Showing posts with label coins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coins. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2013

What's In Your Piggy Bank?

Hello Everyone!
I had a couple minutes of down time today (or I should say, I was forced into down time today due to some vein surgery this week which actually threw me for a crazy loop! UGH!!  If you are a teacher on her feet all day, please make sure you go home from time to time and try to elevate your feet!!!).  Anyway, during my "down time" I had a few minutes to recreate my money posters.  I have posted my money unit before, but I wanted some cute posters to put up as reminders to kids.  
We are starting our week long unit of coins and money this coming week.  Our objectives include identifying the major coins and telling the value.  Kids also need to be able to count groups of like coins and give the value.  It goes right along with all the skip counting we've been doing the past couple of weeks. 
I'm sharing my set of 6 posters which I hope you can use if you are a teacher or a parent!  Here are some pics of what is included in the set.


Now off to help get dinner going and then take it easy!!  Maybe a movie or something!!
Hope you're having a great weekend!!!