Monday, February 29, 2016

Elder Kannon Evans

Dearest people that I love (sorry Sister Udall),

First of all. Y´all are awesome.

Second of all. We got a visit from an apostle this week! Elder Bednar travelled down here and talked with all four of the Buenos Aires missions. You know what that also means? I also got to see Elder Eric Winzenried from the Buenos Aires West mission! It was awesome being able to see him. I hugged that man hard. Like. Hard. But anyway Elder Bednar talked about a lot of things, but the main thing that he talked about was faith. And it was INCREDIBLE. I felt the spirit incredibly strong. He talked about how of course faith leads to action, but how many of us actually go into action? In all our church meetings, we definitely talk about the things that we need to do, and we thing that we are doing our job, but are we actually acting on it? He talked about a lot of things, but the main thing was, stop talking about doing it and just DO IT. So, show your faith and put on your nike gear and just do it! 

But other than seeing an apostle of God, this week was pretty good. My new companion and I are getting along good and we found a few people. This transfer will be 8 weeks so we will have a little more time to find this transfer as well. 

Love you all and thank you for everything that you do :)

Elder Evans

PS. Sorry, i took zero photos this week. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Transfer News

Sister Alex Solomon:

Well, this is about as good as it's going to get for a weekly email.

We just received official transfer news. I will be transferring to the Deer Valley stake which is part of our zone already. I'm happy about it because I get to stay in our zone and see Sister Moss and Sister
Bauer a lot. Im not happy about it because I am pretty sure that I will be in an all biking area and that I might be training again. I don't mind training again. I think that that would be great. But, I'm not excited about an all biking area when it's in the 90s already in February.

Sister Moss and Cabrera and I have been asked to go to the mission home tonight to give all the new missionaries a presentation on proper dress and grooming. Haha I have no idea why they would ask me to do that. I literally just throw on whatever clothes are closest to me most days.

I will miss my wards, but I'm happy knowing that they will miss me...a lot. Anyway, there's a lot more to tell you but I have to go shopping now so email me back and we can talk more.


New Address:
34807 N. 32nd Dr. #2064
Mailbox #175
Phoenix, AZ 85086

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Spin to see how many times you have to turn the handle...
and you never know when you'll get a handful of whipped cream 
Thanks Natalie & Lyla for the fun game :)

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sick. Again.

Hello! So, like you can probably guess, I have been sick all week! Nothing too crazy, just a sore throat and a pounding headache every day. I swear, if one more person tells me it's allergies, I'm going to freak out. I don't have allergies!

Anyway, on to the news of the week. We officially figured out travel plans for the Capshaw's grandmas and stuff so they are getting baptized on March 5th! It's finally going to happen! We had stake conference this week and they all cried during the meeting which was awesome! John will be ordained as a priest this upcoming Sunday and will be able to baptize Iris and Eva and he is so excited! I love it!

We had interviews with the mission president this week. I sat down and he said, "how long have you been here? 7 1/2 months? That's plenty. I think it's time for a new challenge." SO, I'm getting transferred next week on the 24th. Weird! I will finally be leaving my first area! I'm really sad because I love these people but I'm also really excited. I don't want to get my hopes up but president Griffin hinted that I could be going up north for the summer! I really hope I don't have to bike another summer in the valley because that is just plain awful. But, he could just be teasing me too. We will have to see, I guess.

There's this one elder here who I'm pretty good friends with. We sat next to each other on the plane here and have been in the same district our whole missions. He is currently my district leader too! Anyway, we are good buds and he just found out he's getting transferred too. We think that President is putting us together all the time on purpose because he always tells us that we "make a great team" and then we both just feel awkward and don't know what to do. It's so funny because he's 18 and just graduated high school and looks like he's about 12, haha but we get along pretty well. Gonna be honest though, if we don't get transferred to the same zone or district, I'll be sad. Anyway, for my last hurrah here, I found out where he lives and my companion and I are going to go prank them this week so if you all have any ideas, they would be greatly appreciated! (Just remember, I can't go IN the apartment)

I've bonded a lot with Sister Moss this week and we've rolled down a few grass hills together. It has been pretty fun and I'm sad to be leaving her but she will do fine. I will especially miss Sister Bauer but I'm pretty sure we'll be together again at some point!

