datestampMonday, October 1, 2012

Happy October (& a giveaway)

Oh, how I love October.
It's not my absolute favorite month...
that will be next month.
But, it's one of my favorites for sure.

(It hosts my least favorite holiday, btw, and don't tell me it's because I don't have kids. I promise it would be my least favorite even if I did have kids. I don't like the goblins and the witches and the skeletons and I hate haunted houses and scary stories and the over abundance of cheap low-quality candy. There. I said it. I completely dislike Halloween. But, I digress...)

And when I woke up this morning, on October 1, even though technically nothing has changed with this little recovery of mine, I felt excited and hopeful and calm.

And happy.

So. Happy.

What is it about the time of year that allows for pencil skirts and boots?
What is it about the promise of Fall General Conference (which for some reason is always a home run for me)?
What is it about caramel apples and pumpkin spice bread?
What is it about the crunch of autumn leaves underneath your feet?
What is it about football that is more fun in October than September or November?
What is it about the new crispness in the air that feels like good change is coming?

I just have a feeling that even with the mono and all the things I'm not able to do, October 2012 is going to go down as one of my favorite Octobers in the history of all Octobers.

And I sincerely hope the same for YOU.
Happy October, friends.

And in honor of October, I'm doing a little giveaway
(it's been too long since we did something fun)...
full of some of my favorite October things.

My new favorite book released just today.
One of my very favorite treats ever.
Something delightful in my favorite color scheme (red, orange, yellow).
And one of my favorite October soups (that's a surprise).

What do you have to do to win?

Just comment below for my little homebound soul.
Tell me...
Your favorite things about autumn or your favorite autumn treat or the thing you are most looking forward to this month (and I promise to still respect and love you if you say "Halloween").

Leave your comment by Saturday, October 6th at midnight.
The happy October winner will be announced Monday, October 8th.



carolyne b said...

There are lots of exciting things about autumn that I love. Its about the various changes coming. From hot summers, to cool evenings and sitting by the fire roasting smores. Of course Canadian's celebrate Thanksgiving in October and we go out to the cottage with family and friends to eat, walk through the crunching leaves and play football after dinner. Women's conference this past weekend signals General Conference and the opportunity to be lifted and inspired. Thats what I like about Autumn.

Jan said...

I love that it finally cools down here - (that is not a complaint - I love it here!) and neither the AC nor the heat goes on! LOVE it.

I'm with you on Hallowe'en - not a fan!

Nikki said...

In my experience, you'll dislike Halloween even more when you do have kids! It's not my favorite,either. :) But, I do love fall. Or summer: the extended edition as we call it here in Arizona. Can't wait to be under 100 degrees and definitely can't wait for Thanksgiving with the whole family!

cameo said...

My favorite thing about autumn is going up into the mountains and seeing the beautiful leaves. And corn mazes and pumpkin patches.

Cheryl said...

I LOVE October! The sky is the perfect shade of blue, and the trees are magnificent. Reds are my favorite, for sure. I do love Halloween, but I'm with you on the creepy stuff. Blech. Glad you are feeling better slowly but surely!

Eden said...

I smiled when I saw the question because my girls just asked yesterday why I like Fall. So... cooler but not freezing temps = windows open, leaves changing colors, my birthday, General Conference (sometimes I wish it was every weekend but then it probably wouldn't be as special), candy corn. And NOT halloween. I could skip it easily which was one reason I wondered why they asked me to be on the Trunk or Treat committee last year (but nit the reason I backed out) .

Heidi said...

I'm a new reader (since Denver TOFW--you were my favorite by far) and love you already.

I find Colorado Octobers intoxicating: blue sky, white puffy clouds, a chill in the air, and gorgeous leaves falling everywhere. My favorite is when some of the trees are still green, but others are gold and red and orange and brown...

Also, "bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils."

Alesa said...

Oh I love Fall! I love trying Pumpkin spiced anything! But my favorite thing is pumpkin carving.

