Showing posts with label Sea Serpents and Lake Monsters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sea Serpents and Lake Monsters. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Worst Thursday Thunks Ever

Welcome to the June 18th version of Thursday Thunks!

(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by
, the number 3000 and the color grape ape.

1. Are your ears dirty?

Never.. I may as well have a q-tip stickin out the sides of my head full time. I can't stand dirty ears!

2. Would you rather be stung by a scorpion or bit by a snake? (Don't say one wants to be in pain, that's the point. Pick one.)

OK NEITHER! But if I had to choose which ever is less poisonous...That's no way to go!

3. Do loud noises make you snappish? (i.e. A loud restaurant, screaming child next to you, booming stereo from a neighbor's house?)

ABSOLUTELY! But it used to be me making the noise...I can't figure that out...20 years ago I couldn't have cared less if I had my stereo too loud..I guess I grew up...eweee

4. PETA- thoughts on this org.?

don't get me started...because if I get started I'll piss some one off....just never let me catch you being cruel to an animal!

5. Would you rather be the discoverer of the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot? (Imagination!)

Big Foot...because ya have to be in water to discover the other one and I have a fear of drowning. Besides that..I think loch ness is someones arm.

6. When in a public toilet and it's not flushed: do you flush & use or move on to a clean one?

I go find a clean one!

7. Neighbors are having a noisy, party bonfire, what do you do?

I was there last year! ...I am fine until about midnight to 1 AM...and then I want to sleep. I got up went to my deck and yelled over to them that I was trying to sleep and could they keep it down. They did too!

8. Do you play Monopoly? If so which version of the game?


9. Are you a remote hog?

Yea sometimes

10. Do you like the smell of paint?

Gawd no

11. My questions obviously suck this week. {I've had a bad week.}the questions are fine! But since starting my own question MEME, I know how hard it is to come up with questions!
So do you think Kimber should have...
~smoked pot before doing these questions? NO
~drank liquid courage?YES
~begged Berleen to do them (she's better at them anyhow)?hmmmmm
~just piss off! I could have done better!

Do Mondays crazy questions @
On Monday of course :-)
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