Showing posts with label bubbles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bubbles. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2011


As a team we have started something new in order to get all of our Science objectives in this year.  Every Friday we will be celebrating what scientists do by having SCI FRI!  We are dedicated to finding simple science experiments which will keep our first graders motivated to think like scientists.  We have done several already, but I think my favorite has been the "Bubblemania" activity.  The idea came from Family Fun magazine.  We mixed a bubble solution with dish soap, glycerin, and water.  We had the kids make bubble blowing cones which they soaked into the solution for a minute. They were able to blow giant bubbles. We then told them that they could put their finger or a straw through the side of a bubble. They had to figure out how.  Some of the kids figured out that if their finger was wet with bubble solution, they could stick it right into the bubble without it popping!  Scientists try different things in order to solve probles or answer questions.  We all had a bubblicious time!