Showing posts with label fairy tales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fairy tales. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2015

A little pumpkin and...Cinderella's in the house!

Hello Everyone!
Can you believe it is already November??  What?? Where has the time gone?  October was, of course, sooo busy.  Here are a couple of pics of a few things we were able to accomplish!
One of our favs to read this time of year!

Finding the "interesting words" in our reading!
Using those interesting words in a hands on visual

Thumpety, bumpety!

Creepy Peepers Scoot- Friendly numbers

How many Creepy Peepers?

Pumpkin seed estimating and counting!
Pumpkin math and science day!

We found a sprouting seed in one of the pumpkins!!
My team dressed as Stellaluna for our storybook character day!!

This week we are getting into fairy tales!!  One of my favorite units!  I added quite a bit to our Cinderella unit from last year. Along with learning about what a fairy tale includes, we will work on retelling stories, character analysis, plural nouns, past tense verbs, short vowel ck words, and states of matter.  I added some activities to accommodate those objectives.  So if you need a bit more to add to your fairy tale unit, or if you used the unit last year and can use the additions, please redownload.
Here are a few pics:

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Friendly Numbers, Number Vines, and Fairy Tale Day!

Hello Everyone!
My apologies for the lack of posting this week.  Wow!! Still reeling after the amazingly full week!  Yes, I did grab a few pics!  In math we were learning about estimating using "Friendly Numbers." We started off on the life size ten frame. We talked about how some numbers are easier with which to work and when it comes to estimating, we naturally go to those numbers. All the work we had done on subitizing came in handy.  We worked initially with 0, 5, and 10. Then later in the week added 15 and 20. 
After working on the ten frame, we discovered how estimating looked on a number line.  Except, it wasn't just a number line, it was a "Number Vine!" Large pumpkins were the friendly numbers. It was easy for the kids to see how close the friendly numbers were to the numbers we were working with!!

Show how many and then what "friendly number" it is closest to.

Knowing about those friendly number estimates will help these little ones understand reasonableness when we delve into addition and subtraction strategies. So stay tuned!!

We had a blast on our annual Story Book Character Day. We had our first graders dress up as Fairy Tale Characters because that is what we were studying.  They looked amazing!! Here are a few pics.  I wish I would have gotten everyone!!
Peter X 3

Princesses- from several countries!!

Witch, Dorothy, Little Red, and More!


The Wolf!

Puss in Boots :)

And of course my fabulous team got into the spirit by dressing as characters from Cinderella!

The Not so Ugly Stepsisters, Cinderella (Pre-Princess), and The Fairly Fairy Godmother! :)

I have the best team!!!  Thanks for giving your all, Sistas!
I'll be back soon with pics from our Pumpkin Math and Science Day!! OH MY! Such fun!

Thanks for stopping by for a peek!!  I love to read your comments!! Let me know how you teach estimating!
Stay tuned for more fun!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

I traveled through some fairy tales and found...

Hello Everyone!
We are wrapping up our two week long Reading/Social Studies integrated unit on fairy/folk tales.  We have read so many different Cinderella stories from all over the world, compared, retold, mapped, learned about different cultures, and so much more!  Today we brainstormed some of the different things we found in fairy tales and responded through writing an acrostic and a hands on visual connection.  I love how hard the kids worked on these and the amazing connections they made!! Way to go, kiddos!!

This reader's response activity is included in my Cinderella unit. 
 You can get your activities and patterns HERE!!! Bibbity Bobbity Boo! :) Click! (free!)

Stay tuned for some fun reader's theater clips!!
We are having a ball in first grade!!
Thanks for stopping by for a peek!!