maandag 13 januari 2025

a bird and planets

It took quite some time,
but finally my bird is finished.

a kingfisher :
once seen as a blue blur sweeping over the nearby water
but now in all is beauty on the wall.
(20 x 20 cm)

What a lovely STITCH  CLUB workshop it was by
Yvette Phillips.
Not only a great textile artist but also a good teacher !

 For the first time I followed her lead
and put the fabric on stretcher bars in stead of in a hoop, before stitching.
At first I wanted to work on plain coloured linen
but in the end I found a suitable fabric in my stash
(though I used the backside !)

step by step
with my loyal phone always near !
(this photo came from the "Forth Rivers Trust" in Scotland)
Sad to say that this Alcedo atthis is, like so many other creatures
on the RED list !

Today, or rather tonight,
there was a special occasion in the night sky !

In the east, a beautiful bright full MOON
"at seven a clock" a bit down was MARS
between "one and two" much further away was JUPITER
and then in the south west was the lovely evening star VENUS
with, just to the left of it SATURN !

(haha, I tried to take some pictures
but judging by the lack of them here, you know I failed)

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat heb je dat mooi gedaan, de ijsvogel is prachtig.

    1. Dankjewel ! Vogels zijn zo'n heerlijke inspiratiebron !

  2. Wow!! Your stitching is amazing and to see that night sky must have been something 🙂

    1. ((Nancy)) thanks ! Today (January 21) we had an alignment with 7 planets, but unfortunately it was totally clouded ! No spectacle :-(

  3. wow, that looks wonderful. Good work!!!! Have a good and productiv near year, Els.
