Showing posts with label police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sony Playstation tattoo machine seized at UK detention centre

Article Shared -

AN inmate at a British detention centre was caught offering tattoos - using a machine he rigged up from a Sony Playstation.
The Sun said the detainee stripped down a console and attached its motor to a ballpoint pen with its tip sharpened to drive ink into the skin.
His homemade gizmo was seized along with a tattoo magazine from his room at Brook House Immigration Removal Centre near Gatwick, West Sussex.
Sources claim he charged other detainees to use it - but officials denied this.
A source said: "It was a truly bizarre piece of DIY, up there with some of the most extraordinary finds staff have made.
"When it was switched on it would move up and down like a real tattoo gun. But you would have to be daring to want a tattoo from a machine like that."
The Border and Immigration Agency said the device was seized during a routine check of rooms.
A spokesman said: "No further action was taken, but staff have been made aware so they can be vigilant for anything similar."
The centre holds 426 men - many awaiting deportation after jail for crimes in the UK.
They are allowed PlayStation 1 and 2 consoles, but not the PlayStation 3 model because it can connect to the internet.
Guards in US jails have found tattoo guns made from Nintendo consoles.
Read more at The Sun

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Women try to smuggle their dead relative onto a plane

In the 1989 hit Weekend at Bernie's, two friends try to have everyone believe their murdered boss is still alive. Here is a similar story which occurred only yesterday where two women tried to smuggle a body onto a flight! They claim that they did not know he was dead.. so will be interesting to see what the post mortem results are.. read on>

Article Shared : - VIDEO
'Weekend at Bernie's' women claim dead man was sleeping when caught at airport.
  • Women 'tried to smuggle body onto plane'
  • 'Put man in a wheelchair with sunglasses'
  • Allegedly said man was 'asleep' when probed
TWO British women who allegedly tried to smuggle a dead relative onto a flight out of England Weekend at Bernie's-style have been arrested.

Kurt Willi Jarant, 91, was in a wheelchair and wearing sunglasses as his widow and her daughter attempted to check him in at Liverpool John Lennon Airport, northwest England.

Airport staff helped the elderly man, who suffered from Alzheimer's, out of a taxi into the wheelchair when he arrived for his flight.

But officials became suspicious and took his pulse, discovering he had passed away.

Police then detained his widow Gitta Jarant, and her daughter, Anke Anusic, at the airport on suspicion of having failed to give notification of death. They have been released on bail.

The pair, who live in Oldham, northwest England, denied he was dead when they brought him from their home to take the flight to Germany.

A police doctor said he had been dead for more than 24 hours, according to Ms Anusic, but she fiercely denied this.

"They would think that for 24 hours we would carry a dead person?" the 41-year-old told the BBC.

"This is ridiculous. He was moving, he was breathing."

The pair said they thought that with his eyes closed the elderly man was asleep.

"He was alive. He was pale but he wasn't dead," Ms Anusic added.

Gitta Jarant, 66, told the broadcaster her husband, whom she called Willi, was "the best man in the world."

"Everyone loved him and everyone was in shock about his death," she said.

"I loved my Willi."

"So many people had seen him in the previous 24 hours. We had checked his temperature and checked his wellbeing.The accusations are wrong," Ms Anusic said. accusations are wrong," Ms Anusic said.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Police buzz in to solve vibrator mystery

LOL this is more embarassing that the farting pig mystery... lol the poor woman haha

Shared from: - WTF

  • Woman hears suspicious noises in flat
  • Police patrol car sent to investigate
  • They find a 'personal battery-operated device'
A WOMAN phoned police after hearing "suspicious noises" in her flat, but much to her embarrassment officers found the source was a vibrator, authorities say.
The noise was so loud and strange, even over the telephone, that police in Bochum in western Germany decided to send a patrol car around to the "scene of the crime", a statement said.

"Daringly, and with the occupier's permission, one of the officers opened the drawer of a wardrobe where the noise was coming from.

"Underneath some clothes he found a very personal, battery-operated object which had obviously switched itself on... The tenant's face abruptly changed colour."

Police then "wished her a nice evening and left".

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Missing Persons

"You do not have to wait 24 hours before reporting someone missing."

Sadly 35,000 people are reported missing each year in Australia. While 95 percent of people are found within a short period of time, there remains approximately 1,600 long term missing persons; those who have been missing for more than six months.

