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Showing posts with label New Zealand author. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Zealand author. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


This month I'd like to introduce readers to some paranormal romance authors from Australia & New Zealand.

These authors are part of a blog group I'm affiliated with, called the Dark Side DownUnder. The site is aimed at showcasing all things speculative fiction - articles, authors, books, spotlights on... and contests/giveaways. You can find out more about DSDU here.

Today I have Cheryse Durrant visiting the blog.

Cheryse, while growing up, did you have an interest in the paranormal?
I remember brewing up witchy and fae games as a child and penning magical fairy tales. I LOVED fantasy. Remember the Ron Perlman/Linda Hamilton Beauty & the Beast of the late 1980s? Delicious. I also used to scour my high school library for my specific tastes, but I read a book a night so I ran out of titles after a short time (it was a small bush school).

What drew you to write in the paranormal romance genre?
I’d loved romance ever since I snuck into my sister’s bedroom and read my first Penny Jordan when I was eleven. True love, combined with magical elements (or any spec fic wonders), brings me joy. I feel like a child in a candy store.

Paranormal concepts also add tension to your plotlines. There’s nothing more memorable than a love story set against the edge and fear of an apocalypse or other evil infiltrations. It also increases the stakes – what’s worth fighting and dying for.

In your books, what sorts of characters or themes do you like to write about?
Strong women who face impossible goals. They also tend to struggle with a disease or handicap (or what they perceive as a weakness) that eventually becomes key to their happiness or goal success.

In THE BLOOD SHE BETRAYED, my kick-butt heroine Shahkara hates her half-demon self, but it’s her talons, healing abilities and super strength that enables her to save her world and people.

Even when I started writing paranormal romance at 14, my heroines were always flawed, but that ‘weakness’ ultimately became their ‘power’, once they overcame their fears and insecurities. Stories do parallel real life. After all, the greatest demon or challenge that most of us will ever face is ourselves. 

THE BLOOD SHE BETRAYED (Book 1 in the Heart Hunters)
To save her kingdom, she must betray her blood...
Thrust into the technology-driven Earthlands via magical mists, Shahkara is forced to rely on Max McCalden to help find the ancient Elnara death lantern, her homeworld’s last chance of survival against the heart-devouring Taloners.
Max has his own problems – a manipulative billionaire father, a murdered brother – but nothing prepares him for this fugitive warrior’s razor-sharp talons and magical abilities.
Shahkara’s half-Taloner blood demands what she knows she can’t have – a human heart. She longs for love, but as deadly enemies attack at every turn, will her lust for Max destroy them both? Or will she find the strength to free both worlds from a threat more horrific than the demons that share her blood?

Fav. paranormal TV series: Does Dr Who count? I know it’s sci fi but… Okay, then, it’s a toss-up between Buffy and Once Upon a Time.
Which paranormal romance author would you just love to meet in person?  LJ Smith, I know she’s a Young Adult author, but she tops my list. I fell in love with The Vampire Diaries years ago and, during the past couple of years, she’s been incredibly supportive of my writing, even publicly endorsing The Blood She Betrayed. I’d love to have coffee with her, but she lives overseas 
Most intriguing paranormal creature: Illyria from the Angel TV series. She was a goddess in charge of her own destiny! I also loved her confusion at being woken into a new realm of time.
Fav. paranormal movie: Practical Magic
Keeper paranormal romance series/books: The Light Blade series by Kylie Griffin…of course!
Which would you prefer - transporter, TARDIS or immortality: That’s a no-brainer: TARDIS!

Dead fingers curled around an ancient crypt and a love of Celtic mythology were the two inspirations behind Cheryse Durrant's The Blood She Betrayed, the first novel in her young adult/new adult Heart Hunters series.
Durrant was born within days of Tolkien’s death and grew up on an Australian cattle farm where she chatted to scrub faeries and an imaginary superhero. She wrote her first story on her aunt's bedroom wall but it did not attract the literary acclaim she deserved.
She worked as a journalist for 15 years before trading her soul for fiction. The coffee/chocolate/strawberry addict now lives on the central Queensland coast where she teaches writing through Creative Dragons and is an avid WriteFest fan.

You can find out more about Cheryse on her website, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, GoodReads or WattPad.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


This month I'd like to introduce readers to some paranormal romance authors from Australia & New Zealand.

These authors are part of a blog group I'm affiliated with, called the Dark Side DownUnder. The site is aimed at showcasing all things speculative fiction - articles, authors, books, spotlights on... and contests/giveaways. You can find out more about DSDU here.

My good friend, Peta Crake is the Dark Sider in the hot seat today!

Growing up, did you have an interest in the paranormal, Peta?
Most definitely.

I loved hearing my grandparents and parents talk about encounters with ghosts (doorknobs turning when there was no one there, a figure standing at the end of the bed) and all those television shows looking at weirdness like the Loch Ness Monster or the Bermuda Triangle.

Although I read most genres, well anything I could get my hands on really, I was always drawn to fairy tales, mythology and fantasy. I can't count the number of times I read "The Folk of the Faraway Tree" by Enid Blyton.

As for television, after Sesame Street and Playschool, one of the earliest shows I can remember watching is Dr Who. Then there was also Blake's Seven, Catweezle, Logan's Run, Greatest American Hero, Tomorrow People and the original Battlestar Galactica (I know some of them are more sci-fi but they all drag your imagination into "what if?" territory).

What drew you to write in the paranormal romance genre?
Twilight! Yep, you read it correctly, the home of sparkly vampires and hot young werewolves.
I had never come across paranormal romance until I watched Twilight which lead to the discovery of the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris.

 I then had a reading binge of epic proportions wherein I devoured every paranormal romance and urban fantasy book I could get my hands on...nothing was safe. I think the library and local bookshop quaked in fear when I approached at the prospect of running out of stock.

It suddenly twigged that this was what I was supposed to write. I put my fantasy novel to the side (it was my learner book and will probably never see the light of day) and started on what became my debut novel, Harbinger. At the same time I also wrote my next book, REVELRY, which was out last month (August 2013).

In your books, what sorts of characters or themes do you like to write about?
A lot of my heroines (all of them if my critique group are to be believed) have severe commitment issues. They are strong, independent and will soldier on in adversity until they can go no further. I would call them "low maintenance" and they tend not to be looking for a partner hence the men who do walk into their lives have to work extra hard to earn their love.

The common theme in my writing so far is belonging. Accepting who and what you are and finding a home with those who love you for who you are - faults and all.

