For someone that hates software updates, and site updates, constant changes and
updates, etc... This past weeks have been dramatic, frustrating "updatey" and plain annoying.
The hard drive died as you know (after all I have only said it like 50 times ha!), my husband rescued it. The new thing died. agh! He saved all my info and documents. Bought a Mac. I got totally lost, to the hilarious point where I couldn't even find the internet, or even turn it off. I can laugh about it today.
Yes, the Mac is a beautiful thing, I saw the demos and a nice display at the store. I know it is more for artsy stuff that anything else. It's just not for me at this time.
I didn't even go to the photo and video programs, for being so lost into the system. Made me feel like a cave woman! And I ended up turning my mind and efforts to cleaning the place... do you know what THAT does to the self esteem??
\( ಠ益ಠ)/ (furious face)
Also, I was not aware of being such a "mouse rubber" but with that slick button-less Mac mouse all the pages kept shifting, changing, flipping... just because I
can't get my fingers still. I learned that about myself.... Not to mention I hold it in a funny sideways angle, and that mouse reacts like the touch screens... (my up-and-down is its side-to-side motion!) Just imagine all the screens flipping and pirouetting on you. That was me LOL
So, here I am again in a pc. :o)
Unfortunately my Photo Editor doesn't want to open the pictures from the disc in Windows 7, but still works -after HOURS of poor DH working on it- if I upload them from another place.
I'm still at the "reload all the junk" stage, (and
update more stuff) but I am on the path to less stress. Or at least stress about something else (just not politics, please!)
For a good while I will be busy with this project, like a cat with a toilette paper. lol
So, knock on wood and I will be back on track with the Modigliani challenge, hopefully tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by! ♥