datestampSaturday, December 6, 2008

Really, Mr. Fortune Cookie? REALLY?

Right after I got hired at my current place of employment, I went to lunch with some of my new co-workers. I think it was my second day of know...first week...when you're still looking for validation and needing just a kick of self-confidence.

We went for chinese.
And got the typical complimentary fortune cookie.
I opened mine.
All these year and I've never forgotten it.
Well, you don't forget "fortunes" like this.
It said (and I quote):

You struggle for self-improvement and it shows.

I'm not kidding.
Now, I'm sure the original CHINESE translation said:
Laurel, we can really tell you work hard to always better yourself and we, the people of China, congratulate you.

But, in English all I read was "yeah, you're a girl who really struggles."

And, well, I've had a "love/hate" relationship with those concoctions of sugar & flour ever since.

I've gotten some good fortunes.
Like once on a date, I opened one to say:
Stop looking for happiness. It's sitting right next to you.

But, well...let's just say that for the most part, I've seen mostly UN-fortunes in my cookies.

I am working on my thesis...
really more of a "capstone research project".
And spending every waking hour either with work or school.
So, it's been hard to feel like I have a life.

But, I have a date next week...and actually two if I can fit the other in.
Now, that should not be news.
But these aren't "set ups".
These are legit.

So, when I stopped at Pei Wei (gotta love the cheap version of PF Changs. I highly recommend going for the Ginger Broccoli w/ Beef (ask them to cook it crispy), brown rice) for some thesis-writing sustenance and opened my fortune cookie, and it said (and I quote):

A tantalizing new prospect will come your way.

Well, it was like the fortune cookie and I came together again.
We let bygones be bygones.
I mean, the cookie said "tantalizing" for crying out loud!
That's good, right?
Do you know the definition?
Let's take a vote right now.
All who think "tantalizing" is generally a good thing, say "aye".

The definition reads (and I quote):
Tan-ta-lize [tan-tl-ahyz]
–verb (used with object), -lized, -liz⋅ing.
to torment with, or as if with, the sight of something desired but out of reach; tease by arousing expectations that are repeatedly disappointed.

Yeah, just go ahead and read that again.

Really, Mr. Fortune Cookie?
You didn't learn your lesson with the "you really struggle" cookie back in the day?

And that, my friends, is why we will be finding time for ONLY ONE date next week.
Just one.
Lest we get "tantalized" twice.
(is it just me or is my life funny?)

And now, back to the thesis...
and the "tantalizing" masters degree.

(Life is good...I'll just be glad when Dec. 15th has come and gone with a turned in paper and maybe a great date or two as well...PS. the book IS finished. Thanks for the "you can do it"s. You people are WAY better than fortune cookies!)


Anonymous said...

I never knew that was the definition. So perfect for you! And two dates?! I'm pretty sure I know one of them but do not know the other. you must email.
My favorite fortune cookie of all time was "you are a great swimmer and will make the olympic team". Yep, still in my cubicle at work. classic.

DeAnn said...

That is an awesome fortune. I hate when you get a fortune cookie and you open it to get a "non-fortune" fortune cookie. Like it gives you some quote like "happy people smile". Dumb -- I want a tantalizing fortune every time. I had Chinese tonight too. I got a dumb fortune.

JJ said...

I say to take your two dates and light-at-the-end-of-the thesis-writing-tunnel, and happily flaunt them in front of the fortune-cookie-writers.

I have a collection of fortunes on my fridge, one of my most favorites: "There are no ordinary moments".

Jill said...

Oh no they didn't! I say you make your own little fortune cookie and stuff it with your own message that says, "Bring it!" and send it to the fortune cookie people. No more will we take these subtle jabs sitting down! Laurel-I have every confidence that if anyone can take something tantalizing and make it tangible, you can. Have fun on your date/s and laugh in the face of bad fortunes.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to blogging - I missed you!! But I know your absence was for a worthy cause. You must tell all (no, not fortune telling- get the pun?) about your date/dates coming up. Waiting with anticipation!!

Aunt Linda

Adam and Bri said...

Gosh I love you! You make me smile.

Jill Manning said...

This post is exactly why you should write a book and why you can write a book. Hang in there can do it!!!! And don't listen to those fortune cookies, they aren't even really chinese, they are american. So their goes their street cred.

Angela said...

My vote is to go on both dates-- the odds will be in your favor. Just my two cents and many years of dating experience talking. The more "rewards" after the overwhelming task of writing a thesis the better!

Congrats on the book! Good luck during the final days of writing and work... may you come back to "the world of having a life" soon! You make me smile too!

Unknown said...

Sounds like I'm due for Chinese.

Sorry I missed you in SL this weekend... it was too quick of a trip without wheels.

We will.

One day.


Happy writing. I'm with you sister... almost done. (Well, for me, this semester that is)

Amander said...

Oh those darn fortune cookies! Teasing you all the time.

Good luck with the thesis! Hope it's coming along nicely :)