Becky Jones said...

How fun that you are doing a giveaway, me too! My favorite thing about Autmn has to be General Conference. After that 2 of my kids have birthdays in October. My Michael, my oldest will be 15 in just one week which means learner's permit, oh dear! And my sweet Laura that you met at Thanksgiving Point turns 8 on the 28th and will be baptized. I love the cripsness in the air, sweaters, boots with skirts, cozy blankets, pumpkin cookies, soups, and the falling leaves. I love autmn! I hope your recovery speeds up so you can enjoy every bit of this beautiful season.

Julie Barfuss said...

Laurel, I have to say that I am SO delighted that you are blogging again! (I just love when a post from you shows up in my feed!) My favorite thing about October is conference, followed closely by fall leaves!

Gina said...

I would have to say I love to start wearing my sweatshirts and sweaters. I love Fall!!

Melissa said...

I love the smell of dry, crunchy leaves. I also love that October is the beginning of "The Holidays." Yeah!

Angela said...

I'm in. I would love October more if it wasn't 100 degrees this week. But in other states I love October because of the cool weather and cute fall clothes. I love jackets!! I love boots and jeans that you can dress up and down. I love fall and clothes.

I also love the leaves changing colors and how pretty the earth becomes. Just so much prettiness everywhere. Except here, where leaves down turn colors until the first week of Dec.

I love fall desserts. where you can use pumpkin in just about anything. I love apples, caramel, pumpkin and spices. And soups! I love soups and October is usually when you can start eating soup and feel good about it. (but again not here. You can't eat soup when it is 100 degrees outside).

That is it for me. I hope you get better soon Laurel!

Mrs. Fisher said...

Autumn would be my favorite season of all . . . if it didn't mean that winter was coming! Lol! (To be fair, winters are LONG and COLD, and DARK, and ICY, so I have good reason to not look forward to that!)

I LOVE that the leaves change colors (my 3 year old recently exclaimed excitedly as he pointed to the mountains--LOOK! There's CHEESE on the mountains!)--it's a great time for family pictures.

I also love the smell of cinnamon and that is abundant this time of year--spiced cider, pumpkin bread, pumpkin roll, fall decor, etc.

Mostly I love October because it means the end of soccer season and the beginning of "family" season--our kids aren't really involved in winter sports, so once Soccer is over, we get to spend a lot more time at home, as a family (and this year it also means that the elections are coming up so that means debates--YAY! and a winding down of my husband's responsibilities with the campaign--which will mean we will get to see him more too!

I also love that all of our fruit will be ripe and ready to pick and just in time for CONFERENCE!!! (I LOVE General Conference and having just got called to serve in YW, I am especially excited for this Conference--so much strength and answer to prayer is always gained during these 2 days of counsel.

I truly hope YOUR October is amazing and that you feel better soon! (I've had mono--NOT a fun experience!)

Terri-Ann said...

Fall family portraits. I did them with my family every year for 32 years now, and for the past 9 years with my own husband and kids. It's amazing to lay out those photos side by side and see the gradual physical growth, and ponder on the spiritual and emotional growth behind the pictures.

Oh - and the deep colour of a blue crisp fall sky.

Lisa Johnson said...

My daughter & I both ♥ Autumn time, b/c her name is Autumn and we laugh every time we hear her name around this time of year. Here is my favorite Autumn treat:

Unknown said...

So good to see all the fun blogs! I am so glad to see you had me worried! TOFW in Denver was amazing and then you were down!

I have to tell you that I have had to learn to love Fall. I now consider it my favorite time of year. I love the cooling down of the nights; I love that I sleep with my windows open; I love to see the rabbits and squirrels running around trying to find food to store; I love to pick fresh apples off the trees; I love a drive on a Sunday afternoon to see the leaves changing; and mostly, I love, love, love General Conference! I can hardly wait for this week-end and a chance to hear from some of my favorite people in the world! I know I won't be disappointed!

