Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thurdsday Thunks

Hold The Knob, Wear Clean Shoes And Enjoy The Insanity!

Welcome to the July 2nd version of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by
Kimber, the number 14 and the color of your mother's hair dye.

1. When you close a door, do you close it quick and just let it slam or do you hold the knob and slowly shut it tight? I let it go and it can do what ever it wants to.

2.Train A is moving at 60 miles an hour. Train B is moving at 22 miles an hour. They will pass each other at X time. Now what color shoes are you wearing when train A derails?
I have none on because I was thrown around probably.
3. What if M&M's grew on trees? What color M&M tree would you have? Hmmm Green I guess

4. How many petals on a flower does it take to make it the perfect bloom? Who the heck cares? once it's picked it's only a matter of time

5. I took you to spend $421.67 on you, what did we spend that money on? I have no idea..I am not with you to see how you spend guys are really out of your minds this week...whew (I'm sorry I took your money and split, but that's not enough money for 2.)

6. If you were a squash, what type of squash would you be?Desperate for questions? OMG you guys have lost your minds... I guess I am a summer's summer you know?

7. Have you ever gotten a wrong number call and ended up talking to the person for longer than 5 minutes? Not since I was a teenager...don't ask

8. Why haven't you joined Berleen & Kimber at Insanity Cafe yet? Do we stink? Sometimes I like a little less insanity.????? Honestly, tho...I just don't like those forum type things...not as user friendly!!

9. Now for one of Ber's questions back when TT was brand new... Shampoo bottles say lather, rinse, repeat... do you? Only if I feel it needs it...who reads labels in the shower??? hard on the eyes for sure!

10. It's July, the year is half over. Do you see it as "whew that part is over" or best is yet to come? anytime that I can imagine winter is at the end of 6 months.....that is not the best is yet to come!

11. Why do you do the Thursday Thunks meme? Well it's fun !!! as are the other great memes I do! There is so much...too much to keep a person busy on the blogs. You should see my house.....ewe

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Heads Or Tails: HEADS - "Tool"

Welcome to the June 30th edition of Heads Or Tails!
- HoT Week #97 -

The theme/prompt for THIS week, June 30, is:
HEADS - "Tool"

Make any kind of post using "Tool" as your theme/prompt.

Well this is pretty simple for me since my other half has his own remodeling company. Just about anyplace you look around here you'll find a "tool". This is a table saw...well to me its something that splits wood in two. LOL and it, along with his shop of the other hundred tools, pays the bills around here..and that's all I know :-)

purple w shadow

Saturday, June 6, 2009

SATURDAY'S 9: It's my party meme

I actually did this on Sunday but put Saturdays date on it. Hope that's ok...but you said you have no rules :)

1. Do you prefer to host or be a guest at a party?
A Guest...don't have to clean up and worry about someone smearing something on my walls!

2. Would you rather go to a large party or a small dinner party? where I can mingle.

3. What is you worst flaw?
My habit of pointing out someone elses. (Flaws)

4. What is you best character trait?
being a pretty honest person.

5. What habit in others annoys you?
smug know it all types. They just have a look on their faces that says...look at me..I am so cool and I am better than you.and I know they're not!! I want to slap em!

6. What qualities in others do you admire?
people who are cool, calm and collected. Don't have to be loud to get attention or to get the job done.

7. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
my insecurities about aging.

8. Do you tend to be shy with strangers?
somewhat, but it depends on the situation

9. Do you prefer to lead or follow in a group of people?
It does usually depend on the situation, but often it would be Follow..I don't have the energy to lead. In work I can lead. There is a big difference between a leader and someone who is loud and over bearing and thinks their way is the only way.

purple w shadow