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Showing posts with label Tuna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tuna. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Roti Tuna Abon

I used my previous recipe to make this bread.
Has always been my family's favourite

I used tuna as the filling along with mayonnaise, and beef floss as the topping

Since I used the water roux method, the bread is really soft.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Roll Bread (with Tuna and Seaweead) - Not Gluten Free

Roll Bread? Semula aku pikir yang bisa di-roll hanya cake.
Ternyata roti juga bisa. Malah lebih mudah ngerollnya karena lebih lentur.
Tetapi karena roti, jadinya proses pembuatannya lebih lama, tidak seperti cake yang cemplung cemplung, mixer, masukkan oven, selesai.
Kalau roti mesti bolak balik nguleni dan menunggu adonannya mengembang.
Dan ini beberapa jam.

Roll Bread? Originally I thought it's only cake that could be rolled.
Since this is bread, it takes longer time to prepare.

Tetapi hasilnya sepadan dengan effort dan waktu yang digunakan.
Rotinya gurih dan lembut, apalagi dipadu dengan tuna kaleng dan abon.
Dan terakhir, lihat sushi, jadi deh terinspirasi membuat roti sushi, karena dibungkus rumput laut.

But the results are worth it compared with the effort and time spent.
Savory bread and soft, especially combined with canned tuna and beef floss.
Inspired by sushi, I wrapped the bread with seaweed.

Tidak hanya yang kecil, si sulung dan bapaknya sudah nyomot paling sedikit tiga buah sejak tadi pagi ... he he he, seneng lihatnya.

Resepnya aku ambil dari "Sedap"

Bahan biang:
- 300 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
- 3 gr ragi instant
- 15 gr gula pasir
- 200 ml air es

Starter material:

- 300 g high protein flour
- 3 grams of instant yeast
- 15 grams sugar
- 200 ml of ice water

- 150 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
- 100 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
- 7 gr ragi instant
- 40 gr susu bubuk
- 75 gr gula pasir
- 2 kuning telur
- 1 putih telur
- 75 ml air es
- 75 gr mentega tawar dingin
- 1 sdt garam
- 1 sdm wijen hitam sangrai


- 150 g high protein flour
- 100 g cake flour
- 7 gr instant yeast
- 40 grams of milk powder
- 75 grams sugar
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 egg white
- 75 ml of water

- 75 g cold unsalted butter
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tbsp toasted black sesame

Bahan isi:
- tuna kaleng
- susu kental manis
- abon

Material contents:

- Canned tuna
- Sweetened condensed milk
- Beef floss

Bahan topping
- mayonesse
- abon
- seaweed

Topping ingredients

- mayonesse
- beef floss
- seaweed

Cara membuat:
1. Biang, campur tepung terigu, ragi instant dan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Masukkan air es. Aduk sampai kalis. Diamkan1 jam dalam suhu ruang lalu 0,5 jam di lemari es. 
2. Campur tepung terigu, ragi instant, susu bubuk dan gula pasir , aduk rata
3. Tambahkan biang, aduk rata, masukkan telur dan air es. Uleni sampai kalis. Tambahkan mentega tawae dan garam. Uleni sampai elastis. Tambahkan wijen hitam. Uleni rata. Diamkan 30 menit
4. Kempiskan adonan. Bagi 3 bentuk bulat dan diamkan 10 menit
5. Giling tipis adonan, letakkan di 3 buah loyang 20x20x3 cm yang sudah dialas kertas roti dan dioles mentega. . Tusuk tusuk adonan dengan garpu. Diamkan 75 menit sampai mengembang
6. Oven dengan api atas 180C dan api bawah 190C selama 20 menit
7. Setalah matang dan dingin, olesi roti dengan susu kental manis, taruh tuna di salah satu sisi, dan sisanya ditaburi abong. Gulung padatkan.
8. Untuk topping, gunakan mayonese untuk tempelkan abon atau seaweed

How to make:

1. Mix flour, instant yeast and sugar and stir well. Enter the ice water. Stir until smooth. Let stand for 1 hours at room temperature and then half an hour in the fridge.
2. Mix the flour, instant yeast, milk powder and sugar, mix well
3. Add starter, mix, add the egg and ice water. Knead until smooth. Add butter and salt. Knead until elastic. Add black sesame. Knead till well-blended. Let stand 30 minutes.
4. Dough. Divide into 3 round shape and let stand for 10 minutes
5. Flatten the dough, place in 3 baking pan 20x20x3 cm that already covered using baking sheet and spread with butter.Let stand 75 minutes until it rises.
6. oven using top fire at to 180C and 190C using bottom fire for 20 minutes
7. After cooked and chilled, spread bread with condensed milk, put the tuna on one side, and the rest sprinkle beef floss. Roll it.
8. For the topping, use mayonnaise to stick the beef floss or seaweed