Showing posts with label skip counting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skip counting. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2014

It was an "Appeeling" Week!

Hello Everyone!!
We had a great week last week!  You could say it was quite  "Appeeling!!"  Many of our learning opportunities had an fun apple twist.  We were studying closed syllable short a words, with the word apple as a favorite.  We practiced skip counting with apple shapes.  We studied the citizenship of Johnny Appleseed.  We studied force and motion using apples.  On Friday, we made applesauce together!  Here are a few pics.

Skip counting by 5's starting at 4!

Wobbly apple roll

Applecopter launch! The one and only time
 I let them stand on their chairs!!

Studying force and motion with an Applecopter!!


Crock Pot Applesauce


Wearing a pot on our heads??? Yes!!

You can get most of the activities for the science and social studies if you would like.  Keep reading!!

Next we are working on magnets, and yes, I added a little apple twist to that as well.

 And one more quick share.  In writing we'll be working on when to use uppercase letters. Here's a quick little chant that was very effective last year.

PHEW!!!  Oh!  I almost forgot!  I told you I would share some amazing writing my kids have been doing. But this week was also filled with assessments, I station, Spelling Inventory, Accelerated Math Inventory, Writing Portfolio BOY entry, and DRA's. I am hopeful that this coming week will be a bit more "normal" and I can grab some shots of their amazing work.  I am very excited!!!  Till then, thanks for stopping by for a peek!! We appreciate your interest in what we've been up to!! Don't forget to leave a comment!!
Have a great week!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Skipping Into Fall!

Hello Everyone!!
Thanks for stopping by our little window on wonder!  This past week in math we worked hard on skip counting. Having kids understand what skip counting means, why we need to learn about it, and practice it, is an important math concept. Skip counting is counting numbers in groups or bundles. (For example, counting in bundles of two.)There are many examples of such counting in everyday life.
For example; The human body is the best example of skip counting. One person has two hands, two people have four hands and so on. The same is true with other parts of body such as arms, legs, eyes, ears and fingers.
Some more examples of skip counting may include bicycle wheels or car wheels can be used to introduce skip counting by 2's or 4’s.
* By learning skip counting kids start to realize the concept of place value and get ready to learn bigger numbers.
* Basic skip counting is actually times tables. For example, the skip counting by 2's is actually the 2 times table and similarly by learning skip counting by 3's, 4's and 5's, kids master these times tables.
* Skip counting can help kids count coins. The ability to count coins will come much easier to a student who has mastered skip counting already.
When they have a number of nickels, dimes and quarters kids can use skip counting to add these coins.
* By learning skip counting kids develop mental math skills to do simple arithmetic such as addition and subtraction.
* Even and odd numbers are skip counting by 2's so kids can explore bigger even or odd numbers by using skip counting by 2's.
A lot of kids come to first grade knowing how to "recite" counting by 10's, 5's, and 2's, but really don't understand what those numbers represent. So we strive to incorporate manipulating objects into groups and work on seeing the number patterns as they relate to other numbers. 
We used elements of our bodies to see skip counting in a natural way, and used our "bigger than life" 120 board.

We had fun counting by 2's with our eyes and then with our fingers! We created some fun little star shapes!

Making the star shapes led us to a conversation about our American flag. We "skip counted" the stripes and the stars. The timing of this was perfect because for Patriot Day (Sept 11) our entire student body, about 800 kids, created a living flag in honor of our patriotism.
 Our amazing school counselor organized this effort!  What an impact!!

This coming week we will work on skip counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's but starting at different numbers. Can't wait!!
Some of the activities mentioned above are from my skip counting unit.  If you downloaded it last year, I have added more to it, (the feet, hands and eyes, as well as extensions to the tub activities) so please download again.

Here are a few of the 34 pages of printables!

Hope this helps put a spin on your skip counting unit!!

2, 4, 6, 8! Who do I appreciate? YOU!!
 Thanks again for stopping by!! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Forward and Back-Skip counting to and from 120

Hello Everyone!
Easter Blessing to all! 
I hope you had a day filled with joy and hope!

This coming week we will be focusing on skip counting to and from 120. We have worked on skip counting before, but not to this extent.  Internalizing number patterns will help kids in any mental math that may come their way. We will focus on jumping off from the decade with our counting by 10's. We will work with our base 10 blocks and understand that adding rods adds 10 to what ever number you start with.  I wanted some extra work for our mini lessons and our math tubs and put together this little pack.  It has a cute little rabbit and carrot patch theme--We begin our plant unit this week too! Love some Tops and Bottoms!! Right?? :)
Here are a few pics from the 21 page pack.

As always, please let me know of any typos you detect or changes that should be made. Thanks!

Stay tuned for pics of kids playing the scamper game.  Can't wait!!
Till then, have a great rest of the day and week!  
Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate you!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Falling For Math

Hello Everyone!
Just stopping by to share a quick little math tub unit for our little learners. It contains 4 different number sense math activities including some skip counting, strategizing, subitizing, and odd/even sorting.  Here are a few pics:

I know, I know, short and sweet again, but this girl needs to rest up for a packed day tomorrow!! Have a great evening!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

number patterns

Hello Everyone!
This week in math we are working on number patterns, more specifically, skip counting beginning at a given number and reciting numbers forward and backward from any given number. If you've kept up with this blog at all, I do love a good lifesize math lesson. So, I pulled out my shower curtain sized 120 board the last couple of days!  I love using that thing.  It really puts numbers into perspective for a classroom full of kids. It makes working together so fun, easy, and effective!
Yesterday we worked on skip counting starting at different numbers.  I gave the kids a paper ring to place around numbers used. Great multisensory activity!
Today we worked on reciting numbers forward and backward.  But this time I found some cute little rings (similar to Frisbees) at Hobby Lobby in the party section and the kids had to take turns flying their ring to land on the board.  Then they had to choose counting forward or backward.  Again, it was a hit!
Here are a couple of pics!

Skip counting by 2's starting at 1.

Skip counting by 5's starting at 3

For those who missed a post last year on my lifesized 120 board, I love using shower curtain liners for making math kid friendly. I just get the cheap ones at Walmart or even Dollar Tree. Use a jumbo sharpie to write whatever you need!! And they last for a while!!  Win! Win!
If you are a parent reading this, you can even make one for home!! When my boys were little, we would draw roads and neighborhoods for their little cars to ride on. Totally reusable and easy cleanup.

Anyway, I know the past couple of days' math lessons are the kind that will help my kids understand number pattern and relationships. 

Let me know if you have other ideas for a shower curtain liner!!  I'm always up for something new!!