I know I'm in my own little world, but it's OK.
They know me here...


Showing posts with label website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label website. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

TOPIC: Marketing and Promotion - Websites

Marketing and promotion can be a controversial topic, especially when writers get together and discuss the topic.

Opinions vary widely, some say it makes no difference, some say that's what your publishing company should be doing for you, some say every little bit helps.

Regardless of where you stand on this topic, in today's market I think it's safe to assume authors have a responsibility for doing something in this arena. Yet another skill we need to attempt and gain some proficiency in.

What sort of promotion or marketing should I do? Well, that varies from author to author.

But the one basic essential marketing and promotion tool any author should have is a website, and this applies to unpublished authors as well.

Unpublished authors should be thinking about creating and establishing a web presence well before signing with a publishing house, purely because once you jump on that merry-go-round you're going to have enough of a learning curve to undertake without the added pressure of getting a website up an running.

If you leave it too late, there's nothing more frustrating for a reader than learning about a new and upcoming author, searching out more information about them and discovering they don't have a website up and running.

Please don't put up a website without content or one that has a collection of messages saying "under development". It's great way to turn readers off and make sure they never come back (same goes for a website that isn't updated regularly - but more on that in a minute).

Another good reason for unpublished authors to have a website - agents and editors could go looking for you once you begin submitting work or querying them. If you're placing in contests, same applies. Judges (aka potential readers) might also go looking for you.

Back to your website. Think of it as your base of operations - and because I'm a huge sci-fi fan - equate it to a space station.

No matter what galaxy you hail from, your space station will be the first port of call for all travellers. They'll search for it and is the one place they'll be able to refuel and find supplies - aka find out about you and/or your books.

Having a website is an essential, even if it's the only marketing/promotional tool you use as an author.

What should I have on my website? The bare necessities include a home page, biography page, books page (if you're pubbed) and contacts page.

Label your page tabs clearly, don't use some obscure term. You want readers able to find content on your website, not pulling their hair out in frustration when they can't. You want them coming back time and again, not avoiding it.

Keep your website simple, easy to navigate. Make sure it reflects your brand (and if you want to know what that is, then check out Nikki Logan's post on this here).

If this is your first foray into planning and designing a website, go look at your favourite author's websites. This is the easiest and best way to work out what appeals to you.

What grabs your attention from their sites? Look at the content they've placed on their pages. Is this something you'd like to have on yours? This is how I developed mine.

You'll find over time you'll redesign or overhaul it. A website shouldn't be a static thing. It should always be evolving, and this brings me to one of the most important things about creating and maintaining a website.

Keep it up to date!

Let me repeat that.

Keep. It. Up. To. Date.

Once a month maintenance - up date your home page, make sure you have your latest releases, cover blurbs, and buy links posted, make sure you have a series book list in chronological order.

Do this and your readership will be happy. And you'll keep them coming back.

If you build it, they will come!

Any other tips or hints on websites, folks?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

TOPIC: Being a Published Author - In the Beginning...

It's been one heck of a roller coaster ride over the last couple of years since getting THE CALL from my editor and signing with Berkley.

The journey has been a mixed bag of learning experiences - some fun, some unexpected, some downright painful but as I've said to many, I wouldn't trade what's happened for anything on earth. I've been keeping track of the good, the bad and the ugly experiences and over the next few posts will be sharing the things I've learned.

While every author's journey is different, there are probably some common issues we've all had to deal with, or wished we'd known about sooner. And it's my hope that by writing about them those still on the journey to being published or are newly published might find the information useful.

In this first post, I'd like to talk about goal setting and preparing for the day you get THE CALL.

During the early years after I discovered the Romance Writers of Australia, I coasted along enjoying the sense of community of being among other writers and being a writer. Nothing wrong with that but something I didn't do was set achievable goals. I just assumed things would "magically happen" or "fall into place" and "one day" I'd be a published author.

Didn't happen.

It wasn't until I began identifying goals and steps I needed to complete to achieve the goal that I progressed. I've blogged about this before so I won't go into detail other than to say as a writer you need to set yourself some short (a year) and long term (5 years) goals. Work out the things you need to do to make them happen.