Enjoy your recovery! You are amazing!

Unknown said...

I love everything about the fall. Mostly fall for me brings back memories of so many family traditions and fun times. I love the sweaters, the soup, the fall leaves, I love Halloween and the fun it brings. I love the crisp nights and sleeping with our windows open. I love pumpkins and warm desserts and the magical feeling of the holidays.

We adopted our Son after many struggles and now the traditions and holidays mean even more as we share much loved traditions and fun with him.

Em said...

My favorite thing about October is the abundance of pumpkin flavored treats! I love pumpkin shakes, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin bars, all of it! On a side note, reading about your ice cream sandwiches made me feel like we are kindred spirits because I completely get it! October is also great because it actually starts feeling nice here in AZ, or usually does by the end of the month. I grew up with a father who loves Halloween, and would make a haunted house(sorry) every year on Halloween night. Kids would line up just to come to our house and see what my dad's latest gadgets and creations were. One year he put a bike on the roof with E.T.(made out of paper mache)in the basket. October makes me nostalgic for my fun childhood.

Jerlyn said...

I miss the Utah fall weather, that is for sure! I love all the excitement building up to Christmas starts in October. First with General Conference and all the uplifting and inspiring talks that are given, so many seem to be written just for me.
I love all the traditions that we have including decorating cookies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, carving pumpkins,visiting the pumpkin patch, chili and corn bread and beautiful evenings and gorgeous fresh air in the mornings. I cannot leave out reading in the beautiful weather, finishing goals, creating Christmas presents and just enjoying the nice change of weather.
So glad you are happy and getting healthier!

Come, Follow Me-Music Study said...

October and May are my FAVORITE months!!! Autumn is a beautiful time of year as I see the world changing colors!!! I love the cooling down of the weather outside and football, sweatshirts, and mostly just the way the world smells! It's the most perfect time of the year and I H.A.T.E. halloween too, and I do have a child! It is the darkness that surrounds this holiday that I dislike most...I just buy my son his favorite candy and he's happy!!! Sometime I'll take him to the mall but that's the extent! He's NEVER been "trick-or-treating" at the homes in our neighborhood so I know it won't change even if you had kids!!! I'm glad you like this month as much as I do!! Wish we lived closer to enjoy this wonderful month together for a time!!

Liz said...

I was going to say, "I love everything about Autumn," but I don't love EVERYTHING. However, I would say I love ALMOST everything.

I love the leaves. I love the Fall time in general. I really love the school supplies that go on sale and get put in the front of stores (partly because it kind of reminds me of the part in You've Got Mail when Tom Hanks tells Meg Ryan he would send her a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils if he knew her address and partly because I just love pens, pencils, and paper). And who doesn't want a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils?

As of last year, I love October even more because my anniversary is in October. :)

There's something about autumn that seems to signal the beginning of something. I'm not exactly sure why, but it does and I love it.

Jill said...

Pumpkin Gingerbread with cream cheese frosting, eaten while watching my boy play football on a crisp fall morning with hot apple cider.

If you're lucky, I'll share my recipe. :) (Wink)

Marble Madness said...

To say I was excited to read that someone else dislikes Halloween as much as I do, would be an understatement! For my family, Halloween wasn't a big thing, except for movies. We're a movie watching kind of family. :) Nothing horrific, just some good suspense movies, like Wait Until Dark, Arsenic and Old Lace, Rear window...

My favorite thing I'm looking forward to is General Conference. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! And I'm a little excited about the new book of Elder Bednar's! I had no idea he had another book in the works!

Susan said...

My favorite things about autumn are the changing colors of the leaves, the cooler weather that allows me to finally enjoy my screened-in porch, and the cooler air that welcomes a new season both in the weather and in life. Before we moved to Georgia from Arizona a couple of years ago, every October I so missed the changing leaves and the cooler, autumn-like weather. Autumn is my favorite season!

Sonya said...

