I know I'm in my own little world, but it's OK.
They know me here...


Showing posts with label Alliance Forged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alliance Forged. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ALLIANCE FORGED Christmas Giveaway!

With Christmas just around the corner, I have the perfect gift for you or a friend!

Here's your chance to win a signed copy of ALLIANCE FORGED (#2 Light Blade series).

There is no mercy in the demon realm. No escape. In this place of desperation and conflict, anyone who is not purebred is virtually powerless. Until a blind priestess lays claim to a half-breed warrior, body and soul…
Hunted and marked for death by Na’Reish demons for their half-blood heritage, the Na’Chi are searching for a new home—something an alliance offered by the human leader could provide. With both races divided by prejudice, when Light Blade rebels brutally attack the Na’Chi, the alliance seems doomed to fail.
Varian, leader of the Na’Chi, a hybrid race of gifted warriors, is cursed with the darker impulses of his demon heritage. Controlling the part of himself that craves the high of the battle is a struggle he’s afraid he’ll lose—until he meets Kymora Tayn, a priestess driven to serve her deity. While he’s unwilling to trust anyone outside his people, he finds himself drawn to Kymora’s strength and passionate nature, and discovers she has the power to calm the darkness inside him.
When the Na’Reish raid human territory for blood-slaves and kickstart a war, the key to the survival of both races—Na’Chi and human— is an alliance. However, when Kymora is kidnapped, pitting human against human, Varian realizes he must embrace his darker half, not only to save the alliance…but also the woman he loves.

The Rafflecopter giveaway will run until midnight November 29th, 2013.

So what are you waiting for? Get entering & good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, April 11, 2013

BARGAINS for readers!

There are a number of discounts running at the moment for the Light Blade series. A bargain for readers (or your chance to hook a friend on a new series)!

VENGEANCE BORN (trade paperback)
Amazon (60% off)
B&N (70% off)
Booktopia (30% off)
Fishpond (52% off)
The Book Depository (7% off)

VENGEANCE BORN (mass market)
Amazon (10% off)
Booktopia (35% off)
Fishpond (62% off)
The Book Depository (7% off)

Amazon (18% off)
B&N (3% off)
Booktopia (25% off)
Fishpond (55% off)
The Book Depository (7% off)
Kindle (33% off)

Amazon (31% off)
B&N (31% off)
Booktopia (22% off)
Fishpond (50% off)
The Book Depository (6% off)
Kindle  (38% off)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Last Days - Goodreads Giveaways!

There are three books up for grabs over on Goodreads:

The deadline for entering is March 31st, 2013.

Don't miss out!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Goodreads Giveaways Galore!

With the release of ALLEGIANCE SWORN exactly a month away, it's time to begin the party with a triple giveaway!

Yes, you read that right - a TRIPLE giveaway!

Not one book.

Not two books.

But THREE books of Light Blade goodness.


All are now listed over at Goodreads (they're also listed in the side bar of this blog) - get thee there and enter! Good luck!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


A lovely review for ALLIANCE FORGED from Minding Spot! Thank you!

The perfect mix between conflict and suspence and sexy, sweet romance. Alliance Forged has that special spark that keeps the pages briskly turning from beginning to end. This book has amazing depth and completely transports you with Griffin's amazing world building abilities. It is very well written with characters that are complex yet likable. It picked up right where Vengeance Born left off and sweeps you right back into their world. I anxiously await the release of book three " Allegiance Sworn ".  Great urban fantasy series that I would highly recommend.
Full review here.

Friday, January 11, 2013


A lovely email arrived in my inbox this morning from the Australian Romance Readers Association announcing the finalists for their book awards for 2012.

ALLIANCE FORGED is a finalist in Favourite Sci Fi, Fantasy or Futuristic Romance section! I'm thrilled to pieces and proud to be among such talented company.

Thank you to the readers who nominated this book - I really appreciate it! And a special thank you to the ARRA Inc. volunteers who've given of their time to organise and hold this event!

A special congrats and shout out to my writing buddy Bec McMaster for her incredible 5 nominations for KISS OF STEEL!!!

If you'd like to see the complete lists for all the categories, click here.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


This 4 Ribbons review comes from the Romance Junkies blog! 
ALLIANCE FORGED is the second book in the LIGHT BLADE series. You'll definitely want to pick up the first installment, VENGEANCE BORN, even though this book can be read as a standalone. An urban fantasy with just the right blend of action, romance and plot twists that has this reader excited for the next installment, ALLEGIANCE SWORN, due out in April 2013. 
You can read the full review here.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dark Side DownUnder Halloween Blog-Hop!!!

