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Showing posts with label Joss Ware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joss Ware. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Joss Ware's Envy Chronicles

Do you like post-apocalyptic romances?

Then check out Joss Ware's Envy Chronicles series...
Everything they knew is gone.
From the raging fires, five men emerge with extraordinary new powers. They are humankind's last hope ... but they cannot survive this dark, ravaged world alone...
Like that?

Still need convincing?

Have a gander at the two interviews I conducted with Joss here on the blog then. She gives the low down on the books and talks about the inspiration behind her series:
If you enjoyed the interviews then here's some even better news.

Avon has ebook specials on the Envy Chronicles series (prices range from $1.99 to $4.99!!!

It's to help celebrate the upcoming release of NIGHT FORBIDDEN (July 31st).

BUT the special only runs until the end of the month!

So, look for:
If you haven't discovered Joss Ware yet, then get over there and check out her books!!!
WARNING: The Envy Chronicles is an addictive series!

Monday, January 24, 2011

GUEST AUTHOR: Joss Ware returns!

I had the pleasure of contacting Joss Ware via a "fan girl" email when I discovered The Envy Chronicles, her post-apocalyptic romance series.

That first email eventuated into a guest spot here on my blog back in June 2010. Then in July last year at the RWA® Nationals in Orlando, Florida, I had the pleasure of meeting her in person at the Literacy Signing event.

Hi Joss, welcome back to my blog!

It’s an exciting time for you at the moment as your next book in The Envy Chronicles, NIGHT BETRAYED, hits shelves this week.

Let’s start with an easy question. Who is Joss Ware?
E-book special!
Joss is an uber-sexy, gritty, edgy, in-your-face blonde bombshell with a PhD who consistently puts off Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Johnny Depp and Clive Owen--because a gal needs her beauty sleep. But she always has time for Robert Downey, Jr....

Oh, wait. That's just my fantasy. Oops.

Actually, Joss Ware is a pen name for Colleen Gleason, who writes historical vampire novels. Joss writes a series of post-apocalyptic romantic adventures with a paranormal twist.

Sort of like...Walking Dead or LOST meets Suzanne Brockmann. With a bit of paranormal woven in.

Are you a plotter or panster? How do you go about planning a series like The Envy Chronicles?
I am such a pantser. You have no idea. And when I figure out how one goes about planning a series like The Envy Chronicles, I'll let you know. Because each book is just a new adventure for me!

Ahh, a panster and a lady after my own heart! That must make plot arcs a very interesting process for you. So, with that in mind, is it your characters or your plot that influence you most? What's your writing process from start to finish when writing a book?
There are three things that influence me, pretty much equally: character, plot and setting, or world. They all work together to make what is just as much an adventure for me as it is, hopefully, for the reader.

I generally maul a work to pieces as I'm writing it, going back and forth and editing and tweaking and so on as I write. I tend to be unable to go far forward without making changes that I know need to be made. That means, though, that when I'm done with the book and type THE END...I'm pretty much done.

Yay! Wow, we have such a similar process it's scary, Joss.

For those who haven’t yet discovered The Envy Chronicles could you give a brief overview of what this series is about?
The series is set fifty years after a series of apocalyptic, deeply catastrophic events decimate the earth and destroy most of the human population. There are five men who emerge from a cave in Sedona to find out that everything's changed--they don't really know how they "missed" the apocalypse, but they did.

Now they have to find their way, to figure out how to live, in this new world. And each of them emerges from the cave somehow altered (that's where the paranormal aspect comes in).

The world is like the environment in LIFE AFTER PEOPLE, or WALKING DEAD. There's a feel of LOST in the series, as well as HEROES. The guys are edgy and sexy, like a Suzanne Brockmann Troubleshooter. And...there are zombies.

Not to mention lots of hot sex. ;-)

I saw LIFE AFTER PEOPLE before I started reading your series and it was one of the first shows I thought about when I did, only your books were a lot creepier with the ganga's. They give me the heebie-jeebies!!! LOL  
Now, we’re all eagerly awaiting NIGHT BETRAYED. Can you tell us a little bit about Theo’s story?
Book 4
Theo's story was heavily influenced by a book I read that was by a hospice doctor. He wrote about some of his experiences with death and the dying...the things he witnessed and experienced as people moved from a corporal life here on earth into the next plane...whatever it is. It fascinated me, and I decided that I wanted to explore that a bit in one of my books.

I settled on this book because, first of all, at the end of the previous book, Theo has been fatally shot. And secondly, I wanted the heroine of NIGHT BETRAYED to be special in her own right. She, as it turns out, was born during the Change (the apocalyptic events) and she has her own skills and callings...just as Theo does.