Last year when I moved to Austin, Texas October became my favorite month, at least finally cooled down and it was so beautiful. The word that came to mind was delicious! Today, I had that same thought as I walked out to the car after work...deliciousness is back! Ah, but I will miss out on this lovely weather this year to be with my love in Utah! So, that's the real reason I love October now.

Manda said...

I love the fall! It reminds me of gathering cows in the mountains and hunting with my dad. I love the warm colors and the way the sunlight changes. I love the crunching sound of the leaves as I walk on them, and the crispness in the air.
My favorite autumn treat (discovered 2 days ago) is pumpkin whoopie pies! OH. MY. DELICIOUSNESS! (recipe found at
I am looking forward to doing the Zombie half marathon next week, and finishing Christmas crafts for my family.
Mono is the worst. So sorry! It takes awhile to recover too. Make sure you are patient with yourself! (I sure wasn't, so learn from my mistakes!)

Angela said...

I love the magic of change that blows in the air when autumn arrives.

There is something left behind.
But it doesn't matter.

Because even though there is cold ahead, there is also the promise of warmth. It is being wrapped in scarves and finally being able to wear the boots that make the leaves crunch best.

It's welcoming colors and welcoming arms and welcoming hearts. That's what I look forward to most :O)

Build It,Sew It,Love It said...

My favorite part of fall are the leaves. We live in Virginia and ohh, the trees are amazing with such color.

My favorite treat is anything with carmel and apples!! YUM!!
Jenn M.

christine said...

I love General Conference. And the sound of walking through dry leaves. :-)

Cassie L. said...

Everything. The cool mornings and nights, the sweaters, the OSU Buckeyes playing football that I don't even watch but love to watch my husband watch, the pumpkin recipes, the desire to snuggle up on the couch, the crispy leaves....all of it.

Shasta said...

What I love about Autumn is we get to open the windows(big deal in Texas) make yummy pumpkin treats and lots of butternut squash soup. It's superb!

Jamie M. said...

Fall is my favorite, I love the sweaters and boots, football, the colors, all the family fun, and anything with pumpkin or caramel. (and to be honest Halloween is not my favorite, but I do love doing fun Halloween things for my kids). Hope you feel better soon!!

Melissa said...

My favorite thing is the when the leaves on the trees change to brilliant colors. It speaks to my soul and makes me smile.

Adam, BreAnne, Maccoy & Ellsie said...

I love that I get the chance to take my 3 almost 4 yr old to disneyland for halloween. Yes I said halloween. I use to not love halloween but it is much more fun with kids. And who doesn't love disneyland!!!

Teresa said...

I love the cooler temperatures and wearing sweaters. I love a good long run in the cool morning air. I love the changing colors.

The Zoo Keeper said...

I love that fall means pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! And that I eat a whole batch while watching general confrence!!
Danette Hafen

michelle said...

Oh! I do so want that book!

Fall is definitely my favorite time if year. The air is finally cooling down, even a bit crisp in the morning! Fall Conference is my favorite, too. We make homemade donuts during the Priesthood session. I love pumpkin bread and pumpkin chocolate chip bars. And I am looking forward to harvesting our grapes and making grape juice!

Thank you for being so real and so positive at the same time. You always give me a boost.

MJCastleton said...

My birthday, although in September, the 23rd to be precise, most of the time falls on the "first day of Autumn." Fall is my favorite! Halloween, for your same reasons, is not my favorite either. However, I do love the colors, the crispness, the pumpkins, the sweaters, and the foodl. Not so much the goblins, spiders, and most witches. Apple pie caramel apples are by far my favorite. Have you tried? I/We are so addicted. I also love football. I now have a quarterback in 6th grade and a quarterback in 1st grade. Gotta love it. We have a tradition of Fall pictures also. Same places...same one year older. Love them all! I am excited for YOUR October! ;-) Get better! If you need a friend to make you MY favorite Pumpkin Cobbler...send me their name and email and I will send them the recipe and they can surprise you. It is the BEST EVER!!! I don't like pumpkin pie, but I love this. I think it is a great plan!