Happy Halloween and Happy 2nd Anniversary to the Dark Side DownUnder blog!!!

Where has the time gone? It only seems like yesterday our Romance Writers of Australia Paranormal e-loop conceived the idea of starting up a blog to showcase our wonderfully, talented local writers (published and unpublished) from Australia and New Zealand.

Well, here we are two years down the track and still going strong! And to celebrate some of us have joined together to participate in a Dark Side DownUnder 2nd Anniversary Blog-Hop and boy, do we have some goodies to giveaway!

But first, let's get into the Halloween spirit and talk scary things (but not too terrifying as I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to creepy things)!

I'm not one for horror or anything that scares the pants off me, strange considering I write about the paranormal, things like demons, mythical creatures (some good, some bad), magic, evil characters and unknowns that go bump in the night.

But for the fun of it, and because it's Halloween, I'm going to share my Top 10 List of Scary Movies (these might date me but growing up watching these movies cured me for the rest of my adult life):

*A Nightmare on Elm Street (I only watched part of one - I did say I was a big, 'fraidy cat - and could never face another incarnation of it after the first. The only guy with claws that I like is Wolverine!

* Texas Chainsaw Massacre (I never looked at a meat hook in a butchers shop the same again, a blood 'n'guts movie that scarred me for life!) 

* Friday the 13th (thanks to Jason killed one of the campers with a knife through the throat coming up from under the bed, I trained myself to sleep on my stomach) 

* IT (hate, hate, hate clowns and sewer drains)


* The Sixth Sense (this wasn't so bad, I think I prefer inferential horror to actually seeing the scary bits - this movie had me sitting on the edge of my seat and my imagination working over time. It was just damn creepy, loved the twist at the end though!)

* Poltergeist (as a teen I believed in poltergeists and it scared the jeheebers out of me and to this day the crackle/prickle of the TV turning off as well as the residual light swirls on the screen as it powers down creep me out) 

*Jaws (water skiing after seeing this was never the same)

*Alien (I watched this at a slumber party when I was 10y.o. - who's bright idea was it to show this movie to a bunch kids???? - couldn't finish watching it and spent the night hiding in my sleeping bag)

*The Omen (my cousin was named Damien, I watched him like a hawk after this movie)

*Carrie (read the book before I saw the movie, awesome telekinetic powers)

On the flip side, one of my all time favorite Halloween themed movies has werewolves, lycans and vampires. Besides starring a certain hunky blond, which I have to admit was a huge draw card, I loved the premise of a mutated virus infecting humans to create two races of supernatural creatures that then spend the next few hundred years at war with one another.

The idea of a vampire and lycan falling in love and breaking all the rules appealed to my Shakespearean love of tragedies (and romance writers heart), although in this case the hero and heroine do have a happily ever after!

And on that HEA note, I think it's time for the 'treat' part of Halloween! My treat - well, I have a Light Blade Book Pack to giveaway (signed copies of VENGEANCE BORN & ALLIANCE FORGED). Two of them actually!!! Just in time for Christmas to give away as gifts to someone or to keep for yourself.

To enter my giveaway, there's some legwork is required, but that's half the fun of a Halloween Blog-Hop! Just fill out the Rafflecopter form as you like (it has plenty of chances for you to enter).

Good luck!

And if you'd want to see what other treats are up for grabs with the other Dark Side DownUnder authors, see the details below. 

  • The Dark Side DownUnder authors are offering print books, ebooks and other goodies at their blogs.
  • The big prize is a $30 Amazon gift voucher.
Here are the rules to the blog hop:
  1. To be eligible to win a prize on the blogs, the reader must do as what’s instructed on each blog by 11.59pm 4th November Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time.
  2. To be eligible to win the Amazon voucher, the participants must comment on each participating blog. Only one comment needed. Multiple comments will be ignored for the purposes of the contest.
  3. Have fun!

Halloween Special - 2nd Blogiversary Participants

1. Eleni Konstantine
2. Mel Teshco
3. Nicole Murphy
4. Imogene Nix
5. Christina Phillips aka Christina Ashcroft
6. Amanda Ashby
7. Jenny Schwartz
8. Shona Husk
9. Maree Anderson
10. Kylie Griffin
11. Lilliana Rose
12. Nicole Hurley-Moore
13. Eden Summers
14. Erica Hayes
15. Sandra Harris
16. Keziah Hill
17. S E Gilchrist
18. DSDU

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Alliance Forged Cover Model interview!

