This is some kind of brilliant. The video series covers a gloriously wide array of famous literary works from Shakespeare to Orwell. Here's the Thug Notes take on The Hobbit. Don't be fooled by the fun of it all; the analyses are often very insightful indeed.
Sorry I've been away, darlings! Life, you know. School. Work. Responsibilities and such, plus trying to freeze to death here (where new snow falls even as I type)! I'll try to be back more often with the usual supply of frivolous sundries and occasional lapses into serious looks at foreign policy ... but mostly frivolous sundries because our foreign policy is pretty much too horrible to contemplate.
Via the Tax Prof Blog comes this delightful video. Since it is Christmas Break and all the students (and faculty) are away, the president of Truman State University in Missouri is bored out of his wits and trying (hilariously) to amuse himself: