Showing posts with label Star Trek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Trek. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

The Day After

Well, I gotta admit, I was not expecting that! Trump carried Pennsylvania? Michigan?

The wailing, gnashing of teeth, and the wearing of sackcloth and ashes by distraught Hillary fans proceeds apace around me, but let's get real here: she was a deeply - and, in the end, fatally - flawed candidate. As the incomparable Iowahawk said:
Also, it turns out that smugly, contemptuously belittling, insulting, demeaning, stereotyping, alienating, mocking, and occasionally outright demonizing an entire segment of the American public and then expecting those "deplorables" to vote for you ... doesn't actually work. (Shoot, even a leftist paper like the Guardian figured it out. See this too.)

As for me, I'm just glad that the absolute worst presidential election in living memory is finally over and that I can sort of stand to look myself in the mirror.

One more thing: Drink in the hysterical, disconsolate, Schadenfreudelicious tears of the media as it flings itself into a total meltdown.  It behaved horribly with naked bias throughout this entire business, and any good Greek tragedian would nod sagely to see that in so doing it chose the form of its destructor when it thought it was about to crown its anointed and sail into a paradise of influence peddling and cozying up to the halls of power. You made your bed. Now lie in it.

Still, let's end with a joke, shall we?  

Friday, August 26, 2016

Mini-Movie Reviews: 2 to See, 1 to DVD

Sorry, darlings, I've been busy with the Olympics and getting ready for school, but very quickly, since it's Friday and you might be heading off to the movies ...

Here are some micro-reviews:
  • The Secret Life of Pets: Animated fluff that's diverting enough but also disposable. The premise gets old fast, and so do some of the jokes. If you want animated critters in a much smarter tale, get Zootopia. I'll give Secret Life of Pets a B. (74% on RT)  Don't bother paying movie theatre prices. Catch it on DVD if you like, especially if you have little ones running around.
  • Star Trek Beyond: Director Justin Lin takes us on an action-packed adventure with loads of great visuals, an intriguing new character in Sofia Boutella's Jaylah, a few really good lines, and even a good bit of heart. It really is more than just Fast and Furious in Spaaaaaaaace. Grade: A- because (a) parts of the often-predictable plot are messy and not a little silly (come on, now, it's movie #3, and I'm expecting much more) and (b) people keep hiding Idris Elba under a mountain of alien prosthetics and dubious motivations, and that's no way to treat him! (83% on RT)  Still, see this flick on the biggest screen you can, because the scenes of space station Yorktown alone will blow your mind.
  • Kubo and the Two Strings: Astounding animation that flawlessly combines stop-motion and CGI to tell a poignant original (for Hollywood) story that will have you weeping into your popcorn Pixar-style. Grade: A. (96% on RT) Here's a flick that might actually be worth seeing in 3-D.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Star Trekkin' Across the Universe

I've had about all I take of political nonsense all around, so I'm just going to enjoy the fact that the new Star Trek movie is finally premiering.  Until I can get to the theatre and come back with a review for you lovelies, take a gander at this fan film:

And then watch this:

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Star Trek Into Darkness" : A Q-and-A as Review

I know, I know, I owe you guys a movie review of the new Trek flick.  (Short version: some good stuff there, along with a great villain.)  In the meanwhile, though, here's a hilariously snarky look at the movie.  Don't read it if you haven't seen it yet, though, because it's crammed full of spoilers.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Movie Trailer: "Star Trek Into Darkness" Trailer 2

YES, PLEASE!  Bonus: Bruce Greenwood is back as Pike.  I thought he was a fabulous presence in the first Abrams Trek movie, and I'm delighted to see him again.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Post-Vote: We Hate the Status Quo. Let's Have More of It!

Apparently so.  The same president and the same Congress that we've all been sniping about for (literally) years.  The same gridlock, economic mess, debt and deficit, and unserious approach to serious problems.  In fact, the entire debacle reminds me of this scene from Star Trek: Generations (1994):

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Star Trek Vs. Star Wars

Cracked.Com pits these two sci fi behemoths against each other to hilariously snarky effect. But would you go as far as to argue that "Star Wars" actually sucks?  Them's fightin' words in sci fi fandom ... not least because Han Solo is the coolest ruffian ever.