Quick ! Back to WTF NEWS! LOL I like to skip my blog topics from one thing to the next alot :) I think my blog suffers from schizophrenia ;) but I do love reading/blogging about alien news.
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Article Shared: NEWS.com.au
BELIEVE it or not - but you simply have to watch it. (video below)
Incredible footage has emerged of what a group of Russians claim is the remains of a mangled alien.
The Sun reports the lifeless "body" was found in snow in the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia following reports of a "pink and blue glowing object" which crashed from the sky. The "extra-terrestrial" appears to have lost a limb.
Even the country's Emergencies Ministry staff have investigated the incident after investigators said no aircraft were reported in the area.
Search and rescue teams found no evidence of an aircraft crash. So is it a fake? "Why do all aliens have to be naked?" one commentor pointedly asked.The strange clip of the discovery has now been seen by nearly 1.5 million people in the two days since it was uploaded on April 17. "FAIL. Sorry...so fake," another wrote. But the same writer was quick to qualify her comments.
"Do aliens exist? Certainly ... I believe they do. But not in this video."