When I had this friend over who felted the red bag
I didn't do much else than a bit of knitting
(and making coffee, tea and lunch)
I don't have enough space
for "more than one bag at the time"
That's okay, but I always start felting myself
right after such a day.
I planned this new bag
to fit especially to a jacket that I made for myself
out of silk / linen five years ago
(remember for wich occasion ;-) !)
I will make a picture of it later, with the bag ...
Sunny colours : golden yellow, pink and a bit magenta
The Ginkgo leaves are no coincidence !
I used the same template as the one for my orange bag
(last year) and the friend's red bag
There's the Ginkgo (a bit of pre-felt)
and I used some netting in order to prevent that the design might shift
It really took a long time and repeated corrections
before the spirals stayed in place.
(the spiral is a bit more pink than here on the photo)
Now I must wait till it's completely dry so I can fix the strap
and a little magnet as a closure.