Showing posts with label causes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label causes. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

'Less than 20 years' left to save Orangutans

I visited Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary when I was 14 and lived in Malaysia with my family for 4 months. It's sad to think that these beautiful animals could be extinct one day. I would love to work with primates after completing my studies, I think it would be amazing to help with their breeding program.. one day, one day ..

The sad story is that Palm Oil Deforestation is the biggest killer of the Orangutan.
Say No To Palm Oil and join the campaign to have palm oil listed in all ingredients on our food products.

Video: Don't Palm Us Off

Did you know?

We share 97% of our DNA with Orang-utans. You could say they are our wild cousins.

Palm Oil typically costs the lives of up to 50 Orang-utans each week.

Over 85% of the worlds palm oil comes from Malaysia and Indonesia.

In SE Asia alone, the equivalent of 300 football fields are deforested every hour for palm oil production

The food you are buying could be pushing Orangutans to extinction. Palm oil is found in about 40 percent of the food products on our shelves and its rampant cultivation is destroying the Orangutans habitat at an alarming rate.


The following article shared from

THE world has less than 20 years left to save the orangutan, according to conservationists who predict the charismatic red ape will become extinct if no action is taken to protect its jungle habitat.
There are thought to be 50,000-60,000 orangutans still living in the wild in Malaysia and Indonesia, but deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations have taken a heavy toll.
"The orangutans' habitat is fragmented and isolated by plantations, they can't migrate, they can't find mates to produce babies,'' Tsubouchi Toshinori from the Borneo Conservation Trust said.
Environmentalists are calling for the creation of wildlife "corridors'' in Malaysia to link the scraps of jungle where orangutans have become trapped by decades of encroachment by loggers and oil palm firms.
Mr Tsubouchi said that although studies have predicted orangutans will disappear within 50 years if their habitat continues to vanish, action needs to be taken within the next two decades to stall that process.
"We have to establish the corridors in 10 or 20 years, otherwise we won't be able to do anything later,'' he said.
Some 80 per cent of the world's orangutans live in Borneo, which is split between Malaysia and Indonesia, and the rest are found in Indonesia's Sumatra province.
"What we have left today is maybe only 10 per cent of what we used to have before,'' Marc Ancrenaz from the environmental group Hutan said.
Hutan focuses on conserving the 11,000 orangutans in Malaysia's Sabah state in Borneo.
An aerial survey carried out by Hutan and wildlife authorities in Sabah last year revealed some 1000 orangutan treetop "nests'' located in 100 small patches of forest completely surrounded by palm oil plantations.

Mr Ancrenaz said that if immediate action was taken, there is still a good chance of ensuring the long-term survival of the primate as there is still enough genetic diversity for it to thrive.
"Unlike the rhinoceros whose numbers are so few, we still have a decent size population for the orangutan,'' he said.
"If they are going to become extinct, it will not be in the next 10 years."
Experts say that wildlife corridors would enable orangutans to move across the fragmented landscape and alongside rivers to seek food and mates.
The corridors could be used by other endangered species such as the pygmy elephant and rhinoceros, but progress on the initiative has been slow.
The Malaysian palm oil industry, often criticised for its poor environmental performance, pledged to fund the corridors at an October conference but nothing has yet been done.
Malaysian Palm Oil Council chief executive Yusof Basiron said he was waiting for environmentalists to advise how much land would be needed, and denied that lack of action was threatening the species' future.
"Last time they said the orangutans will go extinct in 2012, now they say in 15 or 20 years - why keep on shifting the goal posts?'' he said.

Related Sites & Info:

Don't Palm Us Off

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Missing Persons

"You do not have to wait 24 hours before reporting someone missing."

Sadly 35,000 people are reported missing each year in Australia. While 95 percent of people are found within a short period of time, there remains approximately 1,600 long term missing persons; those who have been missing for more than six months.

The NMPCC profiles missing person's cases that have been provided by the State and Territory police. It is the role of the police services in each State and Territory to investigate reported cases in their jurisdiction.

Have you seen any of these missing people?


View profiles of missing persons in Australia.

Please note: the cases listed do not represent every missing person in Australia that has been reported to police. The NMPCC is only able to profile cases where there has been an authority granted for public display.

View Australians missing overseas

View missing children across the world.



If you have serious concerns for the safety and welfare of a person, and their whereabouts are unknown, then you may immediately report them missing to local police by filing a missing persons report. You do not have to wait 24 hours to report someone as missing.
If you have lost contact with a family member over time however the person is not reported as a missing person to police, you may wish to utilise the services of a family tracing agency. Search agencies are able to help people reach relatives and reunite families, often in times of special need.