Jodi Davis said...

I'm with you, I could totally skip Halloween. Definitely my least favorite holiday (always has been), but I try to enjoy it for the kids. I am very excited for conference this weekend and the thought of cooler weather. Also, I love that this means Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up next! But my favorite thing about October is that 2 of my kids have their birthdays which means I get to spoil them let them have the spotlight. I love it!

The Kings said...

I'm looking forward to better weather because its not Autumn here, but spring. I'm looking forward to daylight savings which means longer days and shorter nights.

mjcundiff said...

There is one single reason that makes October my favorite month of all time. I get to celebrate me this month! That's right, my birthday is next week. And I don't mess around with only a one day celebration. The entire month of October is devoted to celebrating the creation of me. A girl just deserves an entire month to herself, don't you think?

onlymehere said...

Nothing in the world beats the sight and sound of crisp autumn leaves blowing across the street as you drive down it. I have a favorite street in town where I roll the windows down and just listen as I drive down the road to the sound of the leaves blowing and crunching in the wind across the road. Mix that with the cool air coming in the windows while I do it and I'm in heaven! I don't go for the ghoulish scary stuff either but I love the fun stuff of Halloween. I love the sound of crunching as I walk down the sidewalk through a bunch of fall leaves. Oh, and the colors are my favorite with the deep red, gold, and orange of the season. Wish me luck on your give-away, lol!

eemie2 said...

I love the crispness in the air, the smell of Fall. I enjoy sitting back and admiring the bounty that I canned from my garden now that the growing season is coming to an end. I look forward to getting out the flannel sheets, warm pajamas, and slippers. I think the thing I look forward to most in the Fall, is there aren't as many things going on outside, so it is a time that I can spend the evenings inside with my 5 kids and hubby having fun, good talks, and just being together!

Gwen said...

I love that is it fall break, and my grand daughter gets to come and visit us for a week (from Arizona). I love the leaves, the cooler temperatures, and Halloween !

Jaime said...

I love October. Always have, always will. This year is a little different for me. So much heartache this year and I'm ready for October to be MY month to choose to be happy. To enjoy it with my kids. Watch them decorate the house, make halloween treats, take photos in the fall leaves, have a fire pit in the back yard with blankets and sweatshirts making smores and hotdogs and telling jokes, football games and costumes. FAMILY. And maybe, if I'm really brave this month, I'll let someone into my heart again :) we will see. Love you Laurel!

Jennifer in Az said...

I know spring is when most folks feel like it's a fresh start, but October feels like new beginnings. A chance to clear out clutter (spiritually speaking--October General Conference does that for me).

Rachel said...

Down here October is about spring. But the best thing about October is the beginning of daylight savings. I yearn for more light in the day all winter long. On the first Sunday of the month we turn our clocks forward by one hour and like magic ( it's not really magic) the days are longer, more productive and you feel less desperate. Time really won't run out.
There are no holidays here in October but it is my birthday towards the end of the month which, curiously, holds less of an appeal than it did many years ago.
This month however I have also decided to look forward to Shifting gear. After reading your post "live as if" i am going to attempt to shift gear and live as if the promises are here - wish me luck!

Heather said...

I love autumn because I get in the mood to bake. My favorite thing to make is chocolate chip cream cheese muffins. Yum! I also love it because of General Conference. My spirit needs that extra umph that Conference gives me.

Christy said...

I love crisp cool mornings and being able to go outside and not sweat (I live in Houston Texas). I also love Pumpkin chocolate chip bread (which I make all year). I am looking forward to conference this weekend and plan on cooking a soup in the crockpot and making bread in the breadmachine while I enjoy watching conference.

Just Pam said...

I, too, am not fond of Halloween and I have 5 grown children which means I still had to participate for many years! I love everything made of pumpkin, I love General Conference and I love that we can start having soups and everything warm. Beautiful leaves, warm days and cool nights!!

