Image via CrunchBase
I love to sit at the computer but, my house suffers.
Which reminds me of another thing...when I am sitting here I am not exercising. I have gained a few pounds this season and I need to do something about it!!! It seems I want to munch while sitting at the computer. I need more exercise and less calories.
I also do facebook! I like it alot! I twitter too,but have no idea why. I really don't get twitter.
Another thing I have attempted is Digg. Another very strange application that seems like more work than it's worth! Then there is triond
Image via CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase
I just picked up an add on to firefox called Zemanta. So, I downloaded it. It sits beside what you are writing with .Blogspot, Facebook etc) and offers articles, links and graphics. Hence, all the logos, links and tags that you see here. You can even reblog my blog by clicking on the little reblog word at the bottom right of my post.
Is this all getting a little too much or what. Wow, we used to think kids were neglected when there was just TV that babysat them... now with all the other influences, kids can be babysat all day long, unless the parents balance their kids time carefully. If kids are on a computer and not interacting normally with other people...wouldn't you think they might just end up anti-social. Oh..I think I might have that!
I have found myself staying in a lot more than going out these days. (When I do exercise I just get out another electronic gizmo called WII )
Well that's technology for ya!

Image via CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase