Showing posts with label San Juan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Juan. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Bit Of Heaven for 10 Days

There is nothing prettier than the least I don't think so. I have not been blogging for quite awhile because I was busy getting ready to take a 10 day vacation. Then we went on vacation and only returned day before yesterday.We flew to San Juan on Saturday, May 9th and stayed the night in Old San Juan.On Sunday the 10th we boarded a ship and had 1 day at sea on Monday. Then went to Barbados, St Lucia, Antigua, St Martaan, St Croix and back to San Juan where we spent the night again and flew home on Monday, May 18th.It was a wonderful trip. There was a little rain in every port...which is pretty much the usual occurrence for us when we travel. But, it always cleared up nicely and we were able to Snorkel 3 days and go dolphin watching on another day. The wind and the sprinkles helped us stay cool. Otherwise, we would have never made it. It was so hot and so humid, but beautiful.
Follow the pictures and short descriptions below of our visits on each Island in the southern Caribbean.May 9th
Days 1, and part of day 2 were spent in San Juan. I love the Caribbean architecture. I have taken pictures every time we have stopped in San Juan and I am sure if I would dig out the others, I would find that I have taken the same ones over and over!
Shopping in PR...I wanted a gucci purse so bad.....But I didn't find one that I really Liked!
we ate at Hard rock cafe and then shopped some more...I was exhausted and my feet hurt!
I'd had enough!

this is just a pretty area in SJ

May 10th --Day 2 we boarded the Adventure of the Seas. A picture taken from our ship of another cruise ship in the San Juan port.

May 11 Day 3 was at sea-- not much to see. It's a good opportunity to get familiar with the ship.

There's always a party going on.

May 12th--Day4 we visited Barbados May 13th--Day 5 St Lucia

It certainly is not one of the prettiest islands. It seemed to be one of the poorer islands.

this little con artist sold us a wood carved other half felt sorry for him.He told us he and his father made all the things there. We saw the almost exact same fish on the next Island. WE went on a dolphin watch and did see some dolphins after about an hour!I don't know who the lady is in this pic.

employees at the Burger king in St Lucia this isn't something you see in someone's yard every day!

May 14th--Day 6 Antigua

May 15--Day 7 St Martaan Who wouldn't want to cool off in the Blue Bitch Bar

the Tiki Hut...a floating platform with a hut offering food and drink. Also, chairs to lay in and floating chairs, as well snorkle equipment were all available. We could stay 2 hours or all day if we wanted and they took us back to the ship when we were ready.

May 16--Day 8 St Croix

A wonderful Steele band orchestra of youngsters. They were truly excellent!! So much fun to listen to!

One of the nicer shops in St Criox

The town looks ready for a hurricane.

I just find these an interesting part of their architecture.

May 17th --Day 9 after leaving the ship we spent the day shopping in Puerto Rico again and toured the Bacardi Rum Distillery. Not Too exciting really.

Bacardi provided us with a bartender as part as our tour. He showed us the proper way to make Mojitos, cuba Libras and what rum to use with them. Including a sipping rum that you can't even buy in the US. And he wasn't bad to look at :-)

We spent the night in Puerto Rico and flew out on May 18th--Day 10- to go home. We have such great memories of this trip!

Thanks God for Photography!

L initial

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