Fav. paranormal TV series: Haven or if we are talking fantasy as well, Game of Thrones.
Which paranormal romance author would you just love to meet in person? Sherrilyn Kenyon or the husband and wife team known as Illona Andrews.
Most intriguing paranormal creature: Can I say the heroine of the story I am currently writing? She is a bakeneko (Japanese mythological creature, a spirit cat)?
Fav. paranormal movie: Underworld
Keeper paranormal romance series/books: Too many for my bookcases. Anything by Keri Arthur, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Illona Andrews, Charlaine Harris, Patricia Briggs....
Which would you prefer - transporter, TARDIS or immortality: TARDIS of course. Transporters are limited in their usage and immortality is just plain depressing. 

As a messenger for the all-powerful and sometimes frightening gods, suburban Aussie girl Ophelia Lind is used to being at their beck and call. When gorgeous demigod Aden moves into her neighbourhood and starts taking advantage of her services, she believes life could not get any worse.
She's about to be proven very wrong.
Without warning an odious creature - evil incarnate - begins to stalk her. Ophelia is accustomed to adventures and scrapes but this is different. Even Aden, finds it difficult to protect her. Suddenly Ophelia is in a battle for survival and begins to question everything - her upbringing, her identity and her true feelings for the alluring and entirely frustrating Aden.

Peta Crake grew up in a small town on the south coast of Western Australia, where the idea of fairies and monsters residing in the thick forests was perfectly believable.
After spending nearly a decade living in Japan and revelling in its culture, she turned her hand to writing.
Now living back in Australia with a husband, two kids, a cuddle-addicted cat, and a thoroughly confused dog, she writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance full of strong sassy heroines, surprising heroes and disturbed side-kicks.

Peta's latest release: 

Fate brought her to Ridgewood, fate or really bad luck...
Revelry Bell is tired. Tired of running, tired of being alone and tired of jumping at shadows. All she wants is to settle somewhere safe and quiet, but doubts that will ever be possible, not while her pack and its sadistic leader are still hunting her. With her cash supply dwindling and a stomach so empty it echoes, she jumps at the offer of a job and accommodation in the small town of Ridgewood.
It would be perfect, except for the high number of shifters in town and the presence of Connor Blythe. The man is everything she is trying to avoid - a wolf shifter like her.
When she stumbles across some corpses on Connor's land, Revelry needs to decide if she should follow her instincts and trust the man everyone else has deemed guilty, even if it means losing her precious freedom or her life.

You can find out more about Peta on her website, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


This month I'd like to introduce readers to some paranormal romance authors from Australia & New Zealand.

These authors are part of a blog group I'm affiliated with, called the Dark Side DownUnder. The site is aimed at showcasing all things speculative fiction - articles, authors, books, spotlights on... and contests/giveaways. You can find out more about DSDU here.

Today, I have Shona Husk visiting!

Growing up, did you have an interest in the paranormal, Shona?
I had an interest in all things ‘other’ as a child. I read about the occult, time travel, witches, dragons, monsters—basically anything I could get my hands on. When I read fiction it was fantasy. I just wanted the world to be more exciting and interesting than it was.

What drew you to write in the paranormal romance genre?
In paranormal romance I can add that otherness to our world and draw characters into adventures they never thought possible. Being kidnapped by a goblin, marrying a fairy King, falling for a ghost or finding a genie are all possible.

In your books, what sorts of characters or themes do you like to write about?
I tend to writer darker stories with wounded heroes. There’s also usually a need for acceptance and belonging. Even non-humans need love and to be accepted for who they are.

Fav. paranormal TV series: Supernatural
Which paranormal romance author would you just love to meet in person? Ann Aguirre
Most intriguing paranormal creature: Ohhh, that’s a hard one. Fairies, because they love intrigue and are often misrepresented as cute little flutterbys instead of the old, powerful beings that people used to fear. Of course that could change when I start a new series and find something else that captures my interest :)
Fav. paranormal movie: Devil’s Advocate
Keeper paranormal romance series/books: Dark Age Dawning series by Ellen Connor
Which would you prefer - transporter, TARDIS or immortality: TARDIS

Caspian Mort can feel the history in anything he touches, a gift he inherited from his father, the Crown Prince of Annwyn. Devastated over his ex-wife's infidelity, Caspian has withdrawn from human contact except when working as an antiques dealer.
While assessing the contents of the historic Callaway House he encounters the beautiful Lydia Callaway and senses that her home is haunted by a banished fairy. But what does the dangerous exile want? Unbeknownst to Lydia, she's the owner of the last remaining portal to Annwyn—a mirror hidden somewhere in the house. To keep Lydia safe, Caspian will have to divulge the secrets of his heritage, and risk losing his heart again.

"Brilliantly unique, beautifully sensual, The Outcast Prince had me spellbound from the first page!" - Larissa Ione, New York Times bestselling author

Three time ARRA finalist Shona Husk lives in Western Australia at the edge of the Indian Ocean. Blessed with a lively imagination she spent most of her childhood making up stories. As an adult she discovered romance novels and hasn’t looked back. Drawing on history and myth, she weaves new worlds and writes heroes who aren’t afraid to get hurt while falling in love.

With stories ranging from sensual to scorching, she is published with Carina Press, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing and Sourcebooks. You can find out more at www.shonahusk.com or follow her on Twitter, Facebook or subscribe to her newsletter.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

DARK SIDE DOWNUNDER: Rowena May O'Sullivan

This month I'd like to introduce readers to some paranormal romance authors from Australia & New Zealand.

These authors are part of a blog group I'm affiliated with, called the Dark Side DownUnder. The site is aimed at showcasing all things speculative fiction - articles, authors, books, spotlights on... and contests/giveaways. You can find out more about DSDU here.

To kick off this series, please welcome Rowena May O'Sullivan to my blog!

Rowena, what is it about the paranormal romance genre that intrigues you the most?
I believe that if the imagination can create something then surely, it exists.  My father read a lot about extra-terrestial visitations and practiced hypnotism in my younger years and this definitely had an influence, but it wasn’t until I took a book out of the library in my early 20’s that I became hooked on reading paranormal books (I don’t think it was called that).  It’s also freeing to write about worlds where the only boundaries are those you create yourself.

What challenges did you face publishing in this genre?
The biggest challenge, apart from actually writing those books, which is not easy – it can be like drawing blood from a stone – is getting a publisher, editor or agent to actually read your work.  They receive thousands of manuscripts from writers the world over and you need to be able to stand out or present the best manuscript you can in order to be read.

A good way, and this worked for me, is to enter competitions.  If you final, you’ll end up on an editor or agent’s desk.  Finalling also gives you confidence. You begin to think, “someone actually liked it enough to mark it high enough to final.”  That in itself provides validation for all those lonely hours sitting at the desk lost in your own world as you piece your story together.

Which authors have inspired you in your own writing? Or which ones do you enjoy reading?
I was inspired very early on. The first book I ever received as a gift was Heidi.  It was the very first full book I ever read.  Then came The Famous Five and that’s when I started trying to write my own adventures when I was approximately eight, nine, ten.

