I wish I'd get back to writing everyday again...instead of every decade :-)
I have really had some health problems pop up and have a long road a head of me to get the Drs to figure out what is happening to me.
In the meantime, I spend my days playing stupid games on Facebook, as well as chatting with friends from there. If you want to be my friend....look me up.. Lana Jurgens.
Anyway..I always enjoy the blog part of this because I feel somewhat cleansed after writing. It's sort of like talking to a friend. Ya know? Everytime I blog, I always wonder why I don't do it regularly.
It's unreal that it's been so long since I played on the blogs. I kind of liked those little blog games....and there were a couple especially, that I thought were so much fun. I'll have to look a few of those up.
Once I got involved in Facebook and the games they offer, it really took up all my spare time. I play Farmville, Social City, Cafe World and My Town. I also have another 5 or 6 that I mess with now and then...but these 4 are my favs. But, it's too much to handle that many all at once, so I switch back and forth between them. It's amazing how I can be anywhere and start talking about Facebook to someone and they ask what games I play...they know all about the games... I usually hear something like...oh everyone plays Farmville. Sometimes, I wonder if I didn't get enough playtime in when I was a kid. :-) But, I am definitely making up for it. :-) I didn't get near the painting done this last year as I had hoped.
I have a few craft projects started and I really am determined to get them painted before summer is over. I am working on a large tin watering can. I plan to paint a watermelon and other fruit onto the watering can one I get my background painted to my liking.. I hated the the school bus like yellow that I chose for the background so sponged on a lighter cream color over it. So we'll see. I may change my mind about what to paint over the background. I toyed with flowers instead of the fruit. Nothing comes easy for me.
I hope to connect with a few of you...leave me a note when you stop by and let me know whats new in your life.