Posts tonen met het label market. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label market. Alle posts tonen

zondag 8 september 2024

a new bird

In another week
is the last Art Market of this season :


in Amerongen.

It is a lovely market with art and design
combined with a farmers market (organic food)
If you are anywhere near on Saturday,
please visit
you won't regret it !!!

That means I'm still busy with some new work.
Stitching songbirds with all kinds of snippets
is like painting with cloth !

This time : a barn swallow.

I LOVE their acrobatic flight
and the way they gather together happily on telephone wires !

This was the start.
After the background was pieced together
the bird comes grows with little snippets . . .

. . . stitched together with tiny stitches

(Just need to paint the canvas
and stitch it on)

woensdag 4 september 2024

un-perfect 10 grams

First : the Art Market in Baarn was


 and therefor not very successful
. . .

This was around 12  o'clock when we had just started,
but it quickly became very warm and
though there were enough lovely people to talk to
and some sweet customers too, it was not a great success.
(it was a looong lazy afternoon !)


Today was again the day for our zoom meeting
to show what we made for the challenge this time.

The task was to include a foreign object
that had to be included in the 10 grams (!!!)
and some kind of contrast.

I thought about a spool for machine thread
but in the end (really just today !) I decided on a
scouring pad
(NO, don't ask me where the idea for that came from ???
because I really don't know !
The scouring pad weighed about 3(+) grams
so that left less than 7 for the wool !

Because I wanted to stack them up
I made three resists out of bubble wrap
(15, 10 and 6 cm squares)
and had to lay out the wool very thin.

Halfway through the stacking process
I doubted if it all would work (as often happens . . .)

But it did !

Like a small cake !

donderdag 29 augustus 2024

Art Market in BAARN

this Sunday we have again an
Art Market :
this time in BAARN

The Cultureel Festival Baarn again organizes the market in the


There will be performances,
workshops for kids, music
and . . .

The entry is free
and the program is from 12.00  till 17.00 

(One of my paintings for appetite !)

Our stand is near the "Baarnsche Courant Podium"
Maybe we'll see each other there

vrijdag 23 augustus 2024

ART MARKET tomorrow !

Everything packed away in daughter's car
so we can make an early start tomorrow !
here we come !

A  10 x 10 cm stitched piece on canvas, a cat in the 
Night Garden

And the latest belt pouch
also finished

I think the weather will be okay
so I hope to  SEE  some of you there !!!

woensdag 6 september 2023

new start

With the help of daughter
I had a lovely market in BAARN :
beautiful weather,
lovely surroundings,
nice chats and lots of compliments
and customers.

I hope everyone enjoys their little artwork
for a loooong time,


These last few weeks I skipped a few
of the Stitch Club workshops
because the felting and stitching for the markets
took up all my time.
But now it is time for
a new start

The workshop of  Katherine Diuguid
is the first again for me
(the others that I skipped will probably follow later)
Katherine gave us a kind of "watercolour" mixing design.
Having two different coloured strands of floss in the needle
is something I use often,
but now it is a more structured exercise.

The colour in the center
is mixed with the ones around it
and that gives a wonderful result !

halfway there !

zaterdag 2 september 2023

tomorrow . . .

I've surprised myself :
I did it !

I hardly believed it possible, but my little bird piece
that I started earlier this week is finished.
And so : in time to take it with me to BAARN tomorrow !


(European Goldfinch  -  Distelvink)

So once again :
if you are anywhere near tomorrow,
come and have a wonderful time with music and art !

See you there !

donderdag 31 augustus 2023

last august day . . .

Oh my,
only so many hours in a day
and so many plans
(that will surely not all fit into the hours !)

The little waist (or shoulder) bag
is finished now.

Stitching the bird is still underway

hmmmmm, will there be enough time ? 
(doubt it)


BUT for the August-challenge of Yaroslave Troynich
I made a bit of time free
just to make a little sketch this time !
We had the letter
and had to make a hybrid this time :
choose not one but two animals
and merge them
into ONE !!!

I used Dutch words this time :
(caterpillar and rattlesnake)

Meet Richard Ratelrups !

woensdag 30 augustus 2023

ART market

"Cultureel Festival BAARN"

Sunday  3 September 

(12.00  -  17.00)

Still working on some new items for the market
this Sunday !

A brooch, a felted necklace and a bag.
The band for the little bag
hangs to dry in the sun,
that sometimes shines between the showers,
 so I have to be careful that it isn't wet all over again !

I'm also stitching on a "bird" wall hanging
(because the two bigger ones were sold two weeks ago)
but I don't know for sure if this one will be finished in time
. . . . .

If you live anywhere near
and you want a fun afternoon with art and classical music :

on Sunday !

zaterdag 19 augustus 2023

thank you !

Walk Art Markt in Zeist :

a wonderful market day !
Not the rain that was predicted,
but quite some clouds, a bit of sun
and a bit of wind from time to time.

Ready for the start !

