Truth #3: Trying to get married takes hard work.
Let's just cut to the chase on this one.
I don't think falling in love should be fact, if it IS hard, that should be a sign (oh to have learned that little truth a little earlier!).
BUT, falling in love does not = getting oh so many of us know.
And I think there is a temptation to say, "it shouldn't be this hard! If its this hard, it must not be right! Twenty year olds do this all the time for crying out loud." (I used to say that about driving a stick..."Dumber girls than me drive sticks. SURELY I can figure this out!" FYI, I still can't drive a stick.) But, it's not easy. And even when it's "right" it still can take hard work to both get to the same place of commitment. And maybe even moreso the older we get (enter some of the points in Marry Him? that are very very valid).
Because it is likely THE MOST IMPORTANT decision any of us will ever make (next to deciding to commit to Jesus Christ), there absolutely is an adversarial force at play. He who does not deserve to be named will spend time and energy trying to mess up really great marriage opportunities. In most cases, I have found, he uses fear as his tactic (and apathy...but that's another discussion). This is why understanding the role marriage has in THE PLAN OF HAPPINESS is so vital.
"The doctrine of the plan leads men and women to hope and prepare for eternal marriage, and it defeats the FEARS and overcomes the uncertainties that may cause some individuals to delay or avoid marriage." (Elder Bednar)
AND there is this thing called agency...a point of doctrine that I am coming to see that God loves even more than He loves our happiness (isn't that an interesting thought?). And so, something could be right...or have the potential to be REALLY right...but one person could choose to not choose it. And God, in His infinite wisdom, will not force the rightness of it upon any of us. He will lead. He will prompt. He will influence. But, He will not force.
So, it is hard.
And it is vital.
It is vital because it is hard.
And it is hard because it is vital.
In addition to being hard, it is risky.
A dear friend (one of my fave people on the planet) shared with me an incredible talk her Bishop recently gave in Church. In it were many of the quotes and scriptures I've been pondering since first discovering "the article".
But this is one I had not read...had not seen...
Yet, when I read the words, its part in this truth was clear.
"Of all arguments against love none makes so strong an appeal to my nature as 'Careful! This might lead to suffering.' To my nature, my temperament, yes. Not to my conscience. When I respond to that appeal I seem to myself to be a thousand miles away from Christ. If I am sure of anything I am sure that His teaching was never meant to confirm my congenital preference for safe investments and limited liabilities." (C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves. Oh, how I love C.S. Lewis!)
Lewis goes on to teach this truth:
"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one...Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in a casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket--safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable."
Just go ahead and read that again.
Look at the connection between our love & commitment to another person and our relationship with the Savior. Look at that!
Now, let me be clear. I know a whole lot of women who have taken on the hard work of trying to get married and it has yet to produce fruits. BUT, I also know there are too many of us who are single...and I just can't believe it's the way God intended it to be. And I, for one, have not always been open to the "hard work" it takes to get married...or rather, the hard work to get myself to a place where I'm ready for it...let alone, the hard work of STAYING married. And I have this inkling that I need to approach the whole process differently.
In the difficulty of the task
comes the truth of its importance.
And that leads me to Truth #4...
(which will now officially have to wait until after the event...if anyone is even still reading...grin.)