A short term goal might be to enter a writing contest to get feedback. The steps involved would be to:
  • research a number of contests - USA? (perhaps using Stephanie Smith's Contest Page for Authors) or Australia? New Zealand? UK?
  • pick one
  • budget for the contest fee (you may have to forego those bars of chocolate - sacrifice is part of this process, sorry (-: )
  • polish the entry
  • download the entry form/scoring sheets
  • set dates to have these things done by (a vital step)
  • enter the contest
  • analyse feedback
A long term goal might be to attend the RWAmerica conference in 2015. Again identify the steps involved.
  • work out your budget
  • research the workshops on offer (when the schedule is released - what is the most beneficial for you at this stage in your journey? Will they be craft, career, industry based? A mix?)
  • plan ahead to find a roomie (if you want to share costs)
  • register
  • again, set dates to have these things done by to make sure you achieve these steps
  • attend
Besides continuing to write and hone your crafting skills, in preparation for the day you do get THE CALL, you should be thinking about your public face. By that I mean things like developing your website (a must and a basic need for any published author in this day and age), author branding (that I'll deal with in a separate post) and social networking.

"But I'm not published. Surely I don't need one until that happens?" I've heard this a few times over the years and to be blunt, this line of thought is a little short sighted.

You're going to need a website and developing one BEFORE you're published is a darn good idea. Why? Let me list the reasons...
  1. First and foremost, once you publish you'll be on the biggest learning curve since you learned to read as a child. You'll have the whole publishing/editing/marketing and promotion process to grapple with (along with your every day life commitments) and teaching yourself web design or arrange hiring someone to do it for you will take time. It's stressful enough being a newbie author without having to deal with this.
  2. If you design your website yourself expect to spend MASSIVE amounts of time learning how to do it and "getting it just right". I created my own website three years before I received THE CALL, using iWeb and a template because I couldn't justify the cost of hiring someone at the time. I changed the template twice and I've tweaked the content, pages, formatting and font numerous times. Updating the home page every month takes time but I can do it now in about an hour. Over three years I've streamlined the process.
  3. If you hire a web designer then you need to research a good one by checking out sites you think look good and finding out who did them. Once you've hired someone you're going to have to consult on details and provide content and information for the pages. If you get them to update you have to also provide that content on a regular basis. Time, time, time.
  4. When you're querying agents & editors you can include your website as a reference point in your letters. And agents and editors will look it up if they're interested.
  5. So will other authors and writers. It boils down to web presence and exposure. If you aren't visible then no one will even know you're there.
  6. No content? Then keep your website simple. Home Page. Author Bio Page. Contest Success Page. That's all I had for a couple of years. 
Social Networking
Ho-boy! Another huge subject to tackle BEFORE you publish. The monster that is social networking can be a nightmare, overwhelming and time consuming - no doubt about it. So again, thinking about how you're going to make it work for you. It will also impact and play a part in author branding.

"My editor wants me to do everything." Of course they do. Connecting with your readers is important.

BUT the one thing you need to remember - your primary role is to write books. If you don't produce them, then no amount of social networking is worth squat.

So, again, while you have the time as an unpubbed author, think about all the options available to you and make some decisions on what you might like to try and what you will commit to.

I liked the idea of blogging but I didn't want to create a glorified diary or journal about what I had for lunch or spruke about how many words I'd written that day. Every man and his dog can do that. I wanted a specific purpose for my blog. And there lies the key to blogging - purpose.

Why blog? Why are you blogging?

This was part of my goal setting process. I chose to blog initially for the following reasons:
  1. I like writing.
  2. I wanted to write posts to help other writers like myself (a way to give back what others had done for me at one time)
  3. It was a way to overcome geographic isolation (here in Australia and internationally) and connect with an audience - readers and writers.
Some of those reasons changed after the first year.
  • Expand my blog readership.
  • Through the promotion of local authors (Australia & New Zealand)
  • And to develop a broader network of contacts by interviewing authors from USA.
  • Develop it as an avenue to promote my work.
I collected statistics and analysed them. I've developed connections and networks with other authors. I'm achieving my goals, bit by bit.

There are a host of social networking options available to authors - blogging (individual and in groups), Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google +, Goodreads, Shelfari, Author Newsletters, writing articles for magazines, etc.etc. It's all a matter of finding something you want to try and enjoy doing.

It's no good taking the scatter gun approach and doing everything, you won't see effective results that way - ask me how I know, yep, been there, tried that, drove myself mad and had to re-address my approach and purpose for doing it. Better to pick one (or two) and do it/them well.

I've narrowed my focus down to my website, blog, and author newsletters. Doesn't mean I ignore the others entirely, I do frequent Facebook and Goodreads which I enjoy, occasionally I pop in on Twitter but I've decided it's not something I particularly prefer. And, I've learned, if I don't get to the social networking sites of my choice then so be it, it's nothing to stress over.

