Friday, November 20, 2009

Spencer's Thanksgiving Program

Today all of the 2nd Graders got together and had a Thanksgiving Program. They sang a bunch of great Thanksgiving Songs - Spencer has been singing them around the house for a while, so it was fun to hear them in the program. Spencer did a great job and we're so proud of him!!!
Me and the boys.

He is SO cute!!

Cooper thought it was HILARIOUS that Preston was laying like this - he just had to take a picture.


Spencer singing.

Going back to class.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Watch Out.....

The Deschamps Boys are havin' a Snowball Fight!!!

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Mom

My mom has been alone for more than 20 years now. When I was young I was so afraid that she would marry someone - I was so afraid of allowing someone else besides my dad into my life and heart. Once I got married I understood what it was like to have a companion and a best friend and started feeling bad for my earlier feelings and fears. She has had to do so many things by herself over the years and I can't imagine how hard it must have been for her. Now don't get me wrong - she has been a very strong, independant woman and at times has told all of us that she "doesn't need a man", but I know deep down, its been a struggle for her.

Randy came into our lives last spring by way of a blind date that one of my mom's co-workers set her up on. At first, they were just buddies - it was nice to have someone to have dinner with, or to watch a movie with. As time went by, they continued to spend more time together and started getting closer. They went to the temple one afternoon about a month ago and were able to hold hands in the session at a special time and place - this is where everything changed. I think once my mom held Randy's hand and kissed him for the first time she realized what has been missing these past 20 years, and I think she remembered how nice it was to experience again.

My mom and Randy Goble will be getting married in the Provo Temple on February 13, 2010. I could not be happier for both of them. Love you guys.

Goblin Valley

This past weekend we went to Goblin Valley - Yay!!! We haven't been down there for 2 1/2 years since our truck broke down and created quite the hassle for us.

We LOVE Goblin Valley - it especially holds a dear place in my heart - it was the last place we went as a family (when I was little) with my Dad before he died.

This time we went with Dave's brothers family and some of their friends, and we couldn't have had more fun. We went and hiked Little Wild Horse Canyon on Saturday for four hours and then went into the Goblins on Sunday and hiked them for three hours - needless to say we were a bit sore and tired the next day. We found lots of geodes, which were mine and Gavin's favorite (he brought home about 4 grocery bags full of them, I only brought home a total of two geodes). :)

Dave brought his potatoe gun down too and everyone got the biggest kick out of it. He would shoot the potatoes and the kids would try and find them - I believe they got shot at his brother Mick a time or two as well - No Micks were harmed though.

Spencer posing for the camera.

That's Spence laying on the rock.

Spence and Cooper

Shirtless Spencer and Cooper climbing in the Goblins.

Preston - I LOVE this picture.

The narrows at Little Wild Horse Canyon.

More Narrows.

Preston's ride most of the trip.

Me and Smooch.

The Lovers.


This looks like a nice landscape picture, but its actually Gavin taking a whiz.

Gavin hiding in the Goblin.

Posing for the camera.

The family.

Emptying out their shoes.

Preston and his Daddy.

The cousins plus a few.

Cooper - what a goof!!

Hiking the mountain.

Posing for the camera.

Cooper and Bet.

The Goblins.

Isn't it gorgeous??

Thanks Mick, Lori and kids for such a wonderful weekend - we love you guys!!

I love this boy, and he loves me.


Saving this post for a picture Chris has.....

Spencer's Baptism

Spencer was baptized this past Halloween. He was given the choice of October 10th or Halloween and excitedly chose Halloween. We had such a wonderful day filled with special friends and family. Spencer chose his Uncle Gus to give one of his talks (because Gus had been picking on him) and also asked me to give one of his talks, which was a pleasure. After Spencer was baptized, the Bishop asked Spencer's Grandma's and Grandpa to bear their testimonies while we were waiting - it was neat to listen these important people in our lives share their testimonies with us. Once Dave and Spencer had joined us, the Bishop then asked Dave to bear his testimony as well. He shared how grateful he was for his family - his boys, and his bros, and then emotionally told me how much he loved me - it was an AMAZING day to say the least. Afterwards we all gathered at our home and enjoyed some yummy grub. :)

Our Family on Spencer's special day.

Spencer and his Dad, who baptized and confirmed him.

4 Generations.

Oops - I missed one......

In September the boys particpated in a school Dance - it was held outside on a very nice, warm day. Gavin did a square dance and Spencer did the Macarena - they both did so well - I was very proud of them!!

Preston fighting off sleep - he was so ornery.

Cooper watching the boys with me.

Spence doing the macarena.

Spence waiting his turn.

Gavin doing a square dance.

Camping at Eureka

The third weekend in October we had the opportunity to go camping out past Eureka with some good friends. We'll never get our fill of camping!!!

Me and Smooch.

Spencer jumping his KTM.

He's such a good rider.

What a cute boy.

Putting Quarters on the railroad tracks.

Preston loved the four-wheeler.

He also liked eating this rock.

Gavin jumping his KX.

He is such a good rider too.

Smooch and Preston.
Smooch and a sad Cooper - his four wheeler tossed him off.

You could just eat him.

Being sad still.

On the tracks.

Cooper's wheeler being towed in, because he didn't want to ride it anymore. :(
Hotness and the boys.

Boys on the tracks.