Showing posts with label sorcery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sorcery. Show all posts

Saturday, December 14, 2024

S O R C E R Y - S T U N T R O C K

So the year is 1978. I'm 13 years old, and I'm into punk rock and heavy metal, especially heavily into Kiss which, now, maybe seems a bit ridiculous but back then, in '78, for a 13 year old, Kiss was really something. I was even a member of the Dutch Kiss Army with their monthly magazine and yearly Kiss-con Day.... In that year this album came out, Stunt Rock by heavy metal band Sorcery, soundtrack for a (now cult) movie by the same name, Stunt Rock.... It's all about stunt man Grant Page doing stunts, there isn't really any story, Dutch actress Monique van der Ven is running around shooting guns and there is footage of live performances by the band Sorcery with their pretty spectacular (for that time) show with lots of pyrotechnics, battles between the King of the Wizards and the Prince of Darkness.... The movie was first offered to Kiss, to The Eagles and Van Halen and they all turned it down, turned out that Sorcery, although very unknown, was a much better choice.... They were a great band and this is a great album that nowadays is quite rare and quite expensive, there's some breaks on it much sought after by producers and dj's.... I saw the movie in the theater when it came out and you can read all about it HERE