Posts tonen met het label lines. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label lines. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 26 juni 2014

continuing challenge ... and

The fun "Challenge" 
Sara started several weeks ago
is nearing it's end.
All the instructions for the possible pages are done 
and so is the one for the cover.
That leaves only the binding of the pages.

You might recall, my theme for the challenge booklet is
This is the last page I made,
though in fact it will be the first or the second one of the booklet.

On the fabric that I've sewn to the back
is written :

"a line
is a dot
that went for a walk"

(that would have been said by Paul Klee)

In one of the instructions Sara suggested to integrate some thin wire.
I had this shiny green wire in my stash
and made the leaves with nail polish.
(another suggestion)

For the cover, I made three parts.

I worked a bit more on them
and I think they're okay now

Back, spine and front.

I made the spine probably too wide,
but I didn't know how thick the stack of pages would be 

This Sunday we'll probably get the last instruction for binding the pages,
though some have allready finished ther booklet.

Anyway, it was a fun thing to participade !

Almost forgot : I won a give away !!!

At Jackie's blog Stitchworks

I LOVE the work she makes and she greatly inspires me !
(well, I say "I never ever win"  and I didn't expect to this time either ...)

Today arrived a lovely pouch,
hand painted and stitched !

with a super fun "button"

I was so delighted I made her a "thank-you-mandala"
which went in the mail right away

(ha, only a sneak peek for you)

zaterdag 24 mei 2014

transient beauty

I'm always waiting for some special flowers 
to appear.
They're there one moment
and gone the next.
(well not thát quick of course ...
but in a manner of speaking short-lived)

Papaver orientale
(a perennial plant)

Some years I wait and there's not a flower in sight
but this time :

three beauties together
(and more to come)

For my challenge with the embellisher
I made two more "lines"

(without the string, the kite will fall down / die)

"washing line"

(I did the washing line another time 
because I wasn't satisfied with the first one)

Now waiting for Sara's next instruction, this weekend

woensdag 21 mei 2014

more challenge

Although it's already the fourth week
of Sara's challenge
I didn't get around making any new pages.
That's often how it goes :
ideas need some time to stew.
All the "input" has to be turned around and around
in my head, even if I'm not thinking specifically
of making something.

My theme was clear to me 
and I have some little sketches with ideas
but what I'm actually making
can change 

One of the lines I thought about were roads,
railway lines, coast/shore line
so I had an old road map
of which I just snipped off a piece
 to somehow use in a page.

It just so happened to be a part of "Zeeland"
in the South West of our country.

All of a sudden it came to me what to write,
after I made the back 
with a blue piece of wool on the embellisher
and punched the map onto it :

In February 1953 
a violent storm together with spring tide
caused a major flooding in a big part of Holland
especially in Zeeland.
I was almost 6 yaers old and I remember very well, 
how far, even in Rotterdam, the water had risen. 

I also finished another page I had prepared earlier.

First I just made some thin lines in running stitch
before I started "writing" with the machine.

  I "wrote" the same words on a piece of  fabric
that I will use as backing of the page.

The fourth week's instruction was one big letter on a page,
like in a medieval manuscript ...
but in fact I did already 
a big "E" on a page.

(maybe I give it another go)