Showing posts with label laughing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laughing. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thurdsday Thunks

Hold The Knob, Wear Clean Shoes And Enjoy The Insanity!

Welcome to the July 2nd version of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by
Kimber, the number 14 and the color of your mother's hair dye.

1. When you close a door, do you close it quick and just let it slam or do you hold the knob and slowly shut it tight? I let it go and it can do what ever it wants to.

2.Train A is moving at 60 miles an hour. Train B is moving at 22 miles an hour. They will pass each other at X time. Now what color shoes are you wearing when train A derails?
I have none on because I was thrown around probably.
3. What if M&M's grew on trees? What color M&M tree would you have? Hmmm Green I guess

4. How many petals on a flower does it take to make it the perfect bloom? Who the heck cares? once it's picked it's only a matter of time

5. I took you to spend $421.67 on you, what did we spend that money on? I have no idea..I am not with you to see how you spend guys are really out of your minds this week...whew (I'm sorry I took your money and split, but that's not enough money for 2.)

6. If you were a squash, what type of squash would you be?Desperate for questions? OMG you guys have lost your minds... I guess I am a summer's summer you know?

7. Have you ever gotten a wrong number call and ended up talking to the person for longer than 5 minutes? Not since I was a teenager...don't ask

8. Why haven't you joined Berleen & Kimber at Insanity Cafe yet? Do we stink? Sometimes I like a little less insanity.????? Honestly, tho...I just don't like those forum type things...not as user friendly!!

9. Now for one of Ber's questions back when TT was brand new... Shampoo bottles say lather, rinse, repeat... do you? Only if I feel it needs it...who reads labels in the shower??? hard on the eyes for sure!

10. It's July, the year is half over. Do you see it as "whew that part is over" or best is yet to come? anytime that I can imagine winter is at the end of 6 months.....that is not the best is yet to come!

11. Why do you do the Thursday Thunks meme? Well it's fun !!! as are the other great memes I do! There is so much...too much to keep a person busy on the blogs. You should see my house.....ewe

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Conversations with P

I have a wonderful man friend. I'll call him "P".He is that...JUST that. He is a man and my friend. As a matter of fact, from what I have gathered, he is a friend to a lot of women. Particularly OLDER women.
I have enjoyed talking to him through out the years and keep in touch with him mostly in Face book these days.Recently, my other half, M, and I took the trip that is posted in all those pictures below."P" always wants to see the pictures when we return from a trip. Even after posting some on face book, he was at me to post more. So, I did.
But, then he and I will talk in face book chat and he will comment on my pictures while we are chatting. I have to laugh (usually) when we chat, but there are times I wonder if he is still single because of his more then honest comments he makes.
While looking at my pictures and chatting with me, P said "you are so white." I said "yes, I am a German white woman" He said "but even white people tan". OK I let that then he says "You have such scrawny hands." I said, "yes I know I am very thin skinned and have no fat on my arms or hands."Then he said you are not fat, I don't see any roll around your middle. (I complain about it all the time) I said "No, that's because I have my miracle suit on" he laughs and says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whattttttttttttttttttt???????????????????????LOL" I say, " well it's a swim suit that holds ya all in. (thank god for Miracle suits) I have a dress on just to cover my swim suit in this picture." OH my, did he ever get a laugh out of that!
Then he said, you are stunning. Where that fit in with the negative commentary, I am not sure.
I felt like I must have mis-understood what he said.
Next conversation, he has to find a way to bring up the miracle suit! I figured. If he wouldn't have, I would have! We laugh and laugh when we talk.I have a good sense of humor and broad shoulders most of the time. I need both to deal with my conversations with P!

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