the progress.
To be in the chance to win just leave me a comment and tell me your favorite place to celebrate the new year. I would love to go to New York. This must be amazing.
Be sure I can contact you or if not sure leave your email in the comment that I can do so. The give away will close Friday night Irish Time and I will ask Mr Random on Saturday, 14/12/2013. If you receive an email that you are the lucky winner respond otherwise I will ask Mr Random again on Monday.
I will sent worldwide. Have fun hopping around at Sew Mama Sew and leaving lots of comments. Good luck!
This is the second time I am taking part in the give away and even if I got a reminder some days ago I am not totally ready. No worries, this little give away will be finished before it goes on the way to a lucky winner. When I saw the QAL at Oh, Frannson I first wanted to make them for a friend but was not so sure about it (I might make an other one for you after Christmas?!?). So I made the first five cats and out came a little table runner for the SMS give away. As it is not totally finished now I only can show you a picture of the progress.
Be sure I can contact you or if not sure leave your email in the comment that I can do so. The give away will close Friday night Irish Time and I will ask Mr Random on Saturday, 14/12/2013. If you receive an email that you are the lucky winner respond otherwise I will ask Mr Random again on Monday.
I will sent worldwide. Have fun hopping around at Sew Mama Sew and leaving lots of comments. Good luck!
Monday, 26 March 2012
Stained QAL finished
Fertig! Geschafft! Der Stained QAL ist endlich gebunden und gequiltet. Heute hab ich endlich die letzten Handstiche gemacht und das Binding, welches schon seit langer Zeit vorbereitet war, angenaeht ...
I did it! The stained QAL is done! I still love the pattern and it was great to make it. I finally did the last stitches today and did the binding.
Ich habe versucht mit meiner Maschine zu quilten, aber nach dem ersten gerissenen Faden bin ich doch auf das Perlgarn umgestiegen und es gefaellt mir so viel besser ...
I tried to machine quilt but I horrible failed so I used perle cotton and did some handstitching. I like it ...
Die Sonne bringt die Farben heute schoen zur Geltung. Sohnemann hat ihn sich schon geschnappt und in sein Bett verfrachtet. Ich glaub nur, dass er ein klein wenig zu kurz geraten ist.
The sun loves the colors and my son already took the quilt and put it into his room. I think it will be a little to short for him.
Es war ein herrlicher Tag! Hier noch ein letzter Eindruck von unserer kleinen Fotosession im Garten ...
It was a lovely day! That's how we did the foto shoot today ...
I did it! The stained QAL is done! I still love the pattern and it was great to make it. I finally did the last stitches today and did the binding.
Ich habe versucht mit meiner Maschine zu quilten, aber nach dem ersten gerissenen Faden bin ich doch auf das Perlgarn umgestiegen und es gefaellt mir so viel besser ...
I tried to machine quilt but I horrible failed so I used perle cotton and did some handstitching. I like it ...
Die Sonne bringt die Farben heute schoen zur Geltung. Sohnemann hat ihn sich schon geschnappt und in sein Bett verfrachtet. Ich glaub nur, dass er ein klein wenig zu kurz geraten ist.
The sun loves the colors and my son already took the quilt and put it into his room. I think it will be a little to short for him.
Es war ein herrlicher Tag! Hier noch ein letzter Eindruck von unserer kleinen Fotosession im Garten ...
It was a lovely day! That's how we did the foto shoot today ...
Friday, 2 March 2012
QAL Top finished ...
I did it! Das Top fuer den QAL ist fertig. Ich hab mich so gefreut, dass heute die Sonne scheint und wollte endlich mal ein Bild bei gutem Licht machen, aber leider hat es so lange gedauert und es gab so viele Unterbrechungen, dass ich erst am spaeten Abend fertig wurde. Aber es ist geschafft! Das beste ist allerdings, dass sich der neue Besitzer - wenn der ganze Quilt dann fertig ist - darueber freut :)
I did it! The top for the QAL is finished. I was so happy the whole day that the sun was shining and I wanted to make pictures in perfect light but it took me so long and I had to make so many breaks that I finished late in the evening and the sun was gone. Anyway it is finished! I am so happy and it worked out so well! The best is, that the new owner - when the quilt is finished - likes it! :)
I did it! The top for the QAL is finished. I was so happy the whole day that the sun was shining and I wanted to make pictures in perfect light but it took me so long and I had to make so many breaks that I finished late in the evening and the sun was gone. Anyway it is finished! I am so happy and it worked out so well! The best is, that the new owner - when the quilt is finished - likes it! :)
Monday, 27 February 2012
Give Away and Stained QAL
Wie schoen, wenn Handwerker so zuverlaessig sind und am Montag auftauchen wo sie sich doch fuer Freitag angekuendigt hatten. Immerhin wollte ich heute so oder so am Morgen am Stained QAL weiternaehen, also hat mich das gar nicht so gestoert. Dass bei dem QAL schon fertige Tops zu sehen sind, motiviert nartuerlich noch zusaetzlich und so sind zwei kleine und ein grosser Block fertig gestellt worden. So langsam finde ich auch Gefallen an dem Quilt ...
I love it when the craftsman say they come on Friday and are standing in front of my door on Monday morning. Anyway I had planed to work on the Stained QAL today so I did not really care about that. Because of the finished tops in the flickr group I have to go on and the lovely ones I have seen there motivate to go on. Slowly I start liking the top ...
... allerdings sehen die Farben erst gegen das Licht toll aus. Ich bin gespannt, wie er am Schluss ausehen wird. Der grosse Block ist wirklich eine Herausforderung. Einer fehlt mir noch, dann hab ich das geschafft.
.. even if the colors look so boring at this light. I hope they look much better when the sun comes ut. Against the window it looks much nicer. I finished an other one of the big blocks. Just one more to go. They are really hard for me but they work out well.
Leider wird er nicht rechtzeitig fertig zum Geburtstag vom Grossen - morgen -, aber immerhin durfte er Gluecksgnom spielen und hat die Gewinnerin des Taeschchens gezogen ...
Unfortunately I could not finish the Quilt for my sons birthday - tomorrow - but so he was the lucky one to draw the winner of the pouch. And the winner is ...
Liebste Terri! Ich wuensche dir ganz viel Freude mit dem Taeschchen, welches auf Reisen gehen wird, sobald ich deine Adresse habe!
Dear Terri, I hope you will have like your new pouch and as soon as I get your address it will be sent of!
I love it when the craftsman say they come on Friday and are standing in front of my door on Monday morning. Anyway I had planed to work on the Stained QAL today so I did not really care about that. Because of the finished tops in the flickr group I have to go on and the lovely ones I have seen there motivate to go on. Slowly I start liking the top ...
... allerdings sehen die Farben erst gegen das Licht toll aus. Ich bin gespannt, wie er am Schluss ausehen wird. Der grosse Block ist wirklich eine Herausforderung. Einer fehlt mir noch, dann hab ich das geschafft.
.. even if the colors look so boring at this light. I hope they look much better when the sun comes ut. Against the window it looks much nicer. I finished an other one of the big blocks. Just one more to go. They are really hard for me but they work out well.
Leider wird er nicht rechtzeitig fertig zum Geburtstag vom Grossen - morgen -, aber immerhin durfte er Gluecksgnom spielen und hat die Gewinnerin des Taeschchens gezogen ...
Unfortunately I could not finish the Quilt for my sons birthday - tomorrow - but so he was the lucky one to draw the winner of the pouch. And the winner is ...
Liebste Terri! Ich wuensche dir ganz viel Freude mit dem Taeschchen, welches auf Reisen gehen wird, sobald ich deine Adresse habe!
Dear Terri, I hope you will have like your new pouch and as soon as I get your address it will be sent of!
Thursday, 23 February 2012
First QAL Blocks and Give Away ...
Gestern hatte ich kurz Zeit und hab mal versucht die ersten Bloecke zusammenzunaehen. Die Bloecke hatte ich ja schon mal zusammengesucht gehabt und aufgelegt. Gar nicht so einfach, aber mit nur einem kleinen Fehler hat es dann geklappt und die ersten beiden Bloecke sind fertig.