Trista said...

I SO don't like Halloween--and I have kids which makes it that much worse. But October? I love cooler weather, smaller water bills, and pumpkin oh the pumpkin!

Jen and Daz said...

Oh what's not to love about Autumn? Football, sweaters, cool weather, beautiful colors dotting the mountains as the leaves change. Sitting and soaking up all the good things that touch my heart as I listen to General Conference. Then there is Thanksgiving - where we give can you not love a holiday that reminds you of your blessings? Oh, and pumpkin pie! Yum! Then there is the knowledge that snow and winter are just around the corner. Oh how I love this time of year...and oh how I miss a good Utah fall day!

Hope you continue on your road to recovery, and start feeling more like you soon! So glad you have good people there to hold your hand as you do!

Victoria said...

Woo hoo! Laurel is doing a giveaway! My favorite thing about autumn is the crispness in the air-I love opening the windows all day long, and pulling on a sweater in the mornings and evenings. I LOVE snuggling up under tons of blankets at night and snuggling with my sweetie. This month I'm most looking forward to general conference this weekend-I've focused extra hard on being prepared for the messages to touch me, and I can't wait to hear them. My favorite holiday is probably matter how old I get, there's still just something magical about it. I hope your recovery goes smoothly, Laurel! Thanks for sharing yourself with us!

Tami said...

I love pumpkin desserts, caramel apples and conference. Cinnamon rolls are a must, too. Hang in there. I hope you recover quickly.

sylver7 said...

You posted on my birthday, October 1. What's not to love (except Halloween)? Going to the pumpkin patch to let the kids choose their own pumpkin. Finally getting to wear the new clothes that you bought for fall. Lighting scented candles. Decorating with autumn leaves and tiny pumpkins. Thanks for asking. Take care of yourself.

Cheryl said...

My favorite thing about this time of year is the smell and feel of 'crisp' in the air. The leaves and the cooler air. It is also time to bring out your snuggily clothes and cozy up to those you love. Those plants, flowers and trees in your yard get a little repreave from the hot weather and can actually breathe, relax and look just a little bit prettier for you until the snow flies.

Chism said...

I'm a huge fan of walking across college campuses in the fall!

Nothing like breathing in the crisp air while strolling through the uncollected crisp leaves. Add a warm beverage in hand and you are set!

PS I agree with your thoughts on Halloween. --I've disliked it since I was forced to stroll the neighborhood for candy when I was 11.

Katie said...

October to me is when everything changes. Unfortunately because I live and Florida, I do not get to always see it personally, but the change in weather, the trees changing colors, the big comfy sweaters, and boots... I love all of it! For some reason when October comes it becomes like my January 1st. I want to improve, make changes and prepare for Thanksgiving and especially Christmas. That is probably why I love Octobers General Conference so much, it helps give me the direction I need when making my "October Resolutions". So to me, Fall is the start of the new and improved me!

the nayz said...

The biggest reason I love October is: my birthday is on the 17th!! Here's a few other in no particular order:

boots and sweaters
anything pumpkin (to eat, look at or play with)
leaves changing
crispness in the air
General Conference
Time Out for Women
and yes, Halloween is a favorite around here too.

Becky said...

Boots, cooler temps, pumpkin deserts, fall colors!

Teresa said...

my favorite thing about this time of year is the beautiful fall weather and colors. I am most looking forward to TOFW in Logan :) and my favorite autumn treat is punkin (yes, I meant to spell it that way) pie :)

Amy Worthington said...

Autumn is by FAR my favorite season of the year. Crunching leaves. Orange, yellow and red everywhere you look. The crisp chill in the air. Homemade stew and chili. Long drives through the canyon. An excuse to pull out sweaters, jackets, cardigans and boots!

More than anything it's a symbol of a time of change. So many things are evolving, changing and going into hibernation. Letting go of what they used to be in hopes of being something greater when spring comes around.