So, it's important to prepare for the big day, the day many of us have dreamed of for so long. One I thing I'm very glad I did was get things up and running BEFORE I received the Call. I had the time and could poke along at my leisure to develop these things. There was no pressure.

And this freed me up to enjoy what came AFTER THE CALL. I was able to focus on the steps involved in being a published author. Sure there was stress, but a whole lot less than what I would have put myself under if I hadn't.

So, what are your thoughts on these subjects? Does anyone have any tips, hints, lessons learned to share? Anyone with a question they'd like to ask?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

CRAFT: Need help with your crafting skills?

Over the years I've collected a heap of website links that I've used at various stages in my writing journey. Some I still use because they really gel with my style as a writer, others are more research or information based sites.

Maybe some of these might work for you.

How to Write Query Letters/Synopses/Proposals (a screed of helpful articles compiled by Gabrielle Luthy)
Georges Polti's 36 Dramatic Situations (a site that lists and gives great detail on the situations you find in most stories)
Great Source - grammar (a wonderful basic guide to grammar)
How to write a novel using the Snowflake Method (starting small & building on your ideas)
Kathy Carmichael's Pitch Generator (how to create the basics for a pitch)
Dictionary of Sexual Terms
Australian Military Organisation & Structure (ranks in the army, navy & airforce)
The Passionate Pen (a list of romance publishers)
Wordle (a great way to check for repetitious words in your work)
Karen Fox's Romance Deals (a year by year list of deals, a bit like Publishers Marketplace)
Author Tech Tips (some hints about what titles to avoid using in your blog)

I hope you find some of these as helpful as I did!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

CRAFT: Need a Useful Link or Two?

During my rare few spare minutes (or times when I'm procrastinating), I seek out good articles posted on several bookmarked blog sites.

Here are just a smattering of articles I've found helpful in the last year.

The Blood-Red Pencil
Nathan Bransford
RWAustralia Blog
Romance She Wrote
The Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood
Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter Blog
What have you found useful in your searching and reading of blogs? Share them with me (please don't forget to include the links).

This is the first in a 5 part series for the month of January.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Have you read a good sci-fi romance lately?

It's great to see sci-fi/futuristic romance cultivating an interest with people and long may it continue. There's nothing like picking up a good SFR novel.

Same goes for SF movies with romantic elements. Look at some of the ones that have been released recently (and a few fav's from the past):
  • Avatar
  • The Time Traveller
  • Terminator Salvation
  • Transformers 1 & 2
  • Gattaca
  • Star Man
  • The Matrix Trilogy
  • Star Wars 1-6
  • Dark Angel TV series
  • Jericho TV series
  • Farscape TV series
  • Firefly TV series & Serenity
Have you read a good SFR novel lately? Want to?

I know just the spot to find a galaxy of authors who write them - the Science Fiction Romance Brigade (of which I'm a member - yes, this is a plug, I'm totally biased :-D ). We have a mix of published and unpublished authors.

The SFRB has a website and blog and our purpose is to have fun, network with like-minded writers, build our name recognition and future reader base, and socialize with other SFR NG ("next generation") writers who love science fiction romance.

So, head on over to either site and check us out, and if you're so inclined, become a member! And while you're there check out our authors and their SFR novels in the member links listed on our blog. You just never know what great books you might find!

And for some more October Blog Anniversary goodness - if you can leave a comment and the name of one SFRB member (besides myself!) in your comment, you'll go into the draw for three of Elizabeth Amber's Lords of Satyr series! Comments close October 13th (midnight Aussie EST).

!!! Don't forget to leave a contact email address or check back in on the day I announce the winner! If you haven't claimed the prize in 48hrs I'll draw another name from my coffee cup.

* Top picture taken from http://fantasyartdesign.com"> Fantasy Art 3D Wallpapers, digital art modern online gallery.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Promoting Authors

Ever wondered how you can help your author friends further their cause in a practical way?

Rowena Cherry gives us 25 Free Ways to Buzz an Author courtesy of a link from the RWA Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter.

Options such as: 
... if you have a blog or website, publicize your friend’s upcoming signings/author talks/workshops on your blog 
... drop in on her online chats to say how you enjoyed her book
... buy autographed books from them at book-signings to use in your own giveaways
... offer to take a bunch of her bookmarks to conventions, or conferences, other places to hand out or put in goodie bags, or on promo tables

Check it out! There's heaps of suggestions, some more practical or appealing than others but I'm sure you'll find something to do to help our published friends.