I began to pester my parents for a typewriter and I actually saved for one and bought a very decrepit one when I was twelve.  I loved that typewriter and kept writing little stories, mostly children’s stories (I don’t know where they are now) until that typewriter died.  The kernel was born there, but it wasn’t until my son was about seven that I really put pen to paper and wrote a couple of short romances that finalled in Women’s Day competitions and I discovered Romance Writers of New Zealand around the same time.

I attended a meeting and “hey presto” I found a niche where I felt I belonged.  There are so many authors that inspire me that it’s difficult to name anyone as every book I’ve ever read has influenced me in some way.

When you get a chance to relax, what do you like to do?
I often go to see my son, daughter-in-law and wee grandson, who has just turned one, as he learns to swim. Family is the most important thing in my world. Family, friends and reading a really good book!  Heaven!

Five Minutes with Rowena
Rowena's Thoughts on life: I do a lot of staring out the window. I love to read, to disappear into other worlds. I wander off mid-thought often! I think life should be more like a musical. Quiet, introspective and yet strangely noisy and annoying. I’m prone to break out into song, even at work. My workmates are ecstatic I only know the first lines of songs.
Fav.must-read author/s: There are too many to mention! Suffice to say I’ll read just about anything.
On my bookshelves at home I have: Jill Barnett, Janet Evanovich, Rachel Gibson, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Kristan Higgins, Nalini Singh, Kim Harrison, Charlaine Harris, Kylie Short and Liann Hearn plus so many more!
For relaxation you like to: Zone out with a good book or watch television. I love stories! Sleeping on the couch seems to be a favourite as well!
Fav.colour: That amazing colour blue the sky goes at sunset.
Dream holiday destination: Greek Islands – I went there when I was 21 and fell in love.  I’m still waiting to return. Sigh.
Hunkiest Actor: Joe Manganiello who plays Alcide in True Blood!

About your book:
Release Date – 20 May 2013
Publisher – Crimson Romance
Hero -   Gregori Rousseau
Heroine -  Alanna Greenwood
Setting – Raven’s Creek and Cabasson (South of France)

Ensorcelled in a jade dragon, Warlock Gregori has a secret that could destroy his future with the one woman who could save him from turning rogue.
Charged with guarding the jade dragon, Alanna is shocked when Gregori shatters not only the stone imprisoning him, but also the invisible barriers she has placed around herself to hide a secret far greater than his.
A secret that could destroy not only her close relationship with her sisters, but also her life as a witch and most of all, any hope of a future with Gregori.

A short excerpt taken from Chapter Four - Gregori has just broken free of the Jade Dragon and Alanna doesn’t know what to do with him.
She spread out a sheet on the cobblestones and rolled him, with a lot of shoving and pulling and pushing, onto it. Then she gathered the ends of the material at one end between her fists and dragged him across the courtyard, kicking shards of jade out of the way with her slippers. Even with the sheet protecting his body, he was sure to have grazes over his behind and legs.
“It’s just as well I lug stone around for a living,” Alanna huffed as she lugged Gregori towards the Gallery. Even more so now that she couldn’t use her powers to levitate an object at will. “You’re a dead weight!” she grunted, finally making it to the French doors. “I don’t know what you did,” she sputtered as she pulled with all her might, taking small backward steps through the Gallery, avoiding precious work by both her sisters and other artists, towards the office. “But I’m not taking any chances. Witches’ Oath be damned! Once you’re out of the cold and I’ve got your privates covered—and they’re the best bits I’ve ever seen—I’m going to get hold of Rosa, Beth, Goran, whoever, and spill the beans big time.”
She could do with some magic right now. She’d conjure up a replica dragon, perch it outside and fix those damned courtyard walls. Those without magic wouldn’t have a clue. Only Rosa, Beth, Aden, and Goran would notice the difference. At least she needed a way to make Gregori invisible while she came up with a plan.
She tugged steadily towards the small office tucked away out of sight where the sisters could rest, make a drink and take care of administrative matters. The daybed had come in handy on many an occasion. Lugging him upstairs was not an option. She had visions of losing hold and of him tumbling down the stairs, head over ass, to lie in a broken heap at the bottom.
“No. Not a good picture,” she mumbled as she heaved a final time into the office. She studied the daybed and then Gregori. “Not going to happen either,” she mumbled and let the sheet drop and Gregori’s head connected with a loud thud on the floor.
Alanna cringed and gnashed her teeth. “Witches’ Warts with knobs on!”
Gregori heard muttering. Disgruntled muttering.
“Damn stupid warlock! What the hell did you have to go and do that for?”
“Damn” and “stupid” in the same sentence didn’t sit well in his foggy head. He ought to protest he was neither. He attempted to open his eyes, but they refused to obey. He willed his arm to move. It resisted. He tried to speak. Nothing. Unfortunately, his ears were working. The grunting and swearing continued. If he could talk, he would have been far more explicit in his choice of words, especially the moment his head connected with something hard and unresisting.
“How the hell am I going to explain you to my sisters?”
He likely had a concussion as well as the odd paralysis that prevented him from moving or responding.
“Sorry,” Alanna said. He knew her voice. Her scent.
He would have laughed if he could have. Her apology was belated and only half-hearted. Don’t ever apologize. Never reveal your weaknesses.
A mere bump on the head was the least of his concerns. His physical body wasn’t working, and—he checked momentarily—neither was his magic. Clearly, his mind was intact. He could hear and feel everything that was happening. Not unlike his imprisonment in the dragon. The cynic in him was both amused and irritated. It was fitting, he supposed, that his final prison should take the form of a small, lethal dragon of Marylebone.
Rowena May O’Sullivan is a writer of paranormal romance and romantic comedy. My first memory of wanting to become a writer was as a child after reading my very first full-length book, Heidi. From there came the Famous Five series. After that it was a wonderful journey as I made my way through all the books on the library shelves, all the while thinking, I’d love to be able write books. At night I would lie in bed with the lights off making up stories and telling them to my sister before drifting off to sleep. Eventually I discovered romance. I love romantic comedy and paranormal romance. I love a great relationship story. I love magic and humor. I love anything quirky. So it only seemed natural to pen these types of books.

One night I dreamed the first book in my paranormal Greenwood Witches series, which eventually became The Silver Rose. From there, The Jade Dragon, Alanna and Gregori’s story was born. I hope you enjoy reading their story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I’m currently working on Book 3 in my Greenwood Witches trilogy, Beth and Goran’s story.

To learn more about me or subscribe to my newsletter, visit www.rowenamayosullivan.com

I can also be found at:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Time for a new series, and what an exciting one it is - New Authors!

