Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Thursday, June 21, 2012

One McBurger with lies please

Fast-food firm's own video reveals why items on the menu never look like what you are served.

Reality check: A photo showing half a store bought McDonald's burger and one created for advertising purpose.
Ever wondered why the burger or food you've purchase never looks like it does in the advertisements?
McDonalds Canada answered this question of one of its customers with a video that goes behind the scenes and reveals what really goes on in a quarter pounder photo shoot advertisement.
The ‘food styling’ takes place in a photography studio where each ingredient is carefully prepared. Miss Bagozzi tells viewers: ‘That burger [made in a normal McDonald’s] was made in about a minute or so. The process we go through on the average shoot takes several hours.
‘I think that it’s important to note that all the ingredients are the exact same ingredients that we use in the restaurant. So it is the exact same patty, it’s the exact same ketchup, mustard and onions, and same buns.’

The video shows how each ingredient is carefully put into place, with the onions, pickles and sauces placed at the edge of the bun so they can seen. After the ingredients are in place, the cheese is gently melted using a heated palette knife. A computer is used to add the finishing touches.

Complete Article :


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rabbit Care Sheets

Well here are the care sheets I've been promising to post . I put these together when I was breeding mini lops and mini cashmere lops as - Nibble Nursery :)
I thought about uploading old website but felt that it was unecessary to purchase a new domain and hosting so I just uploaded the PDF files to instead .

you can view all my documents on Scribd at :



Nibble Nursery - Rabbit Care - Grooming

Nibble Nursery - Rabbit Care - Your New Bunny



Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Seaweed helps with weight loss

Researchers from Newcastle University have said that adding alginate, which is found in sea kelp, to foods can reduce fat absorption by more than 75 percent. They say could be the answer to the obesity epidemic.

Scientists have said in a statement that the fibre is more effective in blocking fat absorption than most anti-obesity treatments available over the counter. But before you go and eat a ton of sushi, scientist are working on a bread that is made with seaweed in it . It's not currently available to purchase yet. read on...

Article Shared: Research: Seaweed helps with weight loss -

We often hear how the refined flour in bread is the enemy in people's battle of the bulge, but new research has found that bread with seaweed in it could actually help us lose weight.
Scientists said that fiber found in sea kelp can stop our body absorbing up to 75-percent of fat and could be the answer to the obesity epidemic, but is it all too good to be true?
It's the dieter's dream food.
The more you eat, the more you lose weight, but that's exactly what scientists at Newcastle University claim to have discovered.
The secret they said is seaweed, or more specifically, a natural fiber called alginate found in some sea kelp.
In clinical tests it reduced fat absorption 75 percent, and crucially, they said it can be added to everyday foods.
"You can add it to almost anything," Newcastle University Professor Jeff Pearson said. "It doesn't taste or smell of anything, so you can add it to dairy products, yogurts, cheese, you can put it in biscuits, potentially the sky's the limit with what you can incorporate it in anything."
Tests do show that the alginate is more effective than many over the counter weight loss products, but health professionals said people shouldn't rely on a cure-all.
"It must be very tempting to, that means you can still eat the foods that you might really, really enjoy, or might not spend as much time and effort," personal trainer Harland Sinclair said. "Unfortunately, we are made for exercise, we are not made to sit around."
The bread isn't available to buy yet, and with more trials needing to be done, it's unlikely to be on the shelves for at least five years, but in the lab at least there is the hope that they may just have found the secret weapon in the fight against obesity.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

TV chef roasted for praising 'tasty' cat meat

TV chef Beppe Bigazzi roasted for praising 'tasty' cat meat

Although cooking cats is illegal in Italy the meat is a delicacy in Asia.
  • Italy's Ready Steady Cook chef suspended
  • He told viewers cat meat was tender and tasty
  • Punishment for cooking cats 18 months in jail
A TV chef has been given a roasting by animal lovers and network chiefs for praising cat meat.
Beppe Bigazzi, the co-presenter of Italy's version of Ready Steady Cook, gave advice on preparing "tender, white cat meat" for a cat casserole.
During the nutrition section of the lunchtime show, he said he often ate cat meat and found it "tastier than other animals", The Daily Mail reported.
He then quickly added: "I can assure you it's a delicacy now I am going to get lots of letters."

Hundreds of outraged viewers phoned the show's makers to complain, while thousands more made their feelings known on websites.
Francesca Martini, Italy's undersecretary for health, said Mr Bigazzi's comments were "offensive to the growing number of people who care about the way we treat animals".
Killing and cooking cats is illegal in Italy, with offenders risking of up to 18 months in prison.
Mr Bigazzi said: "It's all a big mix up. I was just trying to explain a saying from where I come from about the eating of cats. In the Thirties and Forties they were very popular."
Cat meat is considered a delicacy throughout much of South East Asia.

 TV Chef - Beppe Bigazzi


According to RSPCA In Australia:

Is eating dogs or cats legal in Australia?

ACT : ? Not covered in Welfare Act
NSW : ? Not specifically prohibited. However it would be possible to take action under the general cruelty provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979
NT : ? Not specifically prohibited under the Animal Welfare Act
QLD: ? Comes under jurisdiction of the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000 , administered by Safe Food Queensland. Contact 1800 300 815 or
SA: No Summary Offences Act
TAS: No Tasmanian Meat Hygiene Act
VIC: No Illegal under Section 35(1) of the Meat Industry Act 1993

: ? Some provisions in the Health Act

Why is it that in the Nothern Territory can get away with more things than other states!! Shocking!

RELATED: Taboo Food & Drink