Friday, March 5, 2010

INDUSTRY: Helpful Links

Thought these writing links might come in handy. Most are my genre orientated (f/f/p romance) but there are a smattering of general sites.

Agents/Editors (for researching information)
Agent Query - http://www.agentquery.com/default.aspx
AuthorAdvance - http://www.authoradvance.com/
Literary Agent Verification - http://www.agentresearch.com/agent_ver.html
Preditors and Editors - http://www.anotherealm.com/prededitors/pubagent.htm

Blogs (advice, opinions, industry news)
Alien Romances - http://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/
All Things Urban Fantasy - http://allthingsurbanfantasy.blogspot.com/
Bitten By Books:Paranormal Review Site with Bite - http://bittenbybooks.com/
Dirty Sexy Books - http://www.dirtysexybooks.com/Dirty_Sexy_Books/Home/Home.html
Literary Escapism:Fantasy and Paranormal Book Reviews - http://www.literaryescapism.com/
Romance Writers of Australia Blog - http://romanceaustralia.wordpress.com/
Ripping Ozzie Reads:Australian Speculative Fiction Authors site - http://ripping-ozzie-reads.blogspot.com/2010/01/some-useful-industry-links-for-spec-fic.html
SciFiGuy:UF/PR/SF/F book reviews - http://www.scifiguy.ca/
The Galaxy Express - http://www.thegalaxyexpress.net/
Vampire Wire:PR/UF books and tv/movie news -  http://vampirewire.blogspot.com/

Miscellaneous Sites
Time and Date.com - http://www.timeanddate.com/
Australian War Memorial:Military Organisation and Structure - http://www.awm.gov.au/atwar/structure/rank_comparative.asp
IRS:Tax Identification Numbers for the USA information - http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/international/article/0,,id=96696,00.html

Australian Romance Readers Association - http://www.australianromancereaders.com.au/
Romance Writers of America - http://www.rwanational.org/
RWA:Fantasy/Futuristic/Paranormal Chapter - http://www.romance-ffp.com/
Romance Writers of Australia - http://www.romanceaustralia.com/
Romance Writers of  New Zealand - http://www.romancewriters.co.nz/
ParaNormal Romance - http://www.paranormalromance.org/
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America - http://www.sfwa.org/

Submission Guidelines
Avon - http://www.harpercollins.com/imprints/avon/SubmissionGuidelines.aspx
DAW - http://us.penguingroup.com/static/pages/daw/index.html
Dorchester - http://romanticreads.net/2009/05/07/now-accepting-electronic-submissions/
e-Harlequin - http://www.eharlequin.com/articlepage.html?articleId=538&chapter=0
Hachette Australia - http://www.hha.com.au/about_submissions.html
Orbit - http://www.orbitbooks.net/about-orbit/
PYR - http://www.pyrsf.com/index.html
Tor - http://us.macmillan.com/Content.aspx?publisher=torforge&id=255#ctl00_cphContent_ctl30_lblQuestion

Web Design
Free Images for Websites - http://www.imagehousing.com/
Free Fantasy Design artwork for Websites - http://fantasyartdesign.com/free-wallpapers/best-fantasy-art.php?s=12&np=10&srt=1&best=1
Free Web Counters - http://www.freestatscounter.com/
The Three Bears Method - http://threebearsmethod.com/

Writing Related
Brenda Hiatt's Show Me the Money - http://www.brendahiatt.com/id2.html
Dictionary of Sexual Terms and Expressions - http://www.sex-lexis.com/
Gordian Plot:thesaurus technique for writers - http://gordianplot.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
Great Source iwrite - Grammar - http://www.greatsource.com/iwrite/students/s_grammar_hndbk.html
Kathy Carmichael:Story Pitching Generator - http://www.kathycarmichael.com/generator.html
The Perfect Pitch - http://samhainpublishing.com/blog/2007/04/02/the-perfect-pitch
Publishers Weekly - http://www.publishersweekly.com/
Stephanie Smith's Contest Chart for Writers - http://www.stephiesmith.com/contests.html
When An Agent Offers You Representation - http://www.agentquery.com/writer_or.aspx
Write to Done - http://writetodone.com/

(All links are current as of 22nd Feb.2010)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Look

Well, I decided with the new year should come a new, updated look to not only my blog site but my website.
Let me know what you think.