The NMPCC profiles missing person's cases that have been provided by the State and Territory police. It is the role of the police services in each State and Territory to investigate reported cases in their jurisdiction.

Have you seen any of these missing people?


View profiles of missing persons in Australia.

Please note: the cases listed do not represent every missing person in Australia that has been reported to police. The NMPCC is only able to profile cases where there has been an authority granted for public display.

View Australians missing overseas

View missing children across the world.



If you have serious concerns for the safety and welfare of a person, and their whereabouts are unknown, then you may immediately report them missing to local police by filing a missing persons report. You do not have to wait 24 hours to report someone as missing.
If you have lost contact with a family member over time however the person is not reported as a missing person to police, you may wish to utilise the services of a family tracing agency. Search agencies are able to help people reach relatives and reunite families, often in times of special need.

Call Crimestoppers if you have any information about any missing person -
1800 333 000




"My website has been up and running for over four years now and I have been overwhelmed with the positive response I have had from the families and friends of the Missing and also Police and media agencies. My aim is to provide information about missing persons from every State and Territory in Australia, no matter how long they have been missing, and the ultimate aim of course is to find these people and bring peace to, and possibly reunite the families. I provide emotional support and practical help wherever possible to the friends and families of the Missing."

AMPR -website

AMPR - Facebook Page



It is important for people to be aware that being reported missing is not a crime and that it is the aim of the NSW Police to ascertain if the missing person is safe and well.

If you do NOT wish to return home you do NOT have to, and the Police will NOT make you! They simply need to ascertain if you are safe and well and once that is established they can remove you from the Missing lists.



Missing Persons Myspace Profile

Daniel Morecombe Foundation

Facebook: 1 000 000 people in the search for Daniel Morcombe

Families and Friends of Missing Persons Unit

Don't You Forget About Me

Forever Searching Kids

National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (USA)


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thief arrested while on the toilet

Article Shared From Herald Sun : Thief arrested while on the toilet

A MEXICAN thief dubbed El Tigre was arrested while using the toilet during a robbery in the central city of Puebla, police said.

The thief could not "resist the urge" to go and was discovered when police heard noises coming from the bathroom in the house he was robbing, the authorities said.

"As the uniformed officials took note of the facts, they heard noises inside the bathroom. They tried to open the door but the man told them he was busy," a municipal police source said.

The robber was arrested for theft and property damage, while the home-owner requested a new toilet, saying "I don't think it will be used again".

Monday, November 23, 2009

Careful what you post on facebook!

Teen guilty of Facebook slur

Article Shared from Adelaide Now

AN Adelaide man has been convicted of criminal defamation after posting material about a country police officer on social networking site Facebook.

Defamation experts believe the case, involving Christopher James Cross, 19, has set a legal precedent and should serve as a "wake-up call" for all Facebook users - which number more than six million in Australia.

Cross, of Salisbury, pleaded guilty last Monday in the Kadina Magistrates Court to criminal defamation - and became only the second person in SA ever convicted of the rarely used charge.

When the apprentice diesel mechanic was charged on August 27, his police bail conditions included a ban on him returning to his home town of Yorketown, on Yorke Peninsula.

The ban lapsed following his guilty plea on Monday and Cross returned home for the first time on Friday.

A sheepish Cross on Friday said he "didn't realise you could get in trouble for things on the internet".

"Other stupid stuff has been said towards other people and towards me, and nothing has ever happened. The fact it involved a police officer, that's where something happens," he said.

Kadina CIB detectives launched an investigation after one of Yorketown's two police officers, Senior Constable Mark Stuart, was alerted to material posted about him on a Facebook group, called "Piss off Mark Stuart".

When questioned by detectives, Cross admitted setting up the Facebook group targeting the officer.

On Monday, he appeared before Kadina Magistrate Derek Sprod and pleaded guilty.

He was convicted and placed on a two-year, $500 good behaviour bond. If Cross breaches the bond, he could face a jail term of up to three years.

The Facebook page created by Cross contained photographs of Sen Constable Stuart, the location of his house, and had many posts from visitors who had left incorrect, offensive and grossly defamatory statements about the officer.

Some encouraged acts of violence and aggression towards him.

The court heard Cross made full admissions to Kadina detectives when he was arrested. He admitted setting up the Facebook page because friends had complained to him about Sen Constable Stuart and that his actions were "stupid".

SA Police's Commercial and Electronic Crime Branch worked with detectives and had the Facebook page removed. It was active for about four to five days and had 43 entries when taken down.

