Showing posts with label one word challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label one word challenge. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2009 try something new {oneword @ shuttersisters}

i don't do much in the line
of photo editing...
i just get so frustrated
and irritated
and annoyed with myself...

but after reading about the lightroom program
on shutter sisters
i downloaded the 30 day trial
and played with it tonight...

i am enjoying the presets...
although i still had many moments of
"what the hell!?!"

but i'm happy with the direction i took
and know i will keep playing with it...
i think i will need longer than the 30 day trial...

more oneword here

Sunday, February 08, 2009

saturday i dared {ONEWORD @ shutter sisters}

to stop on the highway
and take pictures of pollution...

many times i have looked at this...
watched it bubble out of the building,
watched it block out the sun
and this day,
i stopped my car
on the side of the road
regardless of what the many people driving by me
must have thought
and i took pictures....and it felt good.

i even skipped a little
as i ran
back to the car.

one word challenge @ shutter sisters

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

do i dare {oneword @ shuttersisters}

to be my own biggest supporter?

{picture makes more sense when seen to see}

more oneword images here...

i dared to...{ONEWORD@shutter sisters}

i dared to shut off the auto focus,
the auto pilot,
the safety net...
i dared to make mistakes,
i dared to broaden my learning curve.

in doing so,
i had some disappointments...
some pictures that totally bombed...

but i found myself going
a lot...
catching on...
getting it...
liking it..

and you?
did you dare today?

onewordchallenge @ shutter sisters

Monday, February 02, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One Word Challenges

shutter sisters
is having a challenge...
a one word challenge...
using a word for the month of february...
i chose to use my "word for the year"
and try to use that word to guide my
photos for the month, starting feb 1st...

i will be posting some of them here
but mainly on flickr...
i'm looking forward to the challenge,
i need to push myself forward.

check it out...
i dare ya.