Sorry this is so long but it was a good week and happy Valentine's Day! ❤️

Elder Kannon Evans

Dearest people from the best freaking country in the freaking world,

Wow. What a week. First of all, we had a baptism this week! A little girl from a less active family. Turns out the missionaries have been working with her and her family to get her baptized for the last year and a half and after all of that time she FINALLY GOT BAPTIZED. It was a miracle and probably one of the most stressful baptisms ive had on the mission. All for a little girl. If you knew the family youd all understand haha :) 

Also at church we had another miracle! At the end of sacrament meeting, I was talking with some members, then randomly this lady comes up to me and says "My daughter wants to get baptized, can you baptize her this weekend?" Uhhhh... YEAH!!! They are from a different ward and I dont know theyre story completely, cause yeah, I met them yesterday, but all I know is that we will be having a baptism this weekend. 

God really is a god of miracles. Ive seen so many in my now 8 months in the mission. He loves us all :)

Love you all and have a great week!
Elder Evans :)

PS. I got an email from my last companion Elder Fernandez. Turns out Sussana´s daughter (converts from Derqui), and her boyfriend got baptized last week! When we were teaching them they told us that they were "juntados", or living together, so we couldnt baptized them. But turns out that the boyfriend lives down the street, and they didnt tell us that after 3 months of teaching and visiting them! so they were both worthy to be baptized! Im so happy! So their entire family of 6 was converted to the gospel! Such great news this week :)

Monday, February 8, 2016

So. Much. Drama.

Hey! Soooo not too much has happened this week. Iris and Eva Capshaw are on date for the 20th of this month. We may have to move the date back again though because of travel arrangements being made for the grandma. I'm just excited that they are really going through with this! They are crazy but I love them and I feel like dad would get along with them pretty well (they love Howard Stern and Alex Jones). They dropped cute Valentine's Day cookies off at our door the other night and it just made my day! I forgot to tell you earlier but I LOVE their dog! He is a little brown pit bull like Joanie and his name is CHANCHO. I thought you would like that, mom. He also only has 3 feet so he kind of has to limp everywhere but he's still amazingly fast. I'll get a video for you.

Nothing too exciting happened this week until last night, we were decorating cookies at our Ward mission leader's house when we got a call from Sis Bauer's district leader. He said that Sister Bauer and Sister Haws missed a couple of appointments earlier that day and weren't answering their phone and that they were "missing". I wasn't too worried because I figured their bikes had broken down or their phone died or something but we left to go help the search. A few minutes later, we call the elders back to coordinate our searching and they said, "it's okay, we found them! They were in a box in someone's trunk!" And then the elders' phone died! Haha, I knew they were joking but we were still mad that we didn't know what was going on. Anyway, long story short, this random lady thought she had an appointment with the sisters (she didn't) and they were at someone else's house so they weren't answering their phone during the lesson. So this lady called the bishop and told him they were missing. She also posted it on Facebook and called the cops. Sister Bauer was so stressed out by the time we went to pick them up that she looked like she was just going to cry.

Finally, we were able to go find the sisters and put their bikes on our bike rack and we thought the whole thing was over. Then what happens? Some CRAZY sister who is totally NOT the designated driver and is absolutely NOT me *cough cough* accidentally locked the car keys in the trunk of our car. Now, for months, the little lever in the front of the car that pops the trunk hasn't been working and I forgot about it until last night. So we can only pop the trunk with our keys....that were in the trunk. We tried to lay down the back seats to get into the trunk but apparently the 2013 Toyota Corolla only has a lever for the back the trunk. So we had to stay out late last night and wait for elders to drive to the mission office and find spare keys and everything. I can't tell you how much hysterical laughter came out of me last night! We've all just been so stressed for weeks and not doing well so all of this extra stuff on top of that seemed hilarious to me. We got home and Sis Bauer seemed mad and upset still so I just followed her into her room and said, "Hey. That was awesome!" And I just started laughing and she did too. We rolled around cracking up for a while and she just kept saying, "we had COPS searching for us all night!"  #PeopleAreRidiculous

"Waiting for our spare key"

Anyway, I know that was long but it was the only thing interesting that happened. I'm doing better personally this week but our companionship has been struggling and my trainee is starting to think that talking back to me with attitude is okay. We are working on that. I'm really understanding how much of an example I have to be now because if I don't do something wholeheartedly or I don't get straight in on my studies on time, no one else here does. It sometimes feels like a lot of pressure to be perfect but I'm getting better at handling it all. I think. I hope. Who knows?