Cross said when he established the page, he had "no idea" his actions were illegal and the comments on the page about Sen Constable Stuart were made "as a joke".

But he admitted that his mother, Catherine Goodwin, who lives in Yorketown, had told him he may "get in trouble".

"It wasn't until three or four days afterwards mum sort of said 'this is a defamation sort of thing and if he (Stuart) was to see this, you could get in trouble for it'," he said. When he told his mother he had been charged with criminal defamation she "pretty much said, 'I told you so'."

Asked if he would contemplate such action again, he said "no, of course not, no", but said he had no plans to apologise to the police officer.

Sen Constable Stuart, an officer for more than 18 years - the last five in Yorketown - yesterday said the episode had caused his family "considerable distress".

Sen Constable Stuart, who is not a Facebook user, said he was "astounded at the savage nature of many of the interactions". He said he was alerted to the page containing the offending material about him by colleagues who were contacted by community members. "I was angry," he said. "As a local police officer, I believe it is part of the territory that we have to take a little bit more than the average person.

"However, on this occasion it was quite a personal attack and it (the page) even had photographs of my children."

Sen Constable Stuart said he was "active" in policing road safety issues locally, which may have led to animosity from some locals - including some of Cross's associates.

"I have charged some with drink driving and have defected their cars and they don't like it," he said. "My answer to them (his critics) is if you are not happy about what I do, complain about it and have my activities scrutinised, and they will be.

"Or don't do the wrong thing in the first place. Have your car roadworthy, don't drink and drive, and don't behave like a moron at 2.30 in the morning when the pubs shut."

Sen Constable Stuart said while he accepted the personal attacks that often came with being a country officer, when combined with the 24-hour nature of the job, it meant his wife and two young sons also suffered.

"I accept all of those things, but this was one step too far," he said.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

10 year old girl Tasered for not taking a shower

Cop uses Taser on 'unruly' 10-year-old

Article shared from:

  • Girl, 10, Tasered in her home
  • She wouldn't take a shower
  • Mum gave permission

A US police officer used a Taser stun gun to subdue a "combative" 10-year-old girl in her own home because she refused to take a shower.

In a report on the incident the officer, Dustin Bradshaw, said he was called to the home, in Ozark, Arkansas, on November 11 because of a domestic disturbance.

He said when he arrived the girl was curled up on the floor, screaming, and resisting as her mother tried to get her in the shower before bed.

"Her mother told me to take her if I needed to," the officer wrote.

But he said the girl was violent and combative when he tried to take her into custody, so he delivered "a very brief" touch of a stun gun to her back, Britain's Daily Telegraph reports.

He said the mother gave him permission to use the Taser.

Ozark Mayor Vernon McDaniel says the girl wasn't injured and is now at a youth shelter.

But Mr McDaniel said he wanted the state police or the FBI to investigate the incident.

The girl's father, Anthony Medlock, who is divorced from her mother, said the girl showed signs of emotional problems but did not deserve to be "treated like an animal", according to the Daily Telegraph.

He said: "Ten years old and they shot electricity through her body, and I want to know how the heck in God's green earth can they get away with this. "

- With the The Courier-Mail

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Homeless men eat & sell body parts of dead man to kebab shop

Shared from BBC NEWS

'Body sold' to Russia kebab shop


Police in Russia have arrested three homeless men suspected of killing a man, eating part of the body and selling other parts to a kebab shop.

The men were held in the city of Perm, some 1,400km (870 miles) east of Moscow, local investigators said.

Their statement said that the suspects had targeted the 25-year-old victim out of "personal hostility".

It was not clear when the incident occurred. The men - who have not been named - have been charged with murder.

The investigators said on Friday that the body of the man had been found in a forested area near a public transport stop in Perm.

They said the three men attacked their victim with knives and a hammer.

"After carrying out the attack, the corpse was dismembered. Part of it was eaten and part was also sold to a kebab and pie kiosk," their statement said.

It was not immediately clear if any customers had been served.


Ewww this story is so feral!!! But weird and wacky so I have to share it ... Ick I seriously hope no one ate the poor guy, you'd think the kebab shop would think the meat was wrong looking, well wouldn't you?..
Maybe these homless cannibals got the idea for it after back in March 2006 a missing school girls body was thought to of been put into kebabs and possibly ground up into tile grout.. AWFUL!!!! Here is that story from the Metro News which the case failed to reach a verdict and was discharged.