Showing posts with label Firefly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Firefly. Show all posts

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Rules for Duels

Check out the Code Duello and then watch the Firefly episode "Shindig."  Here's the clip if you're in a hurry.  Dueling with swords is so much more fun to watch than dueling with pistols.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Fun Video: Nathan Fillion's Guide to Hugs

Having a tough day, gentle reader?  Me too.  Time for a hug to make everything better.  There is, though, an art to a hug.  Let's watch Firefly alum Nathan "I Really Am Ruggedly Handsome!" Fillion give a valuable lesson.  Listen up, folks!  

Note too: If you're going to hug a person, then hug the person. Don't give the recipient some lame, half-hearted, awkward, hurried, fidgety side hug.  That's uncool.

Oh, and Nathan?  You can practice those hugs on me anytime.  You wouldn't want to get rusty, after all, would you? (Hey, people, don't you judge me!  Who doesn't want to hug Nathan Fillion/Captain Reynolds/Rick Castle?  And by "hug" I mean just "hug."  Sheesh.)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Life Imitates "Firefly"

One of my favorite lines from Firefly is Captain Reynolds saying, "Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back!"  Take a look at this insane news story about a cobra and its angry human victim from Nepal.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Movie Mini-Review: "Cowboys and Aliens"

Git along, little dogies.

Hey, "Cowboys and Aliens" promises .... errr, cowboys and aliens, and the flick does indeed give you cowboys and aliens shooting each other up.  Yay for truth in advertising!  (The poster does look very "Witchblade"-y, doesn't it?)

I'm super busy today, but let me just say this for now: In terms of the sci fi-meets-Western subgenre, "Cowboys and Aliens" isn't as good as "Firefly" or "Serenity," but it's better than "Wild Wild West" (and most probably much better than "Jonah Hex," a notoriously awful flick that I refused to see and that the Cine-Sib hates with a venomous passion).

Reliably watchable A-list actors Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford take to the screen as the cowboys in question, while Olivia Wilde is the obligatory girly gunslinger eye candy, but Sam Rockwell's in it too as a supporting character, and as usual in such cases, he turns out to be scene-stealingly more interesting than the leads.  Oh, and Cine-Sib -- the Mexican actress who was Sister Encarnación in "Nacho Libre" is here too, so I suppose that means you'll stampede to the cinema!

Check out this positive review from io9.  The flick has plenty of action, good cinematography of the wild Western vistas, and a bonanza of cool effects, though it has a whole slate of flaws too.  For one thing, it's uneven in lots of spots.  I'd give it a C+ or maybe B-.  RottenTomatoes gives it a middling rating of 44%.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Quote of the Day: Nathan Fillion on Carmageddon

To quote Kaylee Frye, "I love my captain."  Check this out:
29 hours till #Carmageddon. How are YOU preparing? I'm using trusty zombie apocalypse plan. Works for me.
Oh, geeky humor can be soooo attractive!  The impending 405 shutdown in Los Angeles is going to be a huge headache.  May I recommend that you stay home and marathon "Firefly" on Blu-ray?

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Post-Bin Laden PR Muddle, or, Life Imitates "Firefly"

Well, I suppose it's kind of like this.  Let me now give you two quotations.

Quotation the first
The core conflict is the White House’s “desire to kill bin Laden but also to have the world think we did so respectfully and politely,” said Eric Dezenhall, founder of Dezenhall Resources, a PR firm. 

Mal: "If anyone gets nosy, just... you know... shoot 'em. "
Zoe: "Shoot 'em?"
Mal: "Politely."