this time with a list
and no links...
slapdash and quick and dirty...
well, not...dirty...heh.
post it notes
colored pens
cold diet coke in a can
bright yellow canola fields
geese flying overhead
flocks of tiny birds flying in formation
the smell of permanent markers
making someone laugh
marshmallow bananas
wonton soup
ice cream in a waffle cone
miniature toys
singing in the car
watching thunderstorms (but only if i'm in a car)
a good book to get lost in
retro vintage advertising
green life saver suckers
board games
free time to myself
Showing posts with label list-a-list. Show all posts
Showing posts with label list-a-list. Show all posts
Friday, February 07, 2014
Friday, October 29, 2010
9 things i have done this week

-listened to damien rice over and the computer, in the car
specifically blower's daughter and delicate...i am entranced.
-took a handful of smurfs, ninjas, a small ice cream cone and
a dinosaur to the park for a photo shoot
-planned an impromptu birthday party
-dealt with the meeting of a new boyfriend for 15
-dealt the subsequent break up
-saw the most amazing sunrise yesterday...full on hot pink whole sky
breath taking mind numbing trees a black sillhouette on the horizon
-ate fruit loops and watched it's the great pumpkin charlie brown
-wondered why it feels like there is always one ball on the floor,
why can't i keep them all in the air at the same time....
-recieved the most happiest of mail last BOOK
from liz....i can't wait to tear into it, to sink into it, to lose
myself in it...but first, i'll make myself wait until the moment
is. just. right.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
little bits of happiness on wednesday morning...

~fresh strawberries sprinkled with sugar
left just long enough for the sugar to turn red
and juicy and sticky
~finding new music to be inspired by
~feeling drunk with possibility
~an extra long hug from ten last night...
we are going through a bit of a challenging time
so that hug felt good, like old times.
~the light through the leaves outside my window right now
~tickle fights and late night conversations
~positive feedback both at work and on my latest photos
{and i need some beleif in myself right now in both areas
so this was very much appreciated}
~journalling at 6 am...remembering i have this book that i
haven't tried yet...realizing that so many of the things i have
been asking for in my journal have been coming through for
me in a gradual way...
and yes, i am showing winter pictures but i was late getting these
edited and well...i kind of like them...heehee
Monday, June 14, 2010
monday morning happiness list

~getting such great responses to my "realization" post...
that really helps to get that positive feedback and to not feel
alone in my ups and downs.
~getting out with the camera has been too long!
~finding this very exciting creativity bootcamp...even though i
am a week behind, i am going to play along from the beginning.
this girl is brilliant...there were things that she wrote about fostering
creativity and the creative cycle that made me feel like she was
talking directly to should definitely check her out!
~feeling a surge of energy coming on...being excited by ideas
and plans and making notes and charging forward. this is good.
~seeing words of mine on a sweet friends blog...made me feel all
warm and gushy inside...and the comments that were left...the
feeling of being "gotten"'s a good feeling....
happy monday!
Sunday, February 21, 2010

~that i clap my hands often and randomly with no apparent reasoning
~that i name things i love fred...goldfish, purple spotted dinosaurs, soup cans...
that kinda thing.
~i am a recovered pepsi addict.
~i am now a strong diet coke addict the can...always in a can.
~i hate the word moist. it makes me cringe.
~i love the smell of lilacs and i love the smell of vanilla.
~when i was a kid, i wanted to be a taxi driver.
~i am fascinated by heavy machinery. the lines, the colors, the size,
the textures...i can sometimes feel like it takes my breath away.
i borrowed this idea here...and it was a lot of along!
Monday, February 15, 2010
6:03 am

it's early morning and i am only partially awake
typing with sleep in my eyes...
it seems to be the only way i can get here today...
or this week...
time feels soft and liquid like
literally slipping through my fingers
though i'm trying to grip it tight...
but maybe thats the problem...
maybe i need to let go a little
and just let things happen.
waffle cones and toffee twist almond ice cream
the new book i just started
chocolate chip teddy grahams
that S. surprised me with pretty flowers at work Friday
14 asking me to watch a movie with her
spending all day saturday driving with the camera beside
me and no set of plans...just driving...
my dad fixing my car after i put it in the ditch...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
simple things...

a text full of sweetness
stolen naps on the couch
sugar doughnuts straight from the bakery
hot pink sunrises tinged with purple
a poem that lingered on my mind all day
warm socks
a new haircut
an unexpected date night
fireflies by owl city
red marshmellow hearts
melting snow
my new staind cd
books waiting to be read
blogs to catch up on
real mail
the comforting hum of the dryer
a long hug from 14...which rarely ever happens anymore...
more simple things here...go visit...really...
she's expecting you...
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