All the featured authors are from the Romance Writers of Australia or Romance Writers of New Zealand, and have just been or are newly published with the digital imprints of Australian publishing houses like - Random House, Harlequin, Penguin and Pan Macmillan.

This week, please welcome Wendy Vella.

Wendy Vella is a lover of all things romantic. She started reading her first Georgette Heyer book at a young age and instantly fell in love with the Regency era. Writing is something she has always found time for; she penned her first novel at eighteen though she says it will never make an appearance further than the closet in which it currently resides.

After having her two children Wendy then joined RWNZ and started honing her chosen craft by entering competitions with some success and attending conferences. Her Clendon and Readers Choice award-winning historical romance The Reluctant Countess will debut in Jan 2013 with Random House in their Loveswept line.

She has an addiction to reading and loves a wide range of genres while her first love will always be historical. She relishes novels steeped in Romance and excitement with feisty heroines and delicious heroes, especially when they are set amongst the treacherous waters of London society.

Wendy is a sucker for a happy ending having secured her own. She has been married to her own dark brooding hero for 28 years and shares her home with two wonderful children, two dogs and anyone else who happens to be visiting at the time. Born and raised in a rural area in the North Island of New Zealand, Wendy loves the beaches and lush green rolling hills of her homeland and is proud to call herself a very patriotic Kiwi! 

Released - January 2013.
Publisher - Random House – Loveswept.
Call Story – I was lucky enough to meet my editor Sue Grimshaw at the Auckland RWNZ conference in 2011. I pitched The Reluctant Countess to her and she asked me to send her the first three chapters, which she loved, and then she requested the full manuscript.

I received her acceptance by email. It was a Saturday morning and I remember opening the email with a pounding heart, and then just sitting there looking at the screen completely shocked after I’d read it. I screamed and laughed and my family came running. I then called a few friends and several champagnes later I was much more relaxed!

About your book:
THE RELUCTANT COUNTESS is set amongst the intrigues and scandals of Regency London. 

From rising romance star Wendy Vella comes a Cinderella story of whirlwind passion between a dashing earl and a beautiful countess—and the secret that threatens to tear them apart.

Regal, poised, and elegant, Sophie, Countess of Monmouth, is everything that a highborn lady should be. But Sophie is hiding a past that is far from royal. When Patrick, Earl of Coulter, realizes that her story doesn’t add up, he resolves to find out the truth of what Sophie and her sister-in-law are concealing. Although Sophie has every reason to avoid him, the handsome and charismatic Patrick awakens something wicked deep within her soul . . . a powerful need that Sophie must stifle in order to protect her place in society. 
Despite Sophie’s humble background, the raven-haired beauty has won Patrick’s heart. But what Sophie needs now is an ally. Viscount Myles Dumbly, the disgruntled former heir of Monmouth, is determined to expose Sophie as a fraud to recapture his lost inheritance. Soon Patrick is drawn into a fight for both their lives. Somehow he must find a way not only to rescue Sophie from poverty once and for all, but to keep her in his arms forever.

“If only she had a small imperfection.”
“What?” Patrick, Earl of Coulter, tore his eyes from the top of the stairs to glare at his friend.
“The countess.” Lord Sumner swept his hand in an arc that encompassed most of the assembled guests. “I was saying that some sort of imperfection would detract from her goddess like beauty. Perhaps a lisp? Alas, no,” he added seconds later. “A lisp would merely make her sweet and beautiful.”
“Idiot,” the earl muttered, propping one shoulder against the silk-covered wall. His gaze returned to where the countess now stood. Poised on the top step of the Duke of Rookvale’s ballroom, she appeared motionless; only her eyes moved as they passed over the guests milling below.
“Perhaps a mole with several long dark hairs,” Lord Sumner mused, “on the end of her little nose?”
 Patrick watched the countess descend. Tonight her raven locks were piled high and clasped with a single diamond pin; several long curls had been artfully teased to lie on one slender shoulder. Created to torment, her dress was cut low in the bodice, allowing a glimpse of the lush curves that lay beneath, and with every step she took the skirts caressed her legs in a swirl of emerald satin. Patrick dreamt about those legs—naked and wrapped around his body. Even from a distance, his muscles clenched at the thought of her lying beneath him, skin gleaming, lips red from his kisses. Bloody woman. From the first glance, she had taken up residence in his head, and he wanted her out. Patrick didn’t obsess over women—he took what he wanted when he wanted it. Usually his affairs were brief yet satisfactory for both parties and he was always the one in control. The countess, however, was another matter. Something about her reached out to him and he wanted her with a desperation no other had made him feel. Yet he would never act on that desperation because the countess was a fraud, and there was nothing Patrick hated more than people who set out to deliberately deceive others.
“Did you just growl, Coulter?”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Patrick snapped, following the countess’s progress until she reached the bottom step. Once again she became motionless. It was as if she held her breath, yet those eyes moved in every direction, seeking, searching, but for what?
“To be her lady’s maid for just one day,” Lord Sumner sighed.

You can find out more about Wendy on her website or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Time for a new series, and what an exciting one it is - New Authors!

All the featured authors are from the Romance Writers of Australia or Romance Writers of New Zealand, and have just been or are newly published with the digital imprints of Australian publishing houses like - Random House, Harlequin, Penguin and Pan Macmillan.

This week, please welcome Lena Dowling.

In her previous lives, Lena Dowling has been a lawyer, policy analyst, and an administration manager. While Lena was born and raised in New Zealand, it was during a stint working ‘across the ditch’ in Australia that she took up writing in earnest.

Having found her inspiration in The Lucky Country, Lena writes Australasian themed romances about gutsy, intelligent heroines, and the men who dare to love them.

Lena currently lives in beautiful subtropical Northland, New Zealand, with her own computer-code-writing hero. 

Title - THE CONVICT'S BOUNTY BRIDE (a novella)
Release Date - early March, 2013 
Publisher - Escape Publishing
Call Story - It was an email from Kate Cuthbert , Managing Editor at Escape Publishing that came through mid-afternoon one Sunday, shortly before Xmas. Before I opened it, I could only see the first few words: 'Thank you for submitting to Escape Publishing.'

I had already filled in the next few words in my mind, and the very first word was 'Unfortunately....' But no. After I opened it, I had to re-read the email several time because it continued along the lines of: ' I'm delighted to accept your manuscript for publication.'

I ran outside, all the way fanning my face, trying to keep back the tears while I found my partner who had been working in the garden.

Warnings of impending waves of breaking emotion are always appreciated by my rather stoic real-life-hero so I said: 'I've got something to tell you, but when I do, I'm probably going to cry.'

Actually, I did manage to keep the tears at bay long just enough to tell him. After which he dropped his gardening fork to give me a big hug, followed by a hasty trip inside to see if we had a drop of anything worthy of being opened on such an auspicious occasion!