Yesterday I had a little time left and I tried to put the first blocks for the QAL together. I already had the block arranged but it was still not easy. I made a little mistake - hat the yellow one the wrong side attached to the grey - but I hope that's not that bad.
Schaut gar nicht so schlecht aus, aber entweder ist das schlechte Licht schuld oder die Farben leuchten doch nicht so, wie erwartet. Das grau scheint hier eher fad zu wirken. Ich bin gespannt, wie der ganze Quilt am Ende aussehen wird.
It doesn't look so bad but I don't know if it is just the light or the fabrics but the colors are not as bright as I expected them to be. They grey looks a bit boring. I am looking forward how the whole quilt will look like in the end.
Am Fenster sieht es shcon viel besser aus. :)
At the window it looks much better :)
Hier seht ihr nochmal das andere Taeschchen, welches eventuell bei euch eintreffen koennte ... Also einfach einen Kommentar hier hinterlassen und in den Lostopf huepfen ...
Here you can see the other pouch I made which could be yours because I still don't know which I will sent to my partner ... so just jump over here and leave a comment to jump into the raffle ...
Yesterday I had a little time left and I tried to put the first blocks for the QAL together. I already had the block arranged but it was still not easy. I made a little mistake - hat the yellow one the wrong side attached to the grey - but I hope that's not that bad.
Schaut gar nicht so schlecht aus, aber entweder ist das schlechte Licht schuld oder die Farben leuchten doch nicht so, wie erwartet. Das grau scheint hier eher fad zu wirken. Ich bin gespannt, wie der ganze Quilt am Ende aussehen wird.
It doesn't look so bad but I don't know if it is just the light or the fabrics but the colors are not as bright as I expected them to be. They grey looks a bit boring. I am looking forward how the whole quilt will look like in the end.
Am Fenster sieht es shcon viel besser aus. :)
At the window it looks much better :)
Hier seht ihr nochmal das andere Taeschchen, welches eventuell bei euch eintreffen koennte ... Also einfach einen Kommentar hier hinterlassen und in den Lostopf huepfen ...
Here you can see the other pouch I made which could be yours because I still don't know which I will sent to my partner ... so just jump over here and leave a comment to jump into the raffle ...
Monday, 20 February 2012
Stained QAL
Ich wollte schon lange mal an einem Quilt Along teilnehmen, aber bisher war noch nie das richtige dabei. Auch bei diesem war ich am Anfang sehr sketisch und eigentlich hat er mir gar nicht gefallen. Das Muster hat mir gut gefallen. Endlich mal etwas geometrisches, nur die Farben auf dem Beispiel waren sehr dezent. Dann habe ich in der flickr-Gruppe ein Beispiel mit blauen Solids gesehen und war begeistert. Da ich noch einige Batiks zu Hause hatte, hab ich die mal gleich hervorgekramt und versucht zusammenzustellen. Elf FQ ist eine Herausforderung, da ich ja nie viele Stoffe hier habe. Allerdings habe ich gelb und aqua gefunden ...
Since a long time I wanted to join a Quilt Along but I never was so sure about. I also did not really like this pattern from the beginning but when I was stalking the flickr group I saw so many lovely examples that I had to join. I love the geometric pattern. It is something absolutely different to the QAL I saw till now. Eleven FQ is a challenge because I never have a lot of fabrics in my stash but I found some yellow/orange and aqua batiks ...
Ich habe im letzten Swap "gelernt", dass es nur wenige gibt, die Batiks moegen. Ich finde es passend hier. Es gibt dem ganzen ein klein wenig Schwung. Vor allem hatte ich die gerade vorraetig und so konnte ich gleich loslegen...
I learned in my last swap that batiks are not really loved but I think they will fit in perfectly. They just give it a little motion, But anyway I had to use my stash and that is a good opportunity to use them. The best of all: I could start immediately!