Call Crimestoppers if you have any information about any missing person -
1800 333 000




"My website has been up and running for over four years now and I have been overwhelmed with the positive response I have had from the families and friends of the Missing and also Police and media agencies. My aim is to provide information about missing persons from every State and Territory in Australia, no matter how long they have been missing, and the ultimate aim of course is to find these people and bring peace to, and possibly reunite the families. I provide emotional support and practical help wherever possible to the friends and families of the Missing."

AMPR -website

AMPR - Facebook Page



It is important for people to be aware that being reported missing is not a crime and that it is the aim of the NSW Police to ascertain if the missing person is safe and well.

If you do NOT wish to return home you do NOT have to, and the Police will NOT make you! They simply need to ascertain if you are safe and well and once that is established they can remove you from the Missing lists.



Missing Persons Myspace Profile

Daniel Morecombe Foundation

Facebook: 1 000 000 people in the search for Daniel Morcombe

Families and Friends of Missing Persons Unit

Don't You Forget About Me

Forever Searching Kids

National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (USA)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Beyondblue : Postnatal Depression Awareness Week

Postnatal Depression Awareness Week 2009 - NOV 15-21

1 in 7 Mums get PND, let's lose the stigma & judgement!

Info from:

It is currently Postnatal Depression Awareness Week 2009 - November 15-21.

Learn more about postnatal depression, read about the National Perinatal Depression Initiative and personal stories.

Survey reveals Australians think pregnancy and depression go together.

One in seven new mothers are affected by postnatal depression and one in 10 pregnant women experience antenatal depression (read more)




Depression and anxiety can affect anyone, anywhere, at any time.

It is also MOVEMBER this month so also help support Men's Depression by making a donation.

Movember is an annual, month-long celebration of the moustache, highlighting men’s health issues, specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.


"Helping somone isn't beyond you"

Ph: 1300 224 636


I am sharing this information as I have dealt with PND & depression during my life and find it is difficult for people who have not gone through it to understand what you are going through.

Understanding comes from learning. People who deal with these problems often feel alone and misunderstood when it comes to mental health issues. Often people cannot understand why they are so sad when there shouldn't be anything wrong and it is easy for people to say ' Just get over it', or 'stop thinking so much'. These feelings are often out of their control.

Rember : Depression is an illness not a weakness.

View this site or speak to your doctor for more information.

Kirsten xx



Brooke Shields: Postnatal depression drove me to verge of suicide - (Nov 18 2009)

Postnatal depression still considered 'normal'
- (Mother & Baby)

Monday, November 9, 2009

MOvember Progress : Week 1


I am (Sean) growing a moustache this year for Movember. I have decided to put down my razor for one month (November) and help raise awareness and funds for men’s health – specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.

What many people don’t appreciate is that close to 3,000 men die of prostate cancer each year in Australia and one in eight men will experience depression in their lifetime - many of whom don’t seek help. Facts like these have convinced me I should get involved and I am hoping that you will support me.

To sponsor my Mo, you can either:

• Click this link and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account

• Write a cheque payable to ‘Movember Foundation’, referencing my Registration Number 369774 and mailing it to: Movember Foundation, PO Box 292, Prahran, VIC, 3181

Remember, all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Movember is now in its sixth year and, to date, has achieved some pretty amazing results by working alongside The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCFA) and beyondblue: the national depression initiative. Check out further details at:

If you are interested in following the progress of my Mo, click here Also, has heaps of useful information.

Thank you,

Sean's Motivation

"is to change the face of men's health"

You can rate my mo after Movember 15th

week one - 70's handlebars have begun and growing quite well! lol
Related Post : ~ ~ MOVEMBER ~

Thursday, November 5, 2009

~ ~ MOVEMBER ~ ~

OK.. don't worry im not growing facial hair.. but my man Sean is unfortunately for me growing a MO!.. yes I really do not like facial hair much.. not a fan of pash rash ;)

Here is what he looks like now...

Progress Pics to follow!

I figured if he is going to participate he has to do it right & not just grow it for the sake of it, actually raise money the proper way lol ..

So the more you donate to this worthwhile cause the more the Mo will grow and piss me off ;) .. so why not annoy the hell out of me and join the fight against prostate cancer and depression in the meantime..


Donate and help change the face of men's health -
I'd donate alot if he could grow one like this haha