I know I'm in my own little world, but it's OK.
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Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, however you celebrate this season - I hope today is a good one for you!

Best Wishes of the season
to you all!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Christmas Recommendations!

With Christmas bearing down on us (there are only 24 sleeps left before THAT day), I thought I'd share my Christmas recommendation-for-book-presents list with you.
Yes, these are all books I've read at some stage this year and loved! Some are by auto-buy authors, some by authors-new-to-me.

If any of these catch your eye, check them out at your preferred books seller and know that you're giving a wonderful gift this Christmas!

Intirguing steampunk series by a fav.Aussie author of mine

Awesome zombie apocalypse series by a fellow Aussie!
Aussie romantic suspense at its best

Yes, fav'ing the Aussies again - a great fantasy romance series!
Hot BDSM romance!

A gritty and dark paranormal romance
Always a sucker for a good military romance

And can't go past a bit of self-promotion!

So, do you have any Christmas recommendations for me? I'm ALWAYS looking for new books to add to my library!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


There are only a few days left in my Christmas Giveaway!

I have signed copies of VENGEANCE BORN & ALLEGIANCE SWORN over on Goodreads.

The Rafflecopter giveaway for ALLIANCE FORGED is here on my blog.

And for any newsletter subscribers, you have until Nov.30th to get your Quiz answers in to me to be in the running for some Light Blade swag.

Don't miss out! You could win some great gifts for yourself or a friend.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Christmas Gifts - Just for fun!

Check out these awesome gag Christmas gifts!

You might find something that tickles your funny bone and know just who to give one them to come December 25th!

A sticking stuffer for the kids perhaps
A bumper sticker worth getting!

Always practical and fun!
Always good for those reports/memes
There are just some days this will apply!

The gift for an arachnophobe!

I found all of these on Prank Place.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ALLIANCE FORGED Christmas Giveaway!

With Christmas just around the corner, I have the perfect gift for you or a friend!

Here's your chance to win a signed copy of ALLIANCE FORGED (#2 Light Blade series).

There is no mercy in the demon realm. No escape. In this place of desperation and conflict, anyone who is not purebred is virtually powerless. Until a blind priestess lays claim to a half-breed warrior, body and soul…
Hunted and marked for death by Na’Reish demons for their half-blood heritage, the Na’Chi are searching for a new home—something an alliance offered by the human leader could provide. With both races divided by prejudice, when Light Blade rebels brutally attack the Na’Chi, the alliance seems doomed to fail.
Varian, leader of the Na’Chi, a hybrid race of gifted warriors, is cursed with the darker impulses of his demon heritage. Controlling the part of himself that craves the high of the battle is a struggle he’s afraid he’ll lose—until he meets Kymora Tayn, a priestess driven to serve her deity. While he’s unwilling to trust anyone outside his people, he finds himself drawn to Kymora’s strength and passionate nature, and discovers she has the power to calm the darkness inside him.
When the Na’Reish raid human territory for blood-slaves and kickstart a war, the key to the survival of both races—Na’Chi and human— is an alliance. However, when Kymora is kidnapped, pitting human against human, Varian realizes he must embrace his darker half, not only to save the alliance…but also the woman he loves.

The Rafflecopter giveaway will run until midnight November 29th, 2013.

So what are you waiting for? Get entering & good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaways Galore!

Christmas is coming, only a few weeks away now.

With this in mind, have you started your Christmas shopping? Nahh, me either! LOL

But I aim to help you out here. I have several giveaways to ... well, give away. Gifts for you or someone you know who would appreciate them.

I have 3 signed copies of VENGEANCE BORN and 1 signed copy of ALLEGIANCE SWORN up for grabs over at Goodreads. And I have some goodies - like Light Blade t-shirts, coffee mugs and swag - in my newsletter for subscribers.

All of these giveaways are open internationally - I'll post them anywhere in the world.

Goodreads Giveaway
Goodreads Giveaway

So, what are you waiting for - click the Goodreads links or keep your eyes peeled on your email inbox for the newsletter to see how you can go about entering that giveaway (or go sign up for my newsletter here) - and good luck!