Showing posts with label australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label australia. Show all posts

Monday, January 7, 2013

$150 Logo Design Special

Please see my pricing list for original design prices.
I require $50 deposit to begin all design work.
Please contact me to make an enquiry or book a design job.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Blue Room Exhibition

Just doing a little plug for my TAFE Ceramics Exhibition.

There will also be a Mothers Day Market on that day to purchase some affordable handmade items for your mumsy :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Plea for myxomatosis vaccine for rabbits

Mitcham pet rabbits die from myxomatosis, plea for vaccine
Article Shared : Whitehorse Leader

IT was a Christmas surprise that 10-year-old Freya McAuliffe did not have on her wish list.
The Mitcham girl was left heartbroken on the most festive day of the year after waking to find her pet rabbit Bubbles writhing in pain.
The bunny had contracted myxomatosis and died a few hours later.
The highly contagious disease then spread to the family’s other rabbit Millie, who was also put down on New Year’s Eve.
Myxomatosis causes lumps and puffiness around the head of rabbits, leading to possible blindness and death within 48 hours.
It is spread by bites from fleas or mosquitoes that have fed on an infected rabbit.
An available vaccine is illegal in Australia for fear it could be transmitted through the wild rabbit population.
Freya is starting a petition asking federal Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig to allow the vaccine.
“I was thinking about all the other pet owners that have had this happen to them,” she said.
“Dogs can be vaccinated for all the diseases they have so why can’t you get it for rabbits?”
Freya’s mother, Janine, said she knew many other families left shattered by the disease.
“It’s becoming such an epidemic at the moment,” she said.
“We feel it’s unfair when we are responsible pet owners.
“If there was a virus that was spread to dogs and cats and they went through excruciating pain and you had to put them down there would be an outcry.”
One Million Bunnies to Myxo Minister

To send a letter to the Parliament House to join the campaign -
Print off this letter -
 read more

Sign Online Petition -
Save our pet bunnies from myxo petition 


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Queensland Floods - Help for Animals

As I wish I could be closer to help I thought I would do my small bit by listing here some of the ads for pets needing help during the floods and also people who have offered assistance for pet homing/ horse ajistment. 

It's lovely to see so many Australian's coming together to offer help in anyway they can..

More detailed and regular updates can be viewed on facebook page,
not all of them will be added to this post : 

Surveying the Damage - Fairfield Shelter 2011: In order to get the shelter operational, it is estimated that it will cost hundreds of thousands to help rebuild and purchase infrastructure, equipment and supplies. An additional $400,000 is needed to help rebuild and refit the Veterinary and Desex Clinic, both of which lost everything.


RSPCA Qld Inc. With over 3000 emails offering help last night, the email box has crashed. Please be patient as we attempt to restore and return contacts. Please remember QLD based Animal EMERGENCY calls to 1300 852 188 or 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625), all other inquiries, please try online options to contact us. THANK YOU all for you love and well wishes.


RSPCA Qld Inc. RSPCA Fairfield has completed evacuations!! Thank you to all the staff, volunteers and local helpers, and thank you for all the offers far and wide to help. Our Inspectorate and Ambulance operations are still in operation with many calls for help, please continue to use the phone numbers for emergencies, and use our online methods for contact. More updates soon ...
There was no Ark for the animals at the Queenslnad RSPCA Fairfield shelter. Evacuations are nearly complete. Vision: David Kelly


Female, Kelpie cross. Approx 12months, no microchip , but collar, with no identification. Was found on King St Caboolture on Monday night

This dog was found by Carrie Robinson , Carrie is taking care of this dog, if anyone can info on whos dog this is please contact Carrie Robinson.


Option for Donating Financially
Internet Banking
Type FLOOD PETS in the Reference
Best Friends Rescue Inc
...BSB: 064 159
ACCOUNT: 1030 7188


Urgent help needed!!
There is a boarding kennel at 62 Brisbane Terrace Goodna with seventy dogs that will go under water later TODAY (Thursday).
They are taking them to Mt Gravatt showgrounds but need people with dog trailers to get the dogs out. Anyone who can help call Sharon 0412 112 372


Marilyn Faux: I have available Yards/Stables for people not knowing where to take there horses. I have enough room to take 15 to 20 horse I'm at Caboolture.  Pass on my phone No. 0418385774 if anyone needs emergency accommodation for there horses...


The Australian Cavy Sanctuary Brisbane Shelter can offer care for 20+ guinea pigs,rats,mice,birds or chooks during this crisis.

Shelter located at CASHMERE. We also have accom avail at Narangba and have inner brisbane foster carers who can offer care. Please contact us for options avail.
Ph: 0431966054


Leah Duffy I am in Kingaroy, I am experienced with all animals and stock and I offer to volunteer if needed anywhere i can get to or take in animals if need be I am contactable on 0403215541


Mikhala Barford I am in the lockyer valley at plainland. I am experienced with horses and cattle and have an acre paddock available 0432172561


Tegan Thacker Am willing an able to foster many animals and help with volunteering - have sent an email to Live on the northside of Brisbane in Rothwell - have a reptile license also - any wildlife, pets or care that is needed we are willing to help asap. Please feel free to contact Tegan on 0402688122 at any time.


