So... I guess you could say I am slightly addicted to taking photo on my iPhone and using photo apps to edit them! I've always been known for taking lots of photos, perhaps I should of been a photographer , can't do everything right? lol.. I only wish I had an iPhone 4 with a flash.. who needs a camera with the iBrain! ... I mean iPhone.. It does everything for me ;)
My favourite photo app at the moment would have to be INSTAGR.AM -
A few of my favourite pics taken with Instagram :)
Hipstamatic used to be my favourite but for some reason the camera lens is offset and the photos never come out positioned like they look through the lens. Maybe it is supposed to do that?.. but it kind of annoys me and have to try take the pic multiple times.. doesn't always work out how I want for moving objects! lol I admit thought that the features and filters are pretty cool on Hipstamatic lol
A few of my favourite pics taken with Hipstamatic :)
I also love Photoshop Express for basic editing of photos -
and DIPTIC for splitting photos into sections..
Here is a collection of photos I have taken using my favourite photo iPhone apps :)
I haven't upgraded my flickr account so it only shows the last 200 pics