About your book: 
Hero - James Hunter an ex-convict returned from Australia to London.
Heroine - Lady Dorothea Willers daughter of the Earl of Eastbourne, Chairman of Willers Bank,  and his wife the Countess, who doesn’t so much as social climb as mountaineer and who has high hopes of achieving a suitable marriage for her daughter.
Setting – Regency, London.

Life as a convict in an Australian penal colony was brutal, but James Hunter had the advantages of raw physical strength and courage on his side. He survived, and now he is back; a self-made man of means, determined to take the bride he was promised.
Lady Thea Willers knows nothing of the bargain her father made to save her brother, nor does she have any interest in marriage. It might be a radical idea, but what Thea wants is a career.
The revelation that her brother’s liberty depends on her marrying James Hunter is devastating. But nothing, it seems, has the power to shake Thea’s world upside down like James himself, or the way he makes her feel.

Any upcoming releases?
A contemporary romance novel entitled LEGALLY ADDICTED also being released by Escape Publishing in May 2013.

You can find out more about Lena on her website, or follow her on Facebook or Twitter.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Books Make Great Christmas Presents!

If you're a book lover like me, then you'll know the fun and joy of giving books as gifts to family and friends at Christmas time.

It's even better when you can share your favourite genre with them. And for me, that's paranormal romance!

Here are some books I've read this year that might make the perfect present for a friend or rello!

KISS OF STEEL - Bec McMaster
He craves her like no other…
Honoria Todd has no choice. Only in the dreaded Whitechapel district can she escape the long reach of the Duke of Vickers. But seeking refuge there will put her straight into the hands of Blade, legendary master of the rookeries. No one would dare cross him, but what price would he demand to keep her safe?
Ever since Vickers infected him with the craving, Blade has been quicker, stronger, almost immortal—and terrified of losing control of the monster within. Honoria could be his perfect revenge against the duke…or the salvation he never dared to dream of.

KISS OF SNOW - Nalini Singh
Since the moment of her defection from the PsyNet and into the SnowDancer wolf pack, Sienna Lauren has had one weakness. Hawke. Alpha and dangerous, he compels her to madness.
Hawke is used to walking alone, having lost the woman who would’ve been his mate long ago. But Sienna fascinates the primal heart of him, even as he tells himself she is far too young to handle the wild fury of the wolf.
Then Sienna changes the rules and suddenly, there is no more distance, only the most intimate of battles between two people who were never meant to meet. Yet as they strip away each other’s secrets in a storm of raw emotion, they must also ready themselves for a far more vicious fight…
A deadly enemy is out to destroy SnowDancer, striking at everything they hold dear, but it is Sienna’s darkest secret that may yet savage the pack that is her home…and the alpha who is its heartbeat…

THE DARK ROSE - Denise Rossetti
Duty and passion are a dangerous combination in the paranormal world of Denise Rossetti, author of The Flame and the Shadow, Thief of Light, and Lone Warrior…
Rosarina of the Garden is the most famed—and desired—courtesan of her time. She is also a spy, the heir-apparent of Caracole’s Spymaster, sent on a deadly mission to Green IV. She cannot afford to trust anyone, least of all a man with his own agenda—and the ability to crack her cool composure.
Technomage Quintus is on Green IV to repair the great Machine that keeps that planet habitable. He doesn’t expect to encounter the Dark Rose again, but he’s determined to make the most of it. She’ll be a most pleasing lover… once he convinces her to accept his offer.
But there is more in play on Green IV than either know. The Necromancer is waiting for the perfect moment to exact his revenge. If Rose and Quin cannot learn to trust each other then the Necromancer will rule—and even love won’t be enough to save them.

ARCHANGEL OF MERCY - Christina Ashcroft
Between an angel and a desperate woman comes salvation - and a raw passion that challenges them at every turn…
When Aurora Robinson attempts to open a rift between dimensions to embrace her true heritage, an arrogant Archangel is the only one who can save her from the jaws of hell. And while she owes Gabriel her life, she’s determined not to fall at his feet-despite the desire she feels whenever they’re together.
After his wings were brutally destroyed millennia ago, Gabriel has no compassion for humans like those who ruined him and betrayed the ones he loved. But when he inexplicably finds himself defying ancient protocols to rescue a woman from a fate worse than death, he is shocked by the searing attraction he feels for a mortal.
As the ancient forces that seek to punish Aurora for her actions close in, Gabriel offers the tempting woman protection at his private sanctuary. But as they both succumb to their desires, they discover an even deeper connection-one that threatens to consume them.

BLOOD KIN - M.J.Scott 
Imagine a city divided. A city where human and Fae magic rests uneasily next to the vampire Blood and the shapeshifting Beasts. A city where a fragile peace is brokered by a treaty that set the laws for all four races…a treaty that is faltering day by day. 
I didn’t plan on becoming a thief and a spy. But options are limited for the half-breed daughter of a Fae lord. My father abandoned me but at least I inherited some of his magic, and my skills with charms and glamours mean that few are as good at uncovering secrets others wish to hide. Right now the city has many secrets. And those who seek them pay so well… I never expected to stumble across a Templar Knight in my part of the city.
Guy DuCaine is sworn to duty and honor and loyalty—all the things I’m not. I may have aroused more than his suspicion but he belongs to the Order and the human world. So when treachery and violence spill threaten both our worlds, learning to trust each other might be the only thing that saves us.
But even if a spy and a holy knight can work together, finding the key to peace is never going to be easy…

FLESH - Kylie Scott
When the plague hit, her neighbours turned into mindless, hungry, homicidal maniacs.
Daniel has been a loner his entire life. Then the world empties and he realises that being alone isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Finn is a former cop who is desperate for companionship, and willing to do anything it takes to protect the survivors around him.
When the three cross paths they band together; sparks fly, romance blooms in the wasteland and Ali, Daniel and Finn bend to their very human needs in the ruins of civilisation.
Lust, love and trust all come under fire in Flesh as the three battle to survive, hunted through the suburban wastelands.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Today begins a series featuring the wonderful talent of our Down Under authors - from Australia and New Zealand - across a number of romance genres. 

The first series will showcase our HISTORICAL ROMANCE AUTHORS.

Please welcome my first guest...Sophia James!

Sophia James writes historical romance for the Harlequin Historical imprint in London.

A double winner of the Romance Writers of Australia R*BY 2010 & 2011 she has also finalled in the Australian Romance Readers Awards and won the Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award.

Sophia has been a mentor at the RWA 5 Day Intensive (5DI) in Brisbane in 2010 & 2011 and has run a similar mentorship programme in New Zealand in 2012.

She has a degree in History and English from Auckland University and a background in teaching.

Published works: I have published eleven books to date in two time periods; Regency England and Medieval Scotland.
Publisher: Historical Harlequin.

What is historical romance and which era intrigues you the most?
The Regency period was full of anomalies, the manners of the time balanced against the ruthless push of ‘getting ahead’ and ‘marrying well.’ A period like this always sets up a great background for tortured characters who have been thrown around by the unreasonable expectations of Society.

My other time span in Medieval Scotland and the brutal raw harshness of the period always presents other challenges (such as just staying alive).

What's the most fascinating aspect about writing in this genre for you?
I love historical because I feel I am not so constrained in aspects of character. A medieval knight can kill with barely a hint of shame and it’s so freeing to be able to thumb your nose up at the strict conventions of the Regency in print.

What challenges did you face publishing in this genre?
The challenges are the research and getting it right. When I began writing I had read many historical and so sort of knew the terms and expectations by osmosis really. But further on in my career I realise I am a novice in research and accuracy and it is one of the things I am trying to get better at.

Which authors have inspired you in your own writing? Or which ones do you enjoy reading?
I love Diana Gabaldon and her Jamie and Claire series. She is such an intelligent writer and her characters just leap off the page for me. I reread Judith McNaught and I love Joanna Bourne.

When you get a chance to relax, what do you like to do?
I walk or go to the gym. I read. I visit art galleries. I renovate my old house. I garden.

Could you share your latest release, or a selected book, and tell us a little bit about it?

My latest release is LADY WITH THE DEVILS SCAR which is out in the UK/USA on the 24 July, 2012. It is a Scottish Medieval set in the 1360’s. I love this book, it’s just one of my real favourites.

The heroine, Isabel Dalceann, is fighting to save her keep from David the Second and is a figure bards tell of all across Scotland; a witch they say who has repelled three sieges upon her castle and a disfigured woman who dresses as a man.

The hero Marcus de Coutenay is a commander of the armies of Kings. He is feared and lauded in both France and Scotland.

If you would like to read more I have their first kiss as an excerpt on my website.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

SERIES: The Paranormal DownUnder - Emily Gee

In Australia, 2012 is the National Year of Reading. What better way to celebrate this than by finding a new-to-you author or revisiting a favorite one?

This series of blog posts, entitled The Paranormal DownUnder, aims to do just that!

Any of my regular readers know I'm passionate about introducing 'local' talent (aka authors from Australia & New Zealand). This time around I'm keen to feature those who write in this genre.

So, be prepared for a swag of authors & some blatant promotion of their books as they share their thoughts on the paranormal genre and why they find it so compelling.

Please welcome my next guest...Emily Gee.

Emily grew up in a house full of words and books: her mother worked as a librarian and a proof-reader, and her father was a writer.
She had no intention of becoming a writer. Ever. But since getting a science degree, she's spent several years travelling and working overseas, and one day was sitting on a bus in Syria, with the desert stretching in all directions, and she thought, What if...and since then has written manuscript after manuscript.

Emily's been a rehabilitation instructor, a library assistant, a postie, a waitress on the Isle of Skye, and even (briefly) a field assistant in Antarctica. She love to travel and has lived in Sweden, backpacked in Europe, and journeyed overland in the Middle East, China, and North Africa. Most recently she's lived in Marlborough, New Zealand and works in the wine industry.
You can visit her website to find out more about her and her alter-ego, Emily May, who writes historical regency romance.

What compels you to write in the fantasy and regency romance genres?
I've loved fantasy novels since being introduced to them as a child (my father wrote children's fantasy novels and read them to us chapter by chapter as they came from his pen) and I've adored regencies since the very first Georgette Heyer I read as a teen. I guess you could say that I write the genres I enjoy reading.

Is there something you'd like to write but have yet to attempt?
Funny you should ask that, Kylie. I've been wanting to write a regency with magic in it for some time now (what sub-genre is that ... regency paranormal?) and I'm making a stab at it this year. So far, it's loads of fun!

Who are auto-buys for you? What makes their books so appealing to you?
Lois McMaster Bujold, because she builds such great worlds and writes so well. I'm a huge fan of her Vorkosigan novels, which are intelligent, complex, and funny.

Diana Wynne Jones, for her imagination and use of language. I love, love, love her Chrestomanci novels for children/young adults. Alas, she died last year, so there'll be no new ones.

My third auto-buy is Jennifer Crusie, because she's so funny and smart and uses English so well. I love the way her mind works!


Her magic may be the only thing that can save a prince-and the Seven Kingdoms. 
In a distant corner of the Seven Kingdoms, an ancient curse festers and grows, consuming everything in its path. Only one man can break it: Harkeld of Osgaard, a prince with mage's blood in his veins. But Prince Harkeld has a bounty on his head-and assassins at his heels.
Innis is a gifted shapeshifter. Now she must do the forbidden: become a man. She must stand at Prince Harkeld's side as his armsman, protecting and deceiving him.
But the deserts of Masse are more dangerous than the assassins hunting the prince. The curse has woken deadly creatures, and the magic Prince Harkeld loathes may be the only thing standing between him and death.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

SERIES: The Paranormal DownUnder - Maree Anderson

In Australia, 2012 is the National Year of Reading. What better way to celebrate this than by finding a new-to-you author or revisiting a favorite one?

This series of blog posts, entitled The Paranormal DownUnder, aims to do just that!

Any of my regular readers know I'm passionate about introducing 'local' talent (aka authors from Australia & New Zealand). This time around I'm keen to feature those who write in this genre.

So, be prepared for a swag of authors & some blatant promotion of their books as they share their thoughts on the paranormal genre and why they find it so compelling.

Please welcome this week's guest...

Maree Anderson is an award-winning author who writes paranormal romance, sci-fi, fantasy, and young adult books. She's a Kiwi, a New Zealander, and she's addicted to chocolate -- the darker the better. Not to mention coffee, and the occasional glass of excellent NZ wine. She's not quite so addicted to her local gym -- she'd much rather do an hour's karate class and go Ceroc dancing than pound the treadmill.

She shares her home with a neurotic cat who likes to bring in the neighbour's dog's bones, and a depressed goldfish who likes to scare her by lying at the bottom of the fish-tank and playing dead.

To date Maree has published three novellas, six novels, and one young adult novel. She's currently working on the sequel to her multi-award-winning YA featuring a teenage cyborg heroine, Freaks of Greenfield High.

For reviews and excerpts of Maree's books, please visit the BOOKS page of
her website.

What compels you to write in the paranormal genre?
My imagination and thought processes are naturally skewed toward paranormal/fantasy. I've tried re-ee-ally hard to write a "straight" story but somehow it never turns out the way I intended.

My attempt at a Regency romance, for example, turned into an alternate-world historical fantasy (with a virgin hero raised in a fanatically religious world where chastity is prized, who woke up one morning to find himself exuding pheromones that made him irresistible to women).

