My Little Bunny Collection ... So Far
So I've started my own little rabbit collection but it's pretty poor in comparison to 'The Bunny Museum' rabbit collection lol Thanks to Karen K. for making me aware of this awesome museum ! :)
I think I'm going to have to keep collecting, good thing Easter is coming up - means lots of rabbity things are about! :) Combined with it being Year of the Rabbit I could end up with a big collection by the end of this year! lol
Here is my small collection! Including figurines, vintage rabbit vase from an old op shop, Japanese incese holder - year of the rabbit gift , ceramic rabbit with lace design (present my mum bought me for Christmas), faux moss garden bunny, and beach bunny haha lol I have a ceramic jewellery container rabbit pushing a pram of baby bunnies which I just remembered about. I hope I gave it to my mum when I moved as I can't seem to find it.. writing this blog just jogged my memory. It's quite special as mum bought it when she was pregnant with me... now I'm going to ring and ask her! I won't want to stop until I locate it!
19-02-11 UPDATE I found it (last pic) was accidentally put into storage.. FITZ And FLOYD, INC. Copywrite MCMLXXIX (1979) Handpainted.
The Bunny Museum
The Bunny Museum in Pasadena, CA houses 28,000 bunny items and 7 real bunnies.
Owners Candace Frazee and Steve Lubanski hold the Guinness World Record of collecting the most bunny items in the world!
The 1928, Spanish stucco, Pasadena home of Candace Frazee and Steve Lubanski, is filled with almost everything bunny!
Over 23,000 bunny collectibles: most of their furniture, light fixtures, kitchenware, toiletries, books, and games are bunny themed. And lounging around their house, they have five real bunny pets that do not live in cages, and are litter box trained!
The world's largest bunny collection opened to the public 20 March 1998 housed in a living museum with bunny collectibles of every size, shape, and matter; featuring six Rose Parade® float bunnies.
The Bunny Museum Gift Store