Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Let's just skip school today.....

Becuase today we were spontaneous and decided to go to Zoo on Free Zoo Day. 
I asked Spence and Cooper this morning if they would rather go to school or the zoo and wasn't really suprised to find out that the zoo would be WAY more fun!!   We ran over to Gavin's school and picked him up, after we surprised him with our visit.  Actually, he kind of surprised me becuase I thought he might want to stay at school - cause he thinks school is cool.
We decided we needed to stop at Krispy Kreme on the way up and were just in time for the HOT NOW sign - and got extra FREE donuts.  FREE was our theme today I guess.
I was really worried on the way up about it being overly crowded and finding nowhere to park, but to our surprise it wasn't really crowded at all - and the weather was just perfect.  And all the animals were in the best of moods!!

What a freakin' awesome day.