Showing posts with label WTF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WTF. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

'Dead alien' found in Siberian snow after 'glowing pink and blue lights' crash from sky

Quick ! Back to WTF NEWS! LOL I like to skip my blog topics from one thing to the next alot  :) I think my blog suffers from schizophrenia ;) but I do love reading/blogging about alien news.
What do you think???

Article Shared:

BELIEVE it or not - but you simply have to watch it. (video below)

Incredible footage has emerged of what a group of Russians claim is the remains of a mangled alien.
The Sun reports the lifeless "body" was found in snow in the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia following reports of a "pink and blue glowing object" which crashed from the sky. The "extra-terrestrial" appears to have lost a limb.
Even the country's Emergencies Ministry staff have investigated the incident after investigators said no aircraft were reported in the area.
Search and rescue teams found no evidence of an aircraft crash. So is it a fake? "Why do all aliens have to be naked?" one commentor pointedly asked.The strange clip of the discovery has now been seen by nearly 1.5 million people in the two days since it was uploaded on April 17. "FAIL. fake," another wrote. But the same writer was quick to qualify her comments.
"Do aliens exist? Certainly ... I believe they do. But not in this video."

Related Blog Posts: 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Giant Rabbit Fossil Found

Artist's conception: The newfound prehistoric rabbit species N. rex beside a modern European rabbit.
Illustration courtesy Meike Köhler

Article Shared: National Geographic News By Christine Dell'Amore
The Easter bunny came early this year for a few scientists working on the Spanish island of Minorca (see map).
The team has just announced the discovery of Earth's biggest known rabbit species, an oddly unbunny-like giant dubbed Nuralagus rex—"the Minorcan king of the hares."
The 26-pound (12-kilogram) prehistoric species was about six times bigger than the common European rabbit, found on most continents, according to an analysis of several bones. Study leader Josep Quintana is no stranger to giant Minorcan rabbit fossils, though it took a while before he knew exactly how big a find he'd uncovered.
"When I found the first bone I was 19 years old, I was not aware what this bone represented. I thought it was a bone of the giant Minorcan turtle!" said Quintana, a paleontologist at the Institut Català de Palentologia in Barcelona.
The animal, which lived about three to five million years ago, had several "odd" features that have never before been seen in rabbits, living or extinct, according to the study.
For one, the giant rabbit's "short and stiff" vertebral column meant it couldn't bunny hop. And the relatively small sizes of sense-related areas of its skull suggested that the animal had small eyes and stubby ears—a far cry frommodern rabbit ears (see picture.)
"I think that N. rex would be a rather clumsy rabbit walking," Quintana said. "Imagine a beaver out of water."
Despite its oddities, N. rex has many skull and teeth features found in rabbits—meaning there’s “no question” it’s a rabbit, according to Brian Kraatz, an expert in rabbit evolution at the Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California.
“Really, this is a rather typical rabbit head [albeit large] stuck on an atypical rabbit body,” said Kraatz, who was not involved in the study.
Giant Rabbit Was Early "Beach Bum"?
The newfound rabbit's "roly-poly, tanklike" appearance and weird anatomy may have arisen because of its stress-free lifestyle, Kraatz added.
That's because the megarabbit had no predators on Minorca—a luxury that allowed the species to evolve to be bigger and more sedentary he said. Modern rabbits are small, spry, and have sharp vision to escape predators.
"He was probably on an evolutionary vacation," said Kraatz, like an "islander beach bum."
Yet, even though the giant rabbit "didn't have too many cares or worries," Kraatz said, "he got too comfortable, and eventually went extinct."
The new giant-rabbit fossil study appeared in the March Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

I LOL'd at how they called the ancient rabbit a beach bum.. lol think Roxanne considers herself a bit of a beach bum and we love all the beach bum bunnies at North Cronulla Beach... Although Roxie won't be going anywhere near them in fear of myx!

The Rabbit in the Moon

Many way to look at it :)

The Moon rabbit, also called the Jade Rabbit, is a rabbit that lives on the moon in folklore, based on pareidolia that identifies the markings of the moon as a rabbit. The story exists in many cultures, particularly in East Asian folklore, where it is seen pounding in a mortar and pestle. In Chinese folklore, it is often portrayed as a companion of the moon goddess Chang'e, constantly pounding the elixir of life for her; but in Japanese and Korean versions it is just pounding the ingredients for rice cakeREAD MORE
Rabbit with fire pot or mortar and pestle (depending on the story)

In the Buddhist Śaśajâtaka (Jataka Tale 316), a monkey, an otter, a jackal, and a rabbit resolved to practice charity on the day of the full moon (Uposatha), believing a demonstration of great virtue would earn a great reward. A version of this story can be found in the Japanese anthology Konjaku Monogatarishū, where the rabbit's companions are a fox and a monkey.