And my contemporary category story about a lawyer and a secretary, turned into a story about an architect and an interior designer who was unaware she was a part-time cat shifter. Go figure. So I guess for me, the lure of the impossible is too great and it's easier to embrace my warped, twisty-turny imagination and just run with it.

Is there something you'd like to write but have yet to attempt?
Ummm.... the aforementioned straight contemporary story with no paranormal or fantasy aspect whatsoever? Seriously, one day I would like to write a really gritty urban fantasy series a la Lilith Saintcrow, Devon Monk, or Karen Marie Moning.

Who are auto-buys for you in this genre? What makes their books so appealing to you?
Nalini Singh, Lilith Saintcrow, Rachel Caine, Sarah Rees Brennan, Holly Black, Ilona Andrews.... the list goes on and on and on!

I think for me the main appeal is the skill with which my favourite authors maintain an ongoing series so it's always fresh and exciting, even if the "world" and the characters are already established. With Nalini's Psy-Changeling books, for example, I love the way my favourite characters from previous books are interwoven into subsequent books in the series so I can catch up with how they're doing, and that there's an ongoing thread throughout the books hinging around the identity of the Ghost.

Lilith Saintcrow's Dante Valentine and Jill Kismet series focussed one heroine throughout the entire series, which meant I could follow the heroine's growth, the way she changed, her relationships with the other characters, over the course of 5 or 6 books before the series ended.

Bottom line? I love reading series! Each time a new book in a series I'm collecting comes out, I will invariably hold off reading the latest book, and re-read the entire series before indulging in my latest purchase. Bliss!

Some of Maree's books:

For more information about Maree & her other books, go to her website

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

GUEST AUTHOR: Natalie Anderson

USA TODAY bestseller NATALIE ANDERSON writes fun, frisky, feels-good contemporary romance for Harlequin Mills & Boon and Entangled.

With twenty books published, she’s also been a Romantic Times Award nominee & a finalist for the R*BY (Romantic Book of the Year).

She lives in Christchurch, New Zealand with her husband, four children and what feels like a million ducks.

About the book...
Setting: Christchurch, New Zealand.
Hero: Dr Gabe Hollingworth – head medic for the unbeatable Silver Knights rugby team.
Heroine: Roxie Jones, shop assistant, newest recruit to the Silver Blades – dancers at the rugby stadium and Gabe Hollingworth’s new landlady.
Scene you would never cut: Well, given one of Roxie’s main aims is to have ‘her first time’ - then I absolutely couldn’t cut that scene!!!
Something your hero or heroine would never do or say: Vegan Roxie would never eat meat.
What's one quirky thing about your hero/heroine? Roxie lives in a house that has a tree growing through one corner of it.
What do you think the readers will like about this book? I hope readers respond to Roxie’s ‘seize the day’ attitude – she’s done what she’s had to do – unreservedly and whole-heartedly, but now she’d going to fulfil some dreams of her own and nobody is going to stand in her way! 

She needed... sexperience!
Forced to grow up too quickly, Roxie skipped too many all-important 'firsts'. Now, armed with a six-point checklist, she's ready to get experiencing - starting with the big one - losing her 'V' plates!
A hunky doctor, Gabe Hollingworth, has moved in next door. He's a one-night-only pro - and smoking hot! Perhaps he could help her out...?
Only Gabe wants to be more than just another tick on her 'to-try' list! He sets Roxie a challenge he's sure she can't accept: walking away from their insane chemistry... 

Buy links for FTL:
Amazon     Book Depository 

What's next for you?
I’m currently working on my next two stories for Riva -  they’re linked in an unusual way and it’s proving to be quite a challenge!

About you...
Favorite movie of all time: Sentimental favourite would be LADYHAWKE with Michelle Pfeiffer, Rutger Hauer and Mathew Broderick. But there are SO many awesome movies out there. Movies are my addiction.
Favorite fairytale: hmmm, tricky. Maybe Bluebeard? I had a great book with lots of old fairytales and it had wonderful plate illustrations and I can still see that Bluebeard picture!
Favorite story to disappear into: Anything by Georgette Heyer or Mary Stewart – they’re my ‘comfort reads’.
Favorite TV program: We don’t have a telly – actually we do, but it’s not plugged in to the aerial. We watch DVDs – I prefer movies to TV shows cos I get all the story in a two-or-so hour burst, plus I hate ads!
First book you remember reading: Robert the Rose Horse – I wouldn’t leave Kindy without my own copy.
Dog or cat person (or other): This one is SO tough but I think the dogs have it by a whisker – only because I like birds so the cats lose a point.
Author (living or dead) you'd most like to meet: Georgette Heyer. 
A romantic retreat for you would be...Time. Uninterrupted time, just me and my husband. Doesn’t matter where we are so much as being able to be alone together – and with neither of us working!!!
What do you do to unwind or relax? I love to go on an adventure – for a drive somewhere and daydream. 
What era would you like to time travel and visit? And why? Can’t I visit them all? Give me a tardis! I wouldn’t like to stay in any one time period for long I don’t think and I would rather not be a participant, just an observer. I’d REALLY love to travel into the future! 
What does love mean to you? Well it’s the world isn’t it? I think it’s all our relationships that give us pleasure and purpose in our lives – from our parents and siblings, friends, a life partner and children of our own... All those different kinds of love are all so wonderful and enriching and make life. 

Find out more at her website, on Twitter, or on Facebook.

Some of Natalie's other books:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

GUEST AUTHOR: Bronwen Evans

I'd like to welcome a very special friend, my fellow BILD'er (writing group - Book in 50 Days ) and historical romance author, Bronwen Evans.

Bronwen's in the middle of a blog tour and has stopped by today to share with you more about her latest release, INVITATION TO SCANDAL, and there's a surprise at the end of the interview!

Without further ado, take it away, Bron!

New Zealander Bronwen Evans grew up loving books. She’s always indulged her love for story-telling, and is constantly gobbling up movies, books and theatre. Her head is filled with characters and stories, particularly lovers in angst. Being able to write her characters stories is never work, it’s a dream come true. Is it any wonder she’s a proud romance writer.

She writes both historical and contemporary sexy romances for the modern woman who likes intelligent, spirited heroines, and compassionate alpha heroes. She's won several romance writing competitions and is a member of several writing organizations, including RWA, RWNZ, and The Beau Monde. Her 2011 debut novel, INVITATION TO RUIN, received a 4.5 star rating from RT Book Reviews and was nominated in the RT Reviewers’ Choice awards – Best First Historical.

When not ensconced in her study writing her characters thrilling journeys to their happy ever after, Bron can be found on the golf course.