What was the easiest and hardest parts about writing this book?
I had a lot of fun with the fact that Theo, who's in reality about 80 years old, but looks 30, is matched up with Selena, who is a very fit, healthy, young-looking 50 year old. When she meets Theo, thinks he's way too young for her. ;-) Plus she's the mother of a teen-aged son. That gave me a lot of things to play with.

I also wanted to explore the lure/legend of the zombies in my world, and in this book the reader learns a lot about those horrible creatures.

Hmm, maybe I'll be reading this book during daylight hours only. AND with all the lights on!
When can we anticipate the next installment in The Envy Chronicles? Can you give any hints about whose story is next in the series?
The next installment in The Envy Chronicles is Fence's story. He's the guy who's always making bad jokes and puns, doesn't seem to have a serious bone in his body....but that couldn't be farther from the truth. It turns out Fence has a deep, dark secret that he's not telling anyone....until he meets a woman who forces him to face it.

NIGHT FORBIDDEN will be out in September!

Woohoo, another book this year! Can't wait!
Joss, it's been fun having you here and I look forward to read NIGHT BETRAYED!
Thanks so much, Kylie! I really appreciate being here. I'm happy to answer any questions from readers or commenters!

Avon romance link for Joss's e-books
To learn more about Joss and this fantastic series, check out her website, and you can follow her on Facebook or Twitter.

Joss's books in The Envy Chronicles:

Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Thank you to everyone who commented during Joss Ware's visit.

For those who answered my challenge, I've thrown your name into my favourite coffee cup and drawn a winner. The lucky commenter who will be receiving all 3 books in Joss Ware's ENVY CHRONICLES series is...

Tyree Connor

Congratulations! If you can email me - kyliegriffin (at) clearmail (dot) com (dot) au [no spaces]- with your postal address I'll send these off to you ASAP.

Happy reading!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Guest Author: Joss Ware

Everything they knew is gone.
From the raging fires, five men emerge with extraordinary new powers. They are humankind's last hope ... but they cannot survive this dark, ravaged world alone...
How's that for an introduction to a new paranormal series? Would that entice you into reading on? It certainly hooked me.

Thanks to recommendations made by Nalini Singh and the Book Binge blog site, I discovered a fantastic, new-to-me, paranormal author, Joss Ware.

*SPOILER ALERT* - I'll try not too give away to many specific details in relation to this series but for the comments and interview to make sense there will be references to characters and scenes within the series. There's also a giveaway at the end of the interview, so read on!

In Joss's own words, her Envy Chronicles series is "...an action-adventure romance series set in a devastated world that feels a bit like I AM LEGEND, with the essence of LOST and a paranormal component reminiscent of HEROES."

I'd also throw in a few elements scrounged from the post-apocalyptic classics of MAD MAX:BEYOND THUNDERDOME the movie, The Postman by David Brin, The Stand by Stephen King and the JERICHO tv series. (I'll let Joss tell you more about her series shortly!)

An exciting combination, eh? Tempted? Well, you should be! But if you need further convincing, then perhaps today's interview with Joss will intrigue you enough to read her books. I doubt you'll regret it because each of The Envy Chronicles have a powerful story to share, and all set in a complex, intriguing futuristic world that seems familiar but isn't.

Hi, Joss, it's great to have you here - thanks for agreeing to be interviewed!
It’s my pleasure, Kylie. And congrats on your GH final!! Best of luck in Orlando!

Thanks, Joss - I'm very exciting. I hope I get the chance to meet you in Orlando.

So, who is Joss Ware? Do you write outside the futuristic romance genre?
Joss Ware is also Colleen Gleason, and we both write totally different things. As Joss, I write the post-apocalyptic paranormal romance series called The Envy Chronicles, and as Colleen, I write historical vampire romances.
The Gardella Vampire Chronicles are about a female vampire hunter who lives during the time of Jane Austen, and they are like historical urban fantasy. The series is complete at five books. But next year, I have a new series of historical vampire romances coming out and they are more like J.R. Ward meets Jane Austen—sexy, brooding vampires who inundate the ton.

For the uninitiated, can you tell us a bit about The Envy Chronicles series?
The Envy Chronicles are a paranormal romance series set in post-apocalyptic Las Vegas. Fifty years after cataclysmic events destroyed the human race, our infrastructure, and most of our buildings, five men emerge from a cave to find that everything they knew was gone.
What had started out as a weekend caving trip in Sedona, AZ, turned out to be a travel through time or some other inexplicable event that froze them in time for fifty years.
Now these five men have to figure out how to live in this strange new world with villainous immortals, zombies, and their own paranormal powers.