This month I am determined to turn over a few new leaves in my life, to make some much needed changes and to continue looking for the right door for me to go through next.

Some fun events I'm looking forward to include completing my 4th half marathon, a family get away at our condo in Park City and a road trip to visit my sister in Idaho.

Stephanie and Andrew said...

There are so many things that I love about Autumn time, where to start? I love football season, I love watching football and playing football with my family. I love the crispness in the air, it makes me want to cuddle up and read a good book. I love the smells that come with Autumn, I love pumpkin spice and all those fun Scentsy burner smells. I love soups, they make me feel all cozy inside. I absolutely love General Conference in October as well, I love to sit down with a nice cup of hot cocoa and listen to the inspired words of our prophet! It can't get much better than that can it? I'm know there are more things that I love about Autumn but those are a few! I hope you get feeling better, Mono is a bugger to get over.

Beth Blair said...

Since you're home bound, and I've been there.My favorite fall thing is the weather and physical change of the earth. The colors, the temperature... the lack of a heating or cooling bill.

Treat would be cobbler. Especially with the fresh fruit and things that folks are starting to dispense with.

I am hopefully looking forward to the end of our long distance family as my husband interviews for and hopefully get the offer for a local job.

janabananagirl said...

What's not to love about autumn? We finally get sweater weather, and it's kosher to cook things like pumpkin bread and hot spiced cider. And then there's the turning of the leaves, which is totally my favorite part. The colors around here don't compare to my beloved New England, but they're still awesome to look at.

Hope you get feeling better soon!

Steph said...

The thing that I look forward to most this month is celebrating my 5th anniversary. I never really cared for fall until I got married in fall. I never took the time to enjoy the fun parts of it, because it was always a prelude to winter which was my least favorite season but really autumn is fabulous! I'm actually missing it, since my fall consists of 100 degree weather. :) Love you and miss you!

Shauna said...

Living where the seasons are hot, hotter, and hottest, The General Relief Society Broadcast is my cue that fall has officially arrived.
It sets the tone for General Conference weekend and puts my mind on all things fall.
I LOVE to bake and decorate for fall. Halloween-not so much (and I have kids)
There is so much to love and celebrate about fall.

FEEL BETTER, my friend.

Jared & Shannon said...

I just love everything about the change in the seasons. The cooler weather, the caramel apples, conference, the upcoming holidays and my favorite reason this year is I am having a baby girl in November!

JOYCE said...

I LOVE fall and October. We take a family trip down the TN river and enjoy all the beautiful fall colors. Evening firesides in the backyard with a bonfire. My favorite fall month is October and I too dislike Halloween.

Melody said...

I am SO excited to attend Phoenix TOFW with my mom and sisters!! It's technically not till November, but it's within the next month, so I'm counting it. :) I should take this opportunity to tell you how much I loved your segment at last year's TOFW and how much I love reading your blog. You are amazing! Sending prayers your way for a quick recovery!

Tim and Margo Davis said...

I just moved to Arizona from beautiful Virginia. I used to love love love fall in Virginia! The colors were intoxicating! And I'm a huge fan of soup, chili, and pumpkin treats! So far I'm not feeling really "in the fall mood" this year...its still 90+ degrees! The weather man said we are going to start feeling like fall this next week as we hit temperatures in the high 80s. Clearly that man has never experienced a real fall!
But, October brings conference and my husband actually gets two days off a week this month so that is FABULOUS (he's a medical intern). And we get to visit family this month, so though it's not "fall" here there are a bunch of wonderful things going on! And...temperatures under 90 are a good too I suppose :)

Quelly said...

I have always loved the Fall - it may have something to do for my love of office supplies, but I digress... My love for autumn is linked directly to my mother who passed 24 years ago this month. She LOVED the Fall! I remember the weekend of her funeral thumbing through her day planner and she had made an appointment to drive up the canyon to see the leaves. I make that same appointment with myself every year