A VERY quiet morning with no sales at all
(and that's not very encouraging I can tell you . . .)
but the afternoon made up for everything !
Ohhhh and so happy our youngest grandson came by
and later his big sister
(who saved me from some bad telephone inconvenience . . .
hmmmm, that's REALLY not my "forte" !!!!!)

Many nice talks and compliments about my work
and a lot of explaining how I do my gouache paintings,
the felting and the little textile pieces.

dear customers,
I hope you enjoy the lovely items you bought
for a looooong time !

There were quite a few new things I could take with me today
but they came back home with me  . . .

(including a new fish an a new beetle)

No worry :
in two weeks time on Sunday
there is another Art Market in Baarn !

Hope to see you then !

maandag 14 augustus 2023

new bag

In five days time
on Saturday August 19
I will be on the Walk Art Market in Zeist.

My market stall will be in almost the same place as last year :
the path on the left side of the main square
near the entrance.

Because I was "low" on little bags
a new one was made
for which I finished the band yesterday.

The new bag
waiting for a button
(that I will look for tomorrow in the city)

One tiny problem appeared to be there
when I attached the band :
I made it too long for the intended waist length,
so now it will "only" be a shoulder bag . . .

This will be more or less (things sold !)
the way it will look like on Saturday.
(though we hope it will not be as hot as it was last year !)

If you live anywhere near Zeist
please come by to say hello !

There is a wide choice of gorgeous art work
with me
(and others) 
Hope to see you there !

maandag 7 augustus 2023

August and busy !

The eighth month of the year already
and very busy felting at the moment
because another ART market is coming up soon !

One of my "fishy" creatures is drying on the lamp

(tomorrow time for more !)

zondag 11 september 2022

that was wonderful !

Tired but very satisfied I was yesterday :
another successful market !

One of my very favorite pieces
found a very loving home
with a family of six.
It's always sooooo lovely
when you know your work is ending up in a good place !
(and this one surely is)

"Octopussy's Garden"

(I'm sorry but I couldn't find the picture
where it was mounted on the (in blues) painted canvas,
it must be somewhere)

I'll surely miss it,
but knowing where it has gone 
makes it all worth while !


Here are some of the pictures of the MANY steps taken
before it ended up like this.

Of course also a big thank you to all the other lovely customers
both in Baarn and in Rotterdam !
For all the compliments and the purchases.

It will be a while before there is another Art Market
because first it will be
very soon.

For now enough time for some stitching
and a bit more felting !

vrijdag 9 september 2022


Tomorrow will be the very last
of this year.



10.00  -  16.00

So far I can say, it has been a successful year.

The belt pouch I made for the market in Baarn
was sold early in the morning !

It turned out very well that the long band
made it possible to wear it as a shoulder bag too !

So I needed to make another one !
I stuck to the same colour scheme
but used the sea glass my UK-friend Anne
had sent me !

(the colours are not ss distinctly different as it shows here)

This one also has two possible ways to wear !

We'll see what happens with this one . . .

The weather will not be splendid probably
but I hope without any RAIN !

maandag 29 augustus 2022


We will have a wonderful start for September :


in Baarn
(about 40 artists)

This time daughter accompanies me to help !
It is a first time over there too
and I hope it will be as much fun as the market in Zeist was.

I'm still busy felting right now :
all but one of the little belt pouches are sold
so I hope to take two new ones with me.

A turquoise one
again with a "stone" for closure.

Not quite finished yet :

the belt is still in the making.

If you live somewhere in the neighbourhood
it would be fun if you visit and we can have a chat !

I hope to see you there !


zondag 14 augustus 2022


After an early start
we had more than enough time in Zeist
to prepare and place all my items on the stall.
We were some of the very lucky ones
to have a place under the trees with lots of shade !
(and Man was very glad that the parking garage
was just next to the park where the market is held :
no long walk back and no car in full sunshine !)

everything ready to GO

Early that morning I was still afraid
that people might decide against a visit
because of the extreme hot weather . . . but
it turned out that many visitors made an early start,
and they even kept coming during the rest of the day too.

What I love most
(apart from selling my art of course)
are the many lovely chats with all the visitors
that are interested in how things are being made.
It was fun to see familiar faces too.

So many different ways people decide
if and what
to buy !
I KNOW you can spend your money only once !
Some people know it right away
and some need "to think about it"
(there are choices to be made !)
It is so rewarding when they do come back
(and even decide then : to take móre than one !!!)

And I love the "stories"

This fish for example, was to be a present for a dear aunt
who has a "sea" - theme for "the smallest room" in the house !

This belt pouch was seen and snatched up right away !

So many lovely customers !!!
I wish them years of pleasure with the items they bought !


A FUN day with lots of music too !

"the Nightingales" two great singers and sisters
(nót the British punk rock-band :
their Dutch name IS Nightingale  :-)  !)

And now back to some felting and stitching
for Stitch Club and for the next market in September !