When you first touched upon the idea for this series what came first – setting, characters, plot etc.? Which characters evolved first – the heroes, heroines, the Elite, the gangas, bounty hunters, the Waxnicki brothers?
The series started for me with: what happened to destroy the earth? And then immediately following that was, I don’t want to write a romance series set during the apocalyptic events, because that would be just too dark. And who would believe in true love and happily ever after if it happened then?
So I decided that I had to have the stories take place long after the catastrophe, and set it fifty years in the future. But then I also wanted to have the main characters be completely familiar with our world as it is today….so, I decided that a paranormal element was in order and that my guys would have been cryogenically frozen or somehow suspended in time for those fifty years.
Once I decided those elements, the details started to fall into place.

Your world building is riveting. You’ve woven in the mythology of Atlantis (with a twist), familiar technology, the creepy gangas, geographical/environmental world changes, weaponry, haunting snippets from journals, paranormal powers and slang language.
What sort of research did you do on these elements? Which did you find the most interesting? Is there knowledge about this world you’ve yet to reveal to readers in future books?
I spend a lot of time researching what and how the earth would be like, fifty years after the sort of events that happened during what’s called The Change. I read books like “The World Without Us” and watched TV shows about “Life After People”, etc.
I found it fascinating to learn just how tenacious Mother Nature is, and how the world would be…not brown and desiccated like we often thing of post-apocalyptic worlds (aka, Mad Max), but that it would be lush and green and that most man-made stuff simply doesn’t stand up to Mother Nature over time.

Where or how did you come up with the idea of the gangas?
The gangas are derived from zombies, and their presence is specifically tied to what happened during the Change. I liken the gangas to the Orcs in the Lord of the Rings—they are violent deterrents to our heroes and heroines, but they aren’t the main element or characters in the books.

One of the interesting/reassuring/surprising features of your world come from the people living in Las Vegas/Envy – their movie nights. I love the modern-day pop culture references you make throughout the series. What are some of your personal favourites in TV, movies, books that influenced you?
I’m a huge Buffy fan (which influenced my Gardella series) as well as loving Harry Potter (talk about brilliant world-building!) and Star Wars.
I’m glad you mentioned the pop culture references, because when I was working on this series, my first “readers” (who are my critique partners) had a lot of problems with those sorts of references. They often felt jarred out of the story, wondering why and how these people who lived fifty years after the Change knew about, say, Indiana Jones.
My argument and thoughts were always that their world wasn’t created in a vacuum, and that not only would stories and references be shared through those two generations since the Change, but also there would be many examples of DVDs and books that survived with those sorts of entertainment on them.
I didn’t feel that even if the world ended as we know it, that we would no longer look for ways to sort of gather around the campfire and share stories. It would still happen, just in a different way.

With a series, I usually end up with a favourite book or hero/heroine but this wasn’t the case when I read the first three books of your Awakening Heroes series. The emotional impact of every story, the vulnerabilities, flaws, and strengths of your heroes/heroines and secondary characters made each book special and unique.
Do you have a favourite book/hero/heroine among them? One whose story just bugged you until you wrote it?
I loved all of the heroes and heroines, especially as I got to know them. It’s hard to pick a favorite—I loved Elliott because he’s so normal and noble, and he has such a difficult decision to make about how to handle his new powers. I loved Simon because he was the quintessential brooding, damaged hero. And Quent…he was loosely modeled after Logan in Veronica Mars, and he has a great burden to bear.
And each of the heroines were unique and special to me. Zoë is the most fun to write, because she just says whatever the hell she wants. Sometimes even I’m surprised!

From time to time we see characters in books, on TV, in movies, who we’re not quite sure if they’re really a villain eg. Garak the Cardassian tailor from ST:DS9, Spike the vampire from Buffy.
Initially Ian Marck seems to be one of the bad guys. He’s certainly an intriguing character. You’re never quite sure whether you can trust him but you can sense something redeemable about him. Do you have plans for him? Will he have his own book?
You will definitely see more of Ian. Other than that….my lips are sealed. :-)

Will the aliens who helped Parris Fielding and the Elite make an appearance in the series?
Yes, I imagine they will. I’m thinking they might show up in book five, which I will shortly begin work on. But I’m a writer who doesn’t usually know much of what’s going to happen until it does!

You tackle some emotionally confronting issues with your characters and their pasts – rape and physical abuse in BEYOND THE NIGHT; mob-activity, alcohol-drug references, murder in EMBRACE THE NIGHT ETERNAL; physical and emotional abuse in ABANDON THE NIGHT.
It makes for great internal and external conflict and certainly lends a grittier, darker tone than some would be used to in a romance series. Could you share some of your thoughts on what motivated you to give such a dark edge to some of the characters/their pasts?
I think this series is rather dark overall—after all, we’re talking about the end of the world as we know it. And while it can sometimes get to be cliché if every character in a romance series has an abusive or dysfunctional past, I try to make whatever the issue is be relevant to this specific series/world.
In other words, yes, Quent had a rough childhood, but he would have moved on (as he did) and grown up to live without ever seeing his father again, and had a relatively normal life. Except that, the Change happened and his father reappeared. And so he had to deal with that relationship in a different way.
And Zoë is a woman on a revenge mission because her family was killed by zombies. But her entire character is built on a life lived in the post-Change world—which is so different from ours.