"Once upon a time long ago, a monkey, a rabbit, and a fox were good friends.  During the day they played together and at night they slept in the forest.  The Lord of Heaven heard about the three friends and wanted to see if such a thing could really be true. He went to them disguised as a poor old man.  "I have travelled through mountains and valleys and I am hungry and tired. Could you give me something to eat?" he, asked laying down his staff in order to rest. 

The monkey went off at once to gather nuts from the trees and bushes; the fox brought a plump fish from his trap in the river. The rabbit ran through the fields in every direction but could find nothing  suitable  to bring the hungry man.  So he asked the monkey to gather some dried leaves and twigs and the fox to set fire to them. They did so. Then the little rabbit said to the elderly man, "Please eat me as I have nothing else to give you" and threw himself into the flames. 

The pilgrim was moved by the rabbit's sacrifice, and wept, saying, "Each one deserves praise; there are neither winners nor losers. But the little rabbit has given an exceptional proof of love." So saying, he restored the rabbit to his original form and took the little body to heaven to be buried in the palace of the moon, where the rabbit may be seen to this day."

Fairytale - The Rabbit in The Moon :

Another representation of the Rabbit in the Moon

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011 : Year of the Rabbit


Year of the Rabbit, 2011
"2011 - The Year of the Rabbit",

In Chinese mythology, the Rabbit is a symbol of endurance and their essence is said to have originated from the Moon. During the Chinese mid-Autumn festival when the Moon is usually at its best, Chinese children still carry lit paper lanterns made in the form of a Rabbit, and climb the hills to look at the Moon and admire the Moon Hare.
Rabbit Years come fourth in the cycle of the Chinese New Year, and recur every twelve years. The Chinese New Year does not occur on a particular date, so it is vital to check the calendar to find the precise date on which each Rabbit Year really starts. Years of the rabbit include 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011. Year of the Rabbit 2011 is February 3, 2011 to January 22, 2012.
The Year of the Rabbit is a peaceful year, very much welcomed and desired after the fierce year of the Tiger. We should go somewhere tranquil to sooth our wounds and get some well deserved rest after all the encounters of the year before. Good taste and enhancement will excel on everything, and persons will recognize that influence is better than force. A time to make sure that we do not become too indulgent. The influence of the Rabbit tends to spoil those who like too much comfort and therefore weakens their value and sense of responsibility.
Law and order will be negligent; rules and regulations will not be firmly enforced. No one seems to be inclined to bother with these distasteful realities. They are too busy having fun, entertaining others or just relaxing. The outlook is tranquil and serene. We will all have a tendency to procrastinate on unlikable tasks for as long as is possible. Money can be made without too much effort. Our way of life will be relaxed and leisurely as we permit ourselves the luxuries we have always wanted. A moderate year with an easygoing pace. It may actually seem possible for us to be untroubled and contented without much infuriation.

Characteristics of People Born in the Year of the Rabbit

People born in the Year of the Rabbit have certain characteristics that reflect those of the rabbit. The rabbit symbolizes sensitivity, compassion and creativity. These people are often friendly, outgoing and enjoy the company of other people. They prefer to avoid conflict and tend to shy away from aggressive and competitive situations. In fact, they approach conflicts with consideration for the other party. According to Chinese astrology, people born in the Year of the Rabbit believe strongly in friends and family and a lack of these relationships can lead to emotional problems.

Rabbits tend to have a serene nature and do not get visibly upset. Due to this trait, others sometimes take advantage of these individuals. The Chinese zodiac states that these people are typically conservative and don't like to take risks. As well, rabbits are determined, honorable, sophisticated and well-mannered. They are most comfortable being at home and entertaining at home; their homes are usually neat and organized. One thing people born under the Year of the Rabbit need to work on is building self-worth and self-confidence to feel more secure.

In regard to health, people born in the Year of the Rabbit tend to keep their feelings inside and when they are not expressed and this can lead to illness. They would benefit from more daily activity to reduce stress and thus, improve health. In relationships, rabbits are very sexual creatures that tend to give more than they should and they sometimes have unrealistic expectations. Career-wise, people born in the Year of the Rabbit are good communicators and make excellent diplomats and politicians. Some good career choices include writer, publisher and doctor.