Alana Drake I own Noah's Ark Pet Resort at Ormeau, between Brisbane & the Gold Coast. We specialise in the care of birds, guinea pigs, rats, mice, reptiles and anything exotic. I am more than happy to look after any exotic pets requiring emergency accommodation - ALL COMPLIMENTARY OF COURSE :) I am also a veterinary nurse, so am confident with administering medication if required. Please call me on 0404 691 022 or email us at Stay safe every one xx


There is a boarding kennel at Goodna with seventy dogs that will go under water later today. They have somewhere to put them but need people with dog trailers to get the dogs out. Anyone who can help please phone Sharon on 0412 112372. Please repost.


Hanna Lea Im located in Canberra, have horse floats AND people to help! We are ready to leave, just need some funds to help us get there. We can help move horses, cats, dogs, birds etc.. Dont hesitate to PM or text me on 0404520889, ALL funds and donations accepted!! We would love to do our bit. ♥


Vanja Stace The National Pet Register now have representatives at the ANZ stadium in Brisbane helping out with anything they can - more to follow soon. If you have a missing pet or have found one, please make yourself known to our staff who are on-site.


Lauren Riches Hi, we live at Varsity Lakes on the Gold Coast. We have a backyard at our home and are able to foster up to 2 dogs (3 if need be). We are more then happy to feed, walk and provide lots of love and care to any dogs that stay with us. We love dogs and have two of our own which we will keep in the front yard that is also fenced off. We understand that it is a very stressfull time for dogs and their owners in this horrible situation occuring in QLD. We also have a spare bedroom as well as a sofa bed available if families/owners would like to stay with their pets obviously free of charge. We also have plenty of food/drink and would be happy to help out with anything else families and individuals need in this time of need. We can also help with transport of dogs and people.
My name is Lauren and I'm a primary school teacher an Marty is a bricklayer and owns his own business. We are both in our late 20's.
Please don't hesitate to call us on:
Lauren - 0422274211
Marty - 0410627892


RSPCA are looking for interested people to help foster care if they can - the Fairfield office is their main base in QLD, and under direct threat of flooding and/or isolation in the next 24 hrs. If you can help them evacuate a pet by temporary foster care, please register your details on 07 3426 9999.


If you need to move your horses, agistment available at Mango Hill.
Mel Harris has 10 acres but there is 2 horses there atm soon to be 3. If you provide feed, she'll feed your horses for you. She just wants everyone safe with there horses! Mel 0400277338

Post this around! she is in Mango Hill, North Brisbane


News Article :

Man Ignores Police to Save Joey

Saturday, March 6, 2010

US Festival Uses Kangaroo in Boxing Show!

Personally I think this is terrible and animal cruelty! See how far that guy would get with out those gloves or if he received a swift kick to the guts with those huge back legs!

 I  will also note that the Aussie Olympic flag is of a boxing Kangaroo , which too has been recently banned by the IOC at the Olympics (read below) . Here is a video from the Rocky Show Circus and related news article covering the event that was boycotted

It is an image that will leave every Australian sick to the stomach. Our national mascot dressed in shorts and boxing gloves with a rope tied around its chest, goaded into boxing a human clown.  

Article Shared From : 9 NEWS

Kraft Foods Australia says it is pleased that an American festival show featuring a red kangaroo that is goaded into fighting a human clown has cancelled the exhibition.

The American arm of Kraft - the owners of Vegemite - was sponsoring the show in the Texas town of Hidalgo, which claimed to be a celebration of all things Australian.

Following widespread publicity, Kraft released a statement on Saturday saying it was pleased the event had been cancelled.

"We understand the BorderFest Association, which organises this annual cultural celebration, has apologised for offending anyone, particularly the people of Australia, with the kangaroo boxing display," said Kraft spokesman Simon Talbot.

"That portion of the event has been cancelled.

"Kraft Foods is pleased they've taken this proactive stance."

News Limited newspapers reported on Saturday that the festival features an event called Rocky Show Circus, involving two kangaroos and their owner, Javier Martinez, who dons a clown suit.

Mr Martinez reportedly baits the kangaroo by pushing it and poking it before placing it in a headlock.

If the kangaroos fight back too much, Mr Martinez's wife Sandra restrains it using a heavy tether attached to a harness around the animal's chest.

Mr Martinez has defended the show, saying the kangaroos are in control at all times.

"You cannot force a kangaroo to do nothing," he said.

"(Kangaroos) only do what they want to do so we don't make them work, you work around them."

But News Limited said Mr Martinez is known to US animal welfare authorities, having been on their watch list since 2003, when two kangaroos he was caring for died within four months.

He's also been investigated by PETA, which says one of the kangaroos died from a bacterial disease called lumpy jaw.




The Boxing Kangaroo, a beloved symbol on Australia's Olympic Team's Flag has been hit with an Olympic ban. The IOC (International Olympic Committee) has ordered that a giant Boxing Kangaroo flag draped by the Australian Olympic team on a balcony at Vancouver's Olympic Athletes Village be taken down.
The Australian Olympic Team is standing firm and refuses to take down the Boxing Kangaroo, which has become a hot photo op in Vancouver. (read more)
