I have a wonderful man friend. I'll call him "P".He is that...JUST that. He is a man and my friend. As a matter of fact, from what I have gathered, he is a friend to a lot of women. Particularly OLDER women.
I have enjoyed talking to him through out the years and keep in touch with him mostly in Face book these days.Recently, my other half, M, and I took the trip that is posted in all those pictures below."P" always wants to see the pictures when we return from a trip. Even after posting some on face book, he was at me to post more. So, I did.
But, then he and I will talk in face book chat and he will comment on my pictures while we are chatting. I have to laugh (usually) when we chat, but there are times I wonder if he is still single because of his more then honest comments he makes.
While looking at my pictures and chatting with me, P said "you are so white." I said "yes, I am a German white woman" He said "but even white people tan". OK I let that go...so then he says "You have such scrawny hands." I said, "yes I know I am very thin skinned and have no fat on my arms or hands."Then he said you are not fat, I don't see any roll around your middle. (I complain about it all the time) I said "No, that's because I have my miracle suit on"....now he laughs and says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whattttttttttttttttttt???????????????????????LOL" I say, " well it's a swim suit that holds ya all in. (thank god for Miracle suits) I have a dress on just to cover my swim suit in this picture." OH my, did he ever get a laugh out of that!
Then he said, you are stunning. Where that fit in with the negative commentary, I am not sure.
I felt like I must have mis-understood what he said.
Next conversation, he has to find a way to bring up the miracle suit! I figured. If he wouldn't have, I would have! We laugh and laugh when we talk.I have a good sense of humor and broad shoulders most of the time. I need both to deal with my conversations with P!