Rabbits and the 5 Elements

People born under the Year of the Rabbit can be further distinguished using the five elements:

Metal (years 1951, 2011)
  • these rabbits are more intense in their actions, whether work-related or romantic
  • metal strengthens, making these people more resilient and determined
Water (years 1903,1963)

  • people born under this element prefer to go with the flow and avoid conflict
  • they are very supportive of others, but are easily taken advantage of
Wood (years 1915,1975)
  • these rabbits do a lot for others; they always want to make others happy and they are easy to take advantage of
Fire (years 1927,1987)
  • fire adds a spark to the rabbit personality
  • these people seek new adventure, but are prone to tantrums
  • they seek to avoid conflicts
Earth (years 1939,1999)
  • these rabbits are grounded in reality
  • advice from these people is harsh but honest
  • home life is important, as are money and material goods
Rabbits are most compatible with the pig and the dog, but they are incompatible with the rooster and the rat.

"Chinese Zodiac - Rabbit", Accessed June 10, 2010.
"2011 - The Year of the Rabbit", Accessed June 10, 2010.

Read more at Suite101: 


Well 11 is my favourite number (November) and the rabbit is my favourite animal so hopefully 2011 will be a good year. :)

Kirky & Roxanne xx

Monday, January 10, 2011


Mystery of Mass Bird and Fish Deaths

Flockalypse? Why did millions of black birds drop from the sky and fish wash up dead over New Years 2011? Was it a mere coincidence, what killed them and caused for so many 911 reports. Is this the end of the world, or just a lot of dead things ?

VIDEO : Sky News -


Article Shared From NINEMSN News
(with video)

Thousands of birds that fell dead from the sky on New Year's Eve in the US most likely died after they were frightened by loud noises, a bird expert says.
Residents in Beebe, Arkansas were alarmed when blackbirds began dropping from the sky shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve, mysteriously piling up on homes and gardens.
A state ornithologist has found the redwing blackbirds suffered trauma injuries indicating they had flown into something, USA Today reports.
"The birds obviously hit something very hard and had hemorrhages," Arkansas Game and Fish Commission ornithologist Karen Rowe said.
The state is also testing the birds to see if they were killed by chemicals or diseases.
Ms Rowe said those in the neighbourhood heard around 12 loud booming noises on New Year's Eve.
"They reported it sounding like a cannon on transformer exploding," she said.
State veterinarian George Badley said a resident saw a huge flock of frantic birds when he went outside to investigate the noises.
"He could hear the blackbirds fluttering around — he could hear their wings and he could hear them hitting into things," Badley said.
Blackbirds have poor night vision and they were likely killed because they banged into houses and trees in their fright.
The state is still investigating what caused the noises.
It is believed that the blackbird flock was frightened by the noises but would not fly up too high because of fireworks in the sky, Ms Rowe said.
"They were below the roof line, so they were hitting houses, mail boxes, chimneys and walls," Ms Rowe said.
Wildlife officers went to investigate reports that dead birds were falling from the sky at about 11pm on New Year's Eve.
"They told us there were birds falling out of the sky. After we verified that this wasn't some kind of prank, one of our wildlife officers went over there and sure enough, there were birds falling," the Game and Fish Commission's Keith Richards said.
Environmental Services officers picked up more than 2000 dead birds, mostly in the Windwood neighbourhood.
Mr Stephens said it was thought that more than 3000 birds died.
Redwing blackbirds are native to North America and tend to gather in large flocks during winter.
It was not a good weekend for wildlife in Arkansas.
Hundreds of thousands of fish were found dead in the Arkansas River about 200 kilometres away from Beebe a day before the birds were killed, KARK news reported.
Officials believe they were killed by disease because only one species — drum fish — was affected.


News Video | Thu, 06 Jan 2011 15:07:00 +1100 | Duration 1m 13s
The mystery of the recent mass bird death in Arkansas is spreading, with hundreds found in Louisiana and also Sweden.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Children aged three and five get engaged

wow a bit extreme, some may think 'yeah that's cute' but why can't they wait until they are old enough to know what real love & being in a proper relationship is... it's more than just putting a ring on your finger because a child is lonely when the other leaves. Maybe these kids need more friends to play with ! LOL

Article Shared : NINEMSN
Hala and her fiancee Khalid have exchanged rings and plan to marry in 10 years when she is 12 and he is 15.

Their story has become a national talking point in Syria after the girl's father relayed the story of their engagement to the Akes Alser website.

The families of both children have won plaudits over the union — although they insist the children are in love and want to marry.

Khalid's father, Juma, said the boy was his only child from a 25-year marriage.

"I vowed to have my child engaged at the age of five if he was a boy and to marry him to a woman of his choice at the age of 15," he told Gulf News.

Juma said Khalid, from the town of Horns, 180km north of Damascus, fell in love with Hala within days of meeting her during a family trip to the port city of Latakia.

He claimed Khalid was so love-sick after parting from his young girlfriend that he refused to go back to his nursery unless little Hala came too.