Can you tell us about the next book in the series – Theo’s story? What’s in store for him? Are there more books to come?
I just finished Theo’s book, NIGHT BETRAYED, which will be released in January 2011. I loved that book because I got to deal with some really interesting issues.
The story doesn’t take place in Envy, in fact, and having a new setting made it sort of fun to expand the world.
Selena is Theo’s heroine, and she is a cougar. ;-) What I mean is, she was born during The Change, so she’s fifty…and Theo…well, he’s a unique case himself isn’t he?
Also in this book we see more of Remington Truth, Ian, Wyatt, and Lou as well. And a little bit of Zoë, being…well, Zoë.
I’m able to explore the relationship between the Waxnicki brothers too, and the reader finds out a lot more about the zombies.
There will be at least two more books after Theo’s book, and then we’ll see what happens. There’s a lot that can be done with the series, or it can be wrapped up at six books. We’ll see!

And lastly, can we expect to see you at the RWA national conference in Orlando, Florida? If not, where can fans and readers catch up with you?
I’ll be in Orlando at RWA (now that it’s been moved from Nashville) and fans can check my website for appearances at any time!

Joss, thanks so much for visiting – it’s been great having you here and I’m now busting to read NIGHT BETRAYED. I can't wait for it to hit the bookshelves!
Thank you so much! And again, good luck with the Golden Heart, and I look forward to meeting you at RWAmerica!

Now for the fun part - I have the first 3 books in Joss's ENVY CHRONICLES to giveaway to one lucky commenter - all you have to do is answer this question...

Imagine you're transported into the future (like Elliott, Simon & Quent - Joss's characters).
What 3 things would you take with you to help you survive in this new world, and why?

You have until midnight, Saturday, 19th June to enter (Australian time).

Take a look at the blurbs from the Envy Chronicles series. If you go to Joss's website each have excerpts to tempt you!

A man with no future...
When Dr. Elliott Drake wakes from a mysterious fifty-year sleep, the world as he knew it is gone. Cities are now desolate, and civilization is controlled by deadly immortals. Stranger still is Elliott's extraordinary new "gift" – he has the power to heal, but it comes with fatal consequences.
A woman with a past
Jade barely escaped the immortals and is now hell-bent on revenge. She trusts no one... until Elliott. His piercing gaze and tempting touch shatter her defenses, but the handsome doctor seems to have dangerous secrets of his own. Is it safe to trust him with her heart?
If they are to survive in this dark new world, Jade and Elliott must work together to fight the forces that takes them beyond danger.
Beyond desire.
Beyond the night.

Simon Japp will never forget his violent past. But when civilization is all but destroyed, he sees his chance for redemption. Blessed with a strange "gift," he's determined to help the resistance against the Strangers, the mysterious force that stalks them at every turn. He can't afford to get distracted, even by the stunning, soft-spoken woman fighting by his side...
Sage Corrigan has learned to be careful where she places her trust. But she sees something good in Simon, even if he can't see it in himself. Posing as lovers to infiltrate a group key to their fight, they find that their staged affection soon develops into a desire that will leave them fighting for their lives in the night eternal... 

Quentin Fielding had everything. Money. Power. Women. But now that civilization is all but annihilated, Quent only wants one thing: revenge. Harnessing a strange new "gift," he embarks on a deadly mission to find the the man responsible for the chaos and destruction, the man he should have killed years ago: his father. Only one thing stands in his way – a mysterious, arrow-wielding beauty...
Zoe Kapoor is on her own quest for vengeance, searching for the monstrous fiends who murdered her family. Soon she and Quent join together, journeying through the ruins of the world they once knew as a desperate desire builds between them. Drawing closer to an enemy they never imagined, Zoe and Quent must abandon all fear, abandon all regret, abandon the night ... if they want to stay alive.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Guest Who's Coming to...my blog?

If you like your romances grittier and edgier than most then this is a series, and an author, you don't want to miss.

Everything they know is gone.
From the raging fires, five men emerge with extraordinary new powers. They are humankind's last hope...but they cannot survive this dark, ravaged world alone...

Joss Ware has created the Envy Chronicles, an exciting new, post-apocalyptic romance series. To learn more about her books and characters, I've invited Joss to visit on June 15th. Don't miss this interview!