Showing posts with label runaway pumpkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label runaway pumpkin. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2012

Runaway Pumpkin Craft Connection

Hello Everyone!
Kids love fun words!  They love the rhythm, the rhyme, the repetition, the tongue twisting!  The Runaway Pumpkin is the perfect book to explore all of that. Building vocabulary and experiencing the joy of literature is an added bonus! Yesterday we enjoyed a little Reader's Response Craft Connection celebrating the word choices of the author. Here are some pics!
 We brainstormed the fun and interesting words from the story.
a quote from the Runaway Pumpkin

 What Fun Words!!!For your copy of this language fun, thump here! :)  (By the way, if you've already downloaded my Runaway Pumpkin unit, I have since fixed the typos.  You can click the link above to get the new version!!  :))
 We cut pumpkin shapes from some different pieces of orange scrap book paper, cut a stem and a leaf, glued them all to a background, and then got busy writing the thumpety, bumpety words along that thumpety, bumpety path!!

Here comes that thumpin' bumpin' pumpkin!!

Great Job, Kiddos!!!  I hope you have a thumpety, bumpety, thumpin, bumpin, runaway weekend!! :)