Anyone interested in learning more about Matt Fox, the model who portrayed Varian on the cover of ALLIANCE FORGED?

Then check out this interview with him over at The Reading Cafe!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Talking Tortured Heroes

I'm over at Totes, Bags 'n' Blogs talking about my favourite tortured heroes, including Varian form ALLIANCE FORGED.

Drop by and leave a comment about your fav.tortured hero and go into the draw for an ALLIANCE FORGED swag pack!

Stomp vs. Romp!

Fancy a bit of fun this weekend?

Then come join me over at Rabid Reads for the Stomp vs.Romp challenge. Varian, my hero from ALLIANCE FORGED goes head to head with Kristen Callighan's sexy lycan, Ian.

Read all about these two heroes and vote (Team Stomp if feel so inclined *grin*) to enter the prize draw!

Go, Team Stomp!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Errant Dream Reviews had this to say about ALLIANCE FORGED!
I love Varian and Kymora as characters...Varian has a darkness to him without falling into the romance “haunted/angry man” stereotypes, and Kymora has a lovely sweetness to her without falling into the spunky or naive stereotypes. Their personalities—and the ways in which they interact—are original and lovely.
Thank you, Heather!

You can read the full review here.

GUEST BLOGGING at the Down Under Divas

I've taken a quick side detour to the Down Under Divas before heading off to the Gold Coast for conference!

I'm over there chatting about some of the volunteer organisations I'm a part of.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

GUEST BLOGGING at Magical Musings

Come join me over at Magical Musings where I'm talking about being a die-hard paranormal romance addict. Find out if you're one too!

Take a look at my checklist of signs and symptoms and you too could claim the rights to wear a t-shirt that says - “I live in a world of fantasy, so keep your reality away from me!”

See you there!

GUEST BLOGGING over at Dark Side DownUnder

Come meet Kymora, the blind heroine of ALLIANCE FORGED, over at Dark Side DownUnder.

Answer the question and go into a draw for some awesome Light Blade swag.

The winner will have the choice of 2 x Light Blade swag items they'd like from the following - Vengeance Born book banner (50cmx90cm), Alliance Forged t-shirt (XL), Vengeance Born and/or Alliance Forged large magnet (21cm x 29cm), Alliance Forged mousepad.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Ignoring your family and telling them to fend for themselves so she could read a book is an amazing thing to do, but that's what this reviewer did when she read ALLIANCE FORGED.

That's an image dear to my author heart!
Awesome story, great characters that easily worm their way into your heart, sweet and sexy romance that will leave you breathless, and enough prejudice between the races to spark a revolt; setting the scene for a war that you know is going to go off!
You can read My Book Chatter's full review here.

And how cool is this?

Picture a dedicated author, determined to get out her word count and ignore her latest new release/in the post arrival. Goes to a friend's house with said book, intending to lend it to her (aka removing temptation), but then makes the decision to read a few pages of said book, then takes it home to read it cover to cover in a single sitting.

Read the full story here!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

GUEST BLOGGING at Riverina Romantics

Blog Tour stop #15 - returning to Riverina Romantics, this time no swag but with a copy of ALLIANCE FORGED.

There you'll learn more about Kymora and Varian, the heroine and hero of ALLIANCE FORGED, and how they're pushed into confronting some challenging decisions, ones that will determine not only their futures but those of the people they love and care for the most.

Come over and find out more about ALLIANCE FORGED!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Riverina Romantics - Sunday Swag!

There's some Light Blade hunky goodness going up for grabs over at Riverina Romantics, folks!

Varian is featured heavily in the giveaways (seeing as it's his book that's just been let loose on the world).

You can check out the goodies here! Good luck if you're entering!

GUEST BLOGGING at The Qwillery

Blog Tour stop #14 - The Qwillery!


There's a snippet from the book and you learn more about Kymora, the blind heroine of ALLIANCE FORGED.

See you there!

GUEST BLOGGING at the Book Club Sisters

Another interview and another snippet from ALLIANCE FORGED over at the Book Club Sisters!

You'll find out about my obsessions, what I like to do to relax and I share a little advice for aspiring authors, among other things.

Will I see you there? :-)

Book Club Sisters