Readers can contact Bronwen via email at romance(at)bronwenevans(dot)com For more information on all of Bronwen’s books, including updates on novels yet to come, visit Bronwen’s website at www.bronwenevans.com

Publisher – Kensington Brava
Release date – 1 May 2012

What do you think the readers will like about INVITATION TO SCANDAL?
Hi Kylie, thanks for having me over to blog today. I’ve just about finished Vengeance Born. It will almost be a disappointment to come to the end. But I digress. :-)

I hope readers will love INVITATION TO SCANDAL because they can relate to the internal struggle my hero, Rufus Knight, Viscount Strathmore faces. Rufus is all about honor and clearing his father of treason. He lives his life trying to atone for the sins of his father. He puts honor before everything else. He has to live his life this way because Society would crush him, his mother and sister, if he did not. However, my heroine, Rheda Kerrick, teaches him that sometimes doing the honorable thing leads only to pain and suffering. Sometimes a little naughtiness can do a world of good.

Imagine the gut-wrenching position Rufus is put in when he learns that he can clear his father’s name, but only by destroying the woman he loves! It’s the old catch twenty-two – love or honor.

What themes or tropes appear in INVITATION TO SCANDAL?
Good versus evil. Honor versus what’s right. Self-sacrifice for those you love.

Her secrets are coming undone...

Plagued by scandalous rumors, Rheda Kerrich will stop at nothing to restore her reputation and make an honest living for herself-and she's determined to do it without a husband. But times are hard, and smuggling is a risky though profitable trade. So when a dashing agent for the English government catches her in the act, she desperately resists his charms and conceals her illicit profession. Until she realizes he may be the key to her ultimate freedom-and unbridled passion.

Rufus Knight, Viscount Strathmore, has never had trouble beguiling the ladies of Kent. When his search for "Dark Shadow," a cunningly elusive smuggler, leads him to alluring and headstrong Rhe, her objections to his amorous advances merely incite a tantalizing game of cat and mouse. Soon, they'll find the very secrets driving them apart could ensnare them in a love they can't escape… 

The Book Depository

The thundering hooves focused her back on the problem at hand. Horse and rider appeared around the bend. The horse was galloping so fast she wondered if its accomplished rider would see her. Her heart missed a beat. The man wasn't Daniel. Daniel didn’t own, nor could he afford, a magnificent beast such as this.
Please, she prayed, let him fly past without noticing me. 
Like every other aspect of her day, she was denied her wish. The rider pulled on the reins, and the powerful steed came to a sliding halt in the middle of the road, gravel spraying through the air.
Her shoulders drooped. “Perfect,” she uttered to no one but herself.
The stallion pranced on the road in tune to the pounding surf, its owner stroking its neck with a large gloved hand. He took in her situation and seemed to whisper something in his horse’s ear. Rheda licked her lips nervously. Would he be friend or foe?
The pair trotted across the field in her direction and halted in front of her.
“Are you in need of assistance?” His voice was velvety smooth, yet commanding.
She saw two dark eyes rimmed with lovely long eyelashes, and a wide soft mouth. With a mouth that soft he would be very responsive. She might even be able to control him. The stallion before her was impressive. He would make a fine mate for her mare, Desert Rose.
“He won’t bite,” the man added, misinterpreting her interest in his horse as fear.
With some reluctance she lifted her gaze to the owner of such a beautiful piece of horseflesh. Her heart tumbled in her chest, flipping and flopping as if caught in the thundering surf behind her.
She shook her head. The word applied equally to the stallion’s rider. She had never seen such an arresting man. Her pulse hitched as she drank him in, the pain from the barrel momentarily forgotten. When she reached his dark eyes she shivered. He had a look of danger about him.
His eyes were almost the same color as his horse’s glossy coat, a luminous rich brown. His breeze-swept chestnut hair was fashionably cut and softened the hard planes of his handsome face. His countenance screamed he was a man not to be messed with.
Like his regal mount when he sought his mares, this man could mesmerize any female he chose to conquer—she was sure of it.
Rheda tried to move her foot so the pain would distract her from the knowledge that this man’s beauty disturbed her more than it should.
To hide her reaction to him she bit out a reply. “Of course I need some help."

What was the inspiration behind your INVITATION series?
I love tortured heroes. Men who seem to have everything but in reality are missing the one thing that would make them whole—LOVE. So the series is about four friends (two brothers) who have had terrible events in their lives which they must overcome. Needless to say it’s the heroines who help them through their journey and who complement them.

I had to match these magnificent men with pretty special heroines. That was fun too. They are woman who are perhaps a little ahead of their time, but who we can all relate to. Strong, intelligent and independent, but full of compassion, warmth and love.

Will readers see more books in this series?
Rufus’s story, INVITATION TO SCANDAL, is book two in the series, so there are two more books to go. INVITATION TO PASSION is Richard Craven’s story. He is the twin brother of Anthony Craven,  my hero in book one, INVITATION TO RUIN.

Richard’s book will be released early 2013. I’ve paired Richard with Rufus’s sister, Madeline. The story is very poignant as tells the tale of their deep friendship and the how they find themselves, through a misunderstanding, married. The journey from friends to lovers is a rocky one.

Then late 2013 will be, INVITATION TO LOVE, Alexander Montford’s story which is also introduced in INVITATION TO SCANDAL. 

What other new projects are you working on?
I’ve written a Regency novella trilogy called, Wicked Wagers. Book one, To Dare the Duke of Dangerfield got to #3 in the Amazon Best-Sellers list Regency, and I’ve just released book two, To Wager the Marquis of Wolverstone, and I’m busy finishing book three, To Challenge the Earl of Cravenswood – August 2012.

I also have a contemporary category romance called The Reluctant Wife coming out with Entangled Publishing in fall 2012. This is a new direction for me and I’m very excited. I’ll still be writing dark, tortured heroes though.

5 minutes with Bronwen...
Worst subject at school? Chemistry
First pet? A Puppy – Sam – when I was seven
Lake Okareka, Rotorua, New Zealand
Ideal holiday spot? Lake Okareka, Rotorua, New Zealand
Favourite holiday activity? Golfing.

Favourite snack? Cottage Cheese on crisp breads.
Sunset or sunrise? Sunrise
Dragons or angels? Dragons.
Guilty pleasure? Chocolate cake with loads of frosting.
Favourite place to write? My study.
The book (or author) that got you hooked on romance? Any romance book by Penny Jordan, Robyn Donald.

Now, for that surprise I mentioned at the start of the post!

Bronwen is generously offered a copy of INVITATION TO SCANDAL to one lucky commenter who tells her their favorite trope in a romance book i.e. marriage of convenience, secret baby etc., and why?

Comment and leave your email address by 6pm, Sunday May 20th (AEST), and you'll go into the draw. Have fun!