Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fremont Indian Musem and Home

We made it home today - but first we stopped at the Fremont Indian Museum.  I haven't been here since I was a kid.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Today we went into Arches with the Other Deschamps and hiked to Delicate Arch - it was an intense hike, but SO Beautiful.
After the hike we stopped across from the entrance where there is a HUGE hill of sand for the boys to play - and PLAY they did.


Friday, October 17, 2014

Fall Break in Moab

We started our Fall Break yesterday.  We stayed in Green River for the night with the Other Deschamps - they though they were staying in Moab, but had actually booked the same hotel in Green River by accident.
We went into Moab today and hiked to Milcreek Canyon Falls and then hiked to Corona Arch - while the other Deschamps went jeeping. 
At Milcreek Canyon Falls, Dave and the two older boys jumped off the cliffs into the FREEZING cold water - me and the smarter little boys did not.