Friday, December 12, 2008

Preston - 36 Weeks

Almost done - 4 Weeks to go!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why am I up at 5:30????

I believe the child that is growing inside me is unaware of how he is supposed to enter this world - he is trying to burst out of my sides and my belly button at the moment. I don't remember the other boys being so crazy active and hurting me all of the time - I might be in trouble.

Date Night with The Fam

Last Friday night was our Date Night with the Family - we do this every fourth month after we've taken the boys out individually. The boys all voted on going to Jumpin' Jacks which seems to be the popular place for them lately - which is perfect for their level of energy. They (the boys and their Dad) played for about an hour and a half and then Jumpin' Jacks turned out the lights and cranked on the disco lights and music - the kids went CRAZY!!!

Afterwards we stopped at Wendy's for a frosty and fries - Cooper loved dipping his fries in his frosty, while the rest of us ate them seperately.

We had such a fun evening with each other.


Angie has been our backyard neighbor for 4 years now. They have a two-story house and her bedroom was on the top floor so she could see right into our back yard. Everytime we were in the yard or the windows were open you could count on Angie having a conversation with you.

Angie is 39 years old but mentally that of a small child. She would roam the neighborhood either on foot or on her bike, nearly getting hit by cars quite frequently. We have always tried to be really good to her, and patient with her and so created quite the bond with us - she was always bringing her bike over for Dave to fix, or just dropping by to say "hi" - when she was upset or hurt she would come find me for a love or a hug.

The week before Thanksgiving her Mom passed away - she had lived with her Mom and StepDad all this time and has no other family around. The state was not able to find a home for her after about a week and a half, so we got the priviledge (with the help of some of our neighbors ) of taking care of Angie for most of that time. She would come over in the morning and eat breakfast, I would get her showered, pack her a lunch and send her home for a few hours and then she would return to have dinner with us later in the day, usually staying for a bit to play. I'm embarrassed to say that in the past I've often seen Angie as in intrusion in my life, but this last little while has shown me how important she has been to me and my family - she has always been such a good friend and loved us unconditionally.

Angie is currently staying with a State Certified family in Payson and will most likely be moving to a more permanent home in Provo next week. We plan to keep in contact with her as much as we can and keep her as part of our family. We are all going to miss her, but are so glad that now she is being taken care of and being watched over.