Nach Stunden des Schneidens sah der Tisch dann so aus. Erst jetzt beginnt die echte Herausforderung: Die verschiedenen Stoffe den Blocks zuordnen. Also mit Laptop und Skizze ausgeruestet hab ich mich an die Umsetzung gemacht ...
After some hours cutting the table looked like that but now the real challenge started: assigning the fabrics to the blocks. Equipped with laptop and plain pattern I started ...
... und mal einen Block "zusammengebaut". Leider bin ich noch nicht zum Naehen gekommen, aber ich glaube das Muster und die Farben passen recht gut. Auf jeden Fall wird es Farbenfroh werden.
.. and build a block. I did not have time to sew till now but I think the patterns and the fabrics will match nicely. Anyway it will be colorful! (the red doesn't look like that in real but the sun had already gone)
Und dann gibt es da noch die "Ersatzpouch". So wie es aussieht, wird die Partnerin das andere - schon verpackte - Taeschchen bekommen und damit ist dieses hier zu haben. Nein, nicht zu kaufen - ein Give Away! Na wer hat Lust mitzumachen? Einfach einen Kommentar hinterlassen :) Welche es schlussendlich sein wird, da muesst ihr euch ueberraschen lassen, denn die Partnerin weiss es ja auch noch nicht *gg*
And this is the "other pouch" I made for my partner for the Mouthy Stitching Swap but it looks like - even if everyone said it is so blue - the first pouch gets more votes and will go on the travel to my partner. So does anyone want to have this one? No, not buying - as a give away! You like it? Just leave a comment but let me tell you: it could also be the other one arriving because my partner has still time to chose ....
Since a long time I wanted to join a Quilt Along but I never was so sure about. I also did not really like this pattern from the beginning but when I was stalking the flickr group I saw so many lovely examples that I had to join. I love the geometric pattern. It is something absolutely different to the QAL I saw till now. Eleven FQ is a challenge because I never have a lot of fabrics in my stash but I found some yellow/orange and aqua batiks ...
Ich habe im letzten Swap "gelernt", dass es nur wenige gibt, die Batiks moegen. Ich finde es passend hier. Es gibt dem ganzen ein klein wenig Schwung. Vor allem hatte ich die gerade vorraetig und so konnte ich gleich loslegen...
I learned in my last swap that batiks are not really loved but I think they will fit in perfectly. They just give it a little motion, But anyway I had to use my stash and that is a good opportunity to use them. The best of all: I could start immediately!
Nach Stunden des Schneidens sah der Tisch dann so aus. Erst jetzt beginnt die echte Herausforderung: Die verschiedenen Stoffe den Blocks zuordnen. Also mit Laptop und Skizze ausgeruestet hab ich mich an die Umsetzung gemacht ...
After some hours cutting the table looked like that but now the real challenge started: assigning the fabrics to the blocks. Equipped with laptop and plain pattern I started ...
... und mal einen Block "zusammengebaut". Leider bin ich noch nicht zum Naehen gekommen, aber ich glaube das Muster und die Farben passen recht gut. Auf jeden Fall wird es Farbenfroh werden.
.. and build a block. I did not have time to sew till now but I think the patterns and the fabrics will match nicely. Anyway it will be colorful! (the red doesn't look like that in real but the sun had already gone)
Und dann gibt es da noch die "Ersatzpouch". So wie es aussieht, wird die Partnerin das andere - schon verpackte - Taeschchen bekommen und damit ist dieses hier zu haben. Nein, nicht zu kaufen - ein Give Away! Na wer hat Lust mitzumachen? Einfach einen Kommentar hinterlassen :) Welche es schlussendlich sein wird, da muesst ihr euch ueberraschen lassen, denn die Partnerin weiss es ja auch noch nicht *gg*
And this is the "other pouch" I made for my partner for the Mouthy Stitching Swap but it looks like - even if everyone said it is so blue - the first pouch gets more votes and will go on the travel to my partner. So does anyone want to have this one? No, not buying - as a give away! You like it? Just leave a comment but let me tell you: it could also be the other one arriving because my partner has still time to chose ....
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