"Glendale North District hike. It was 89 degrees today!"
"They told us to look like we had a fun hike."

Elder Kannon Evans

Dearest people that 

Well. This was definitely an interesting week that we had. It was one of the best/stressful weeks of my mission haha. First of all, we found 5 new investigators that now have baptismal dates for the 20th. So right now we have about 8 people that can be baptized here in the next 2 or 3 weeks. So thats great right?! But.. only 2 of the 8 went to church, so we have to delay their baptisms another week. But its okay, we are just going to be going hard on church attendance this week :) 

Other news. We were walking down the street the other day when all of a sudden we got sprayed with some sort of liquid from 2 stories above. I thought it was just water but then it started smelling funny.. yeah.. someone puked on us from the second story balcony. So yeah that was fun. 

Also, my spanish has been doing pretty solid, so, Im starting to study Portuguese now :D

Trucho pensamiento espiritual: Lean El Libro de Mormón. Es muy bueno. 

Till next week

Elder Evans

Transfers with the zone leaders. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The week where nothing happened

Sorry I wasn't able to email anyone back last Monday! My LDS Mail wasn't working for anyone in our mission so I got to send out my email and then I had nothing in my inbox ALL DAY. I was sad because I thought everyone forgot about me but when we got home at 9 that night, I had like 16 emails in my inbox! #iknowaboutpopular 

Soooo this was a long and uneventful week. We kind of did awful on our goals for the week...oops. Maybe this will give you an idea of what our numbers look like: Monday was P day, Tuesday and Wednesday I was super sick, Thursday we had THE longest zone conference, Friday was weekly planning, and Saturday everyone and their mother cancelled on us. Whew! I'm glad it's over. We have had no lessons or made any progress and I think it was the slowest week of my life.

Sorry I don't have much to write about this week but some other interesting things have happened. Our Ward members have been talking and posting about the whole Oregon land battle thing all week and it's driving me crazy. Everyone was calling Lavoy Finicum (the tarp man) crazy and saying that the government is right about everything and these crazy kooks should be taken down. Little did they know that Lavoy Finicum's DAUGHTER is in our Ward and she has been having a VERY hard week. Man, there wasn't a lot that we could do for her but hearing her talk about her dad just made my heart break. I can't believe how corrupt, ignorant, and uninformed our government and the general population are. I'm getting on my soapbox again, sorry. I just felt really sad for her.

Anyway, I'm excited because I think sister Bauer and I might get to go on a companion exchange next p day and drive to Sedona. We both really want to go and we get to have one out-of-zone p day a transfer so we might just have to do it. Hopefully I'll have cool pictures to send.

I love you all and I hope you have a great week!

P.S. Do I have a missionary plaque at our branch building yet? I've been thinking about what scripture I wanted on it for the past 6 months and I think I finally decided.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Elder Kannon Evans

Dearest people where skyscrapers are not made of brick,

Que tal amigos?! Everything is well here in Buenos Aires. Yeah not gonna lie this week was pretty normal. We accomplished our goals, and found a few more people that are progressing towards baptism. 

Other than that, since my companion is a district leader, we had the oppurtunity to do a few splits this week. And I ended up going to one of the best/dangerous areas in the mission. It was one of the coolest/strangest/ghetto places Ive ever seen. We arent allowed to take our cameras or nothing more than 2 pesos in there so I couldnt take any pictures, but look up on google "la villa 1-11-14". Youll understand why we arent allowed to take anything in there. Im hoping to have an area like that sometime in my mission. :) 

This week Ive been thinking a lot about charity and love with the people around us. As a missionary, if you dont love the people, youre not going to help or convert absolutely anyone, and it can definitely apply in our normal daily lives as well. In 1 Corinthians 13, it talks about the importance of charity. With everything that we do, if we dont have charity, it doesnt work to our benefit. Even with hope and faith, if we dont have charity, it is worth nothing. I invite you all to read in 1 Corinthians 13, and to find a way to be a little more charitable, and if you do our Heavenly Father will bless you immensly. :) Love you all.

Elder Evans
