Showing posts with label story parts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label story parts. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Retelling Rope

Hello Everyone,
This week we are working hard on the components of a good story and being able to retell with all those components evident.  I've posted about retelling ropes before, but I wanted to share how much my kids love them and "get it!" 
We reviewed all the story parts and created our class-size retelling anchor chart and rope. Then the kids made their own. 

  Retelling is an important component of discriminating comprehension  in our young readers. Teaching the main components of a story  will help kids understand story structure, the relationships between the parts, sequencing, author’s purpose, and so many other comprehension skills.
Here's a little retelling unit. It includes :
*A little poem to post
*A mini poster showing the Story  Retelling  Rope
*4 mini posters which depict some of the  story parts.
*3 pages of large icons for your own large poster or retelling  
*2 pages of small icons for the kids to make their own rope (color and black and white for them to color their own)
*Student recording pages(color and black and white)

example of story part poster

Parents, don't forget to ask your kiddo about their retelling rope.  Try it at home with the books your kiddo is bringing home. 
Have a great night everyone!
Thanks for taking time to take a peek!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oh No! Santa's Stuck!!

Hello Everyone!
I'm back again with another free unit!  I love taking one piece of literature and creating cross curricular activities to go along with it!! This time my unit is based on "Santa's Stuck" by Rhonda Greene, one of my favs for this season!  The 34 page unit includes some problem and solution Reader's Response activities, four math tub activities, a craft connection and a science activity!  I can't wait to do these with my kiddos.

Have fun singing this song!!

 I've been doing this activity for several years and love it.  Patterns are included in the unit.  Last year I even found some brick scrapbook paper to use for the chimney instead of just red construction paper.  I'm on a hunt for it again!
students organize facts so they balance on each side of the work mat and then record.

pattern for the mittens is included in the unit!   

 Don't get stuck, click here for your unit!!

Hope you enjoy this little unit! Let me know how you used it or if you would like to see anything else!
Now off to find my turkey for Thursday!! :)