"We did not know what to do till my wife called Hala's mother and asked her opinion about the case," Juma was quoted saying.

"She said her daughter had developed similar symptoms of loneliness and the family would be happy to see them engaged."
Juma bought rings for the young ones and both families held a celebration in Latakia.
The father has even vowed to cover the education expenses of both children until they graduate from school.
"We know that Khalid or Hala might change their mind in the future, but what we do know at this stage is that they are very happy and talk to each other everyday," Juma told Gulf News.
According to Syria's English-language Forward Magazine, Syrian marriages are traditionally arranged at an early age for both males and females.
When a boy turns 16, or when he reaches puberty, his female relatives begin searching for a suitable wife around the age of 12 or 13.
If prospects are limited, a matchmaker is hired and together they go knocking on the doors of nearby homes and asking: "Do you have girls for marriage"?

Crocodile on plane kills 19 passengers

Shared from

A STOWAWAY crocodile on a flight escaped from its carrier bag and sparked an onboard stampede that caused the flight to crash, killing 19 passengers and crew.

The croc had been hidden in a passenger's sports bag - allegedly with plans to sell it - but it tore loose and ran amok, sparking panic.

A stampede of terrified passengers caused the small aircraft to lose balance and tip over in mid-air during an internal flight in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The unbalanced load caused the aircraft, on a routine flight from the capital, Kinshasa, to the regional airport at Bandundu, to go into a spin and crash into a house.

A lone survivor from the Let 410 plane told the astonishing tale to investigators.

Ironically the crocodile also survived the crash but was later killed with a machete by rescuers sifting through the wreckage.
British pilot Chris Wilson, 39, from Shurdington, near Cheltenham, Glocs was acting as the plane's first officer alongside Belgian pilot Danny Philemotte, 62, who was owner of the plane's operator Filair.

The plane smashed into an empty house just a few hundred metres from its destination.

"According to the inquiry report and the testimony of the only survivor, the crash happened because of a panic sparked by the escape of a crocodile hidden in a sports bag,” news organisation Jeune Afrique reported.

"One of the passengers had hidden the animal, which he planned to sell, in a big sports bag, from which the reptile escaped as the plane began its descent into Bandundu.

"The terrified air hostess hurried towards the cockpit, followed by the passengers."

The plane was then sent off-balance "despite the desperate efforts of the pilot", said the report.

"The crocodile survived the crash before being cut up with a machete."

The plane was a Czech-made Let L-410 Turbolet, one of more than 1,100 produced as short-range transport aircraft and used mainly for passenger services.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

'Creepy gnome' terrorises town

Article Shared from The Sun

A TOWN in South America is living in fear after several sightings of a 'creepy gnome' that locals claim stalks the streets at night.

The midget - which wears a pointy hat and has a distinctive sideways walk - was caught on video last week by a terrified group of youngsters.
Teenager Jose Alvarez - who filmed the gnome - yesterday told national newspaper El Tribuno that they caught the creature while larking about in their hometown of General Guemes, in the province of Salta, Argentina.

He said: "We were chatting about our last fishing trip. It was one in the morning.

"I began to film a bit with my mobile phone while the others were chatting and joking.
"Suddenly we heard something - a weird noise as if someone was throwing stones.

"We looked to one side and saw that the grass was moving. To begin with we thought it was a dog but when we saw this gnome-like figure begin to emerge we were really afraid."

Jose added that other locals had come forward to say they had spotted the gnome.
He said: "This is no joke. We are still afraid to go out - just like everyone else in the neighbourhood now.
"One of my friends was so scared after seeing that thing that we had to take him to the hospital."
Why is the gnome so creepy? It doesn't look very scary but it doesn't look like it can walk to well either. This story has got me thinking where did gnomes originate?
Gnomes first appeared in the works of Paracelsus, who lived in Switzerland during the 16th century. He was a doctor, astrologer, alchemist, and botanist. Paraclesus used gnomes as another name for pygmies, which are beings from mythology and one of the four elements. The elements are earth, air, fire, and water. Gnomes are earth elements, sylphs are air, salamanders are fire, and undines are water. Read More

Some info according to the Fairy Chronicles: }
Real gnomes are earth spirits who make flowers, plants, trees, crystals, and minerals grow. They add colors to nature and work with fairies to ensure the protection of the earth’s treasures. Gnomes have the ability to disguise themselves so they can go about their business undetected. To regular humans, gnomes look like an ordinary object such as a tree stump, a watering can, or an acorn squash. Therefore, there have never been any real gnome sightings by humans!
 well maybe they need to update their website :)
 Isaac just asked me after seeing that video if it was Santa or one of his elves? lol See he wasn't scared! hahaha
Kirky x