Showing posts with label bali. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bali. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2023

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Thursday, January 5, 2023


Cool cassette with traditional Balinese music coming out of the Kokar School in Denpasar, Bali.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Sunday, August 7, 2022


Here's a Balinese gamelang cassette from the Keluarga Putra Bali Purantara Yogyakarta Group...... GET IT HERE Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Thursday, March 24, 2022


Music for dancing from S.M.K.I. Kokar (Konservatori Karawitan) from Denpasar in Bali..... GET IT HERE Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Semar Pegulingan Golden Gong of Bali Each balimese orchestra or gamelan is tuned to a slightly different scale. The scale used on this recording is called Semar Pegulingan. This scale is one of the oldest and most stately court scales in bali. The gamelan is housed in Banjar Teges in the village of Pliatan and in 1976 it performed in Iran and Germany.The history of this particular gamelan dates back further then men can remember. It is said to have belonged to the court of Klungkung and was used as a court ceremonial instrument. The King of Klungkung decided to set up a new King in the neighbouring province of Negara. He gave the King of Negara this gamelan as a gift for his palace. Negara declared war upon the Kings of Ubud and Pliatan and was defeated. As part of the spoils of war the gamelan was given to the village of Pliatan. All this was about 600 years ago. When the American musician Colin McPhee went to live in bali in the 1930's he discovered this gamelan in the village of Pliatan. It was in a state of disrepair and had not been used for some time. The bronze keys were in good order so McPhee had new wooden cases made for the gamelan and he kept it in his house at Sayan while he lived on the island. When McPhee left bali he took with him the Trompong (the sole instrument featured on the second side of the recording) and it has since been lost. Eight years ago (in 1974) anew Trompong was made and the gamelan was lent to the men of Banjar Teges. These men have revived the old repetoire of the gamelan and have also been able to add some new compositions. This recording was made in Bali in November, 1974. It was recorded on a Uher 4200 1C using Breyer microphones. This recording was produced from the resources of The Ethnomusicology Centre, R.M.C., Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education, P.O. Darling Heights, Toowoomba, 4350, Queensland, Australia. Musical directors: Made Lebah & Made Gerindam Recording and notes: Douglas Myers Recording engineer: Rodney Jacobson GET IT HERE